Unlimited DPP Trades??

Started by timtim, February 03, 2014, 11:12:24 PM

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So I found this in a DPP article on SCG:

"Added last year was the DPP trading rule. This meant that if you traded out a player, you could move a DPP from another position and effectively trade a player from one position for a guy from another. For example, let


Not sure what happened but the article said:

Added last year was the DPP trading rule. This meant that if you traded out a player, you could move a DPP from another position and effectively trade a player from one position for a guy from another. For example, let


DUAL POSITION PLAYER TRADES - You'll now have more flexibility with how you trade, by being able to move dual position players within your team during the trading process - without having to have a 'matching' dual position player in the other position. For example, you may:
For example, you may:
a) elect to trade out a Forward who is not a dual position player.
b) If you have a Defender who is also a Forward, you may substitute them into the Forward spot left vacant by the player you elected to trade out.
c) You'll now have a vacant Defender spot on your team.
d) In effect, you are therefore trading out a Forward for trading in a Defender.

You can now make unlimited player moves while trading when a position opens up (no longer limited to one move), to get the perfect trade.

Straight from the horses mouth