The Bargin Ruck Theory

Started by nick1408, March 13, 2009, 01:05:20 AM

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ruck = 50 points pathetic

forward = 300 points pathetic



its something different. I do agree with the concept of gambling on some rookies but i think they would be better off doing it in the midfield.

for instance combining ABC with say rich, dangerfield, sidebottom, beams, otten or anthony


why do u have 8 backs? Or have u just named J.W Smith twice by mistake?


Interesting theory Nick. I think that your rucks in your changed team tend to suit your purpose much more, however I would have gone for another lower priced ruck that I would be confident of seeing more game time like Tippett or Griffen from the Crows.
For my 2 cents, I think that there is enough Rookies this year around the mid, def & fwds that would work against your theory this season but last year I think your theory would have worked well.


All that trouble of writing a huge theory and then you spelt it wrong!

I think you are taking some big risks, and too many risks is like gambling drunk, eventually it will all come crashing down!


Now that Cox is injured I am even happier I have gone this way.  It has been reported that he is playing anyway but I am not confident that he will be the 100 point player he was last year.


Thats one of the worst teams going around.. stupid theory that won't work.. not only that, you have made many bad choices in other positions... your centreline is good but the rest is rubbish.. its quite sad you have spend so much time on your team and its still this bad...


Your Midfield is great and your backline is good maybe get rid of bowden. The forward line lacks depth and you need a balance for eg Premiums Richo Pavlich Franklin midprice T Cloke A Lovett hopefuls Lucas Higgins and your 2 rookies say Yarran and Ziebill. Good luck with your theory but i don't think it'll work.


do see sence in the theory, although i have combined my 3 rookie rucks with cox (white,jacobs,graham) and will upgrade later. really think cox is an absoloute must, as you will almost certainly upgrade to him later.

downgrade 1 of swan/corey/bartel to otten/anthony/swift etc and use that money in the forwards to upgrade ziebell to a gun- deledio/richo/franklin? also get brown from wce on bench, absoloute lock. really start to like your team then, even if there is no cox.

but most importantly be brave and go ahead with the theory


Worst theory ever.

This is pretty much the complete opposite approach of what im taking. Why spend so much in the mids and so little everywhere else when there is the most mid range and rookie potential in the midfield?



Stuballers got it in one, bad theory 'coz you're stacking the middle, where the money is made, looking for a miracle.

I don't like being negative, but gambling on Cox going down is retarded.  He played with a busted foot last year and still smashed everyone.  What does he need his cheek for?  Back-to-back 150s ring a bell?!?  One score under 75, and that was a 68, played all 22 games.

So his average over the last four years has increased every year (95?  98.6?  100.5?  106.7?) and YOUR AMAZING THEORY IS TO PREDICT THAT HE WILL GO DOWN THIS YEAR? 


/rant over




Well now injuries have taken their toll my team has had some changes.  it now looks like this:

Backs: Bowden, C.Cornes, Malceski, Hodge, R.Houlihan, Raines, Hill (Petrenko, Broughton)

Mids: Ablett, Bartel, Corey, Cousins, Swan, Boak (Anthony, Beams)

Rucks: Bellchambers, Graham (Jacobs, Pyke)

Forwards: Pavlich, B.Harvey, Higgins, Skipworth, Ziebell, Hentschel, Deledio (Sidebottom, L.Johnston)

Since I now have 5 Richmond players I am considering trading Bowden for soemone like Goddard and using the saved money to get Yarran back in the side for Johnston


Quote from: nick1408 on March 13, 2009, 01:05:20 AM
This season I have decided to not waste money on a ruck because lets face it, unless you have the $450,000+ to spend on the top ones they struggle to get 70 points.

This makes no sense...

First of all there is only one ruck man above $450,00 and that is Cox.

This is a ridiculous statement mainly because it is absolutely true. In fact it's true for EVERY POSITION. Dream team works in such a way that it even's out every players value. For 99% of the player who played 3 or more games last season they finished at a price that is in direct proportion to their average dream team points.

this may seem confusing to begin with but look at any players price and their average DT points for the 2008 season. It works out to be somewhere around 22.5 DT points per $100,000. This is true for 99% of players.

So essentially dream team is about picking the players who are gonna have an above average season and not picking players who are gonna have a horrible season. So it doesn't matter what position you put your money in it's about the individuals you play in those positions.

In fact I think Ruck's are a much safer bet because even in a bad game they are gonne be number 1 choice in their position. When Cox plays a bad game he still gets his 20 hit outs. If someone has a bad game in the forward line the rest of the team starts exploring thier other forward options. If a back man has a bad game he gets dominated by he's opponent. Midfielders get tagged and rotated.

The one thing you can rely on (especially in today's AFL) is stoppages. and who is at every stoppage...?    Well for you it's gonna be 1 person who has 3 regular season games to his name and is only in the team due to Injury and then 3 people who have never played a regular season AFL game

Have fun with that