
Started by benjy251090, February 10, 2014, 01:39:18 AM

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What does everyone think of this loaded back line for this team?

benjy251090 Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by ben251090. Salary cap left: $39,400.

Jarrad McVeigh, Sam Mitchell, Kade Simpson, Heath Shaw, David Swallow, Matt Suckling
Matthew Fuller, Jeremy Laidler

Gary Ablett jnr, Scott Pendlebury, Tom Rockliff, Dayne Beams, Dale Thomas, Jack Martin, Luke Dunstan, Claye Beams
Xavier Ellis, Jared Polec

Will Minson, Aaron Sandilands
Daniel Currie, Fraser Thurlow

Patrick Dangerfield, Dustin Martin, Lance Franklin, Matthew Pavlich, Alex Fasolo, Gary Rohan
Nathan Bock, Shane Kersten


Very good team all round. I've never really liked picking sandi, but he is a Good cheap option! Good luck this year bud!


Thanks mate, I feel the same, but he is that cheap you almost have to pick him! Worse comes to worse I can downgrade one of my back premiums to a rookie/mid pricer and then upgrade him to Goldstein or another premo. Good luck to you too! :)


Solid team benjy both  martin and dunstan  loaded and ready to go bang ,I love the pav pick I currently have him he's fit and fires early I hope :)