Which Ruc/Fwd combo?

Started by hawkers65, February 04, 2014, 08:30:43 PM

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Haven't done one for a while but i'm pretty split here with this decision. Lobbe has always been right up there in my thought processes but with NicNat a certain lock and Sandi's value almost to good to pass up he has barely had a look in. But now with the news of Redden going down it has given some second thoughts. So my question is;

Who would you take, Gunston/Lobbe or Dusty/Sandi? Its hard because Gunston/Lobbe obviously gives the opportunity of gaining 2 keepers from the get go, while Sandi's durability is too poor to take the same assumption with the other option. No doubt Dusty will be in my team at some stage just can't decided if it will be from the start or not....

My thoughts:
Gunston (98) + Lobbe (102) = 200 (2 keepers)
Dusty (105) + Sandi (100 and <15 games) = 205 (1 keeper)

All thoughts and input is greatly appreciated!
Cheers Hawkers!


I would go dusty and sandi but my score predictions would be different.

Gunston 92 +Lobbe 95 = 187 and no keepers, top 8 fwds will go 98+, so gunston  just short, and top 2 rucks 110+.


Dusty 105 + Sandi 105 =210 Dusty a certain keeper, and Sandi im almost certain will score better than lobbe when playing, but your right he will be managed. Even still think he has the ability to gain price very quickly.


yeah if Sandi is fit enough to be picked he will be scoring 105+ and be generating a mass of cash


If Sandi is fit he will inevitably go over 100, all reports so far are good having his best pre-season for a long time.


Dusty and Sandi only cause Dusty can go flowering crazy sometimes.

I don't trust Sandi whatsoever.

Watch Lobbe and Gunston in the preseason, don't take it to seriously but just keep an eye.


Very lop sided :O didn't think it would be anything like this...!  Gunston is going to be a huge POD, most just don't understand what a jet he is and at only 22. Loves the big stage and Franklin leaving is amazing for him! Most immediately assume he'll gain the better defender but that couldn't be further from the truth. With the inclusion of McEvoy it allows us to use Hale as a permo fwd with the occasional chop out for McEvoy (Won't be too often as McCca plays a large % of mins) this is by far his better role and the opposition would be crazy to run their 3rd tall on Hale, they would be giving up a ridiculous amount of marks inside 50's! Which leaves gunno with the 3rd which he can more than easily cop with. Also don't forget he averaged a tick over 100 from round 7 onwards including finals!!!! At just 21! My tip, 60+ goals and at a bare minimum of 95 supercoach average, with the ability to push 105. My prediction of 98 puts him in the top 8ish of last year and even that makes him as a keeper. Even if I don't bring him in for martin, he'll find his way in I'm sure whether it be through Pav or Franklin missing or just another premium fwd added. People are nuts to not be considering heavily!