Longer vs Hickey question

Started by Danzac, February 06, 2014, 05:54:05 PM

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I'm going to have decent interest in Longer or Hickey if they win the #1 ruck gig at STK, my question is:

Is Rhys Stanley a good enough "2nd banana" to send the losing player to the VFL?

It doesn't look like it to me, going by his numbers on footywire.


Look at Mcevoy and Hickey's scores last year when both in the team. Not pretty.

They will take away each other's time in the ruck too much to score decently.

Stay away.


I've got a feeling that Hickey will get the role as the number 1 ruck, but that the Saints will play both in as many games as they can.

Because they are in full rebuilding mode I think Stanley will get games, but I'm not sure he has a guaranteed spot in the 22. Got moved around a bit in his games last year and never looked comfortable.

I'm considering Longer only because of his price.

Bones Bombers

Not keen on either really. Don't know if there will be a clear number 1.
With the position the Saints list is in, I can see all 3 getting games at various times. They need to get games under their belt and the Saints aren't going to be looking to win a lot of games. I think they will be very inconsistent.
The coach has made changes but last year the Saints had a policy of resting the young players every few games. Will be interesting to see if they keep the policy.

Note: sorry if that doesn't make a lot of sense. I had a point to make and then had a few distractions while trying to type!


I wouldn't want to be starting either of them tbh. Won't score enough to become keepers, and I don't think they'll average high enough to earn enough cash that makes starting them worth it.