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WXV Discussion

Started by ossie85, August 06, 2013, 12:47:24 PM

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Quote from: Holzman on July 31, 2014, 04:27:21 PM
Quote from: Ricochet on July 31, 2014, 01:15:43 PM
Its funny that in real life we worry about the top teams poaching all the good players in free agency, but in WXVs its the top teams worried about being poached :P
To make it more realistic let's change it so the strong teams poach stars on the weaker teams. Who wants to come to Dublin for a premiership?

Hah, well they'd be waiting some time... #Dublinhacks #bunchofspuds


What about a lottery like the NBA for the bottom 10 draft picks?

Master Q

Quote from: JBs-Hawks on July 31, 2014, 08:22:27 PM
What about a lottery like the NBA for the bottom 10 draft picks?
You're joking right


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on August 09, 2014, 09:21:24 AM
OK, so I FINALLY have time to get stuck into XV and get myself up to speed, however I am looking for some assistance please

I've read the thread by c4v3m4n about the rules and that all makes sense. Really good thread for newcomers to XV, but besides that thread there is nothing else I can EASILY find that explains so many other things that I have no idea about

World Idol: I cannot find a definition of what it is and how it works
Rising Star and Team of The Week: Pretty self explanatory, but are there any benefits/rewards to the winners? Or is it just a nice to know sort of thing?
Seniors vs Reserves: Are these two completely different leagues coached by different people?
There are so many different "Cups" and leagues I cant get my head around what is what. Even a V league too or whatever that is?

I guess I just thought Worlds was where we get a team, manage our own list and it has its own scoring system and rules, but there seems like there is so much more and not one central location to read/learn about everything  :-\

Gonna try and do this myself and Oss can correct anything I have wrong or add anything I've missed. Kinda doing it for my own good to make sure I know what everything is too.  :P

World Idol: Kinda based on the idea of 'Australian Idol' and we couldn't think of a better name. Basically is a knockout competition. Lowest scoring WXVs team each week says goodbye and the top scoring teams gets 'immunity' so they can't be eliminated the next week (it's unlikely to begin with but it's a nice get out of jail free card).

Rising Star and Team of the Week: No prizes as such, just kinda good for coaches to have a little brag and celebrate their players either getting a nomination or selected in the team of the week. Rising Star is the same rules as the AFL one, but obviously factoring in SC scores. TotW is the best 15 players each week. Can't remember how the coach is selected - it's either the coach of the highest scoring team of the week or the coach with the most players in the TotW.

Seniors and Reserves: Seniors are the main teams that everyone coaches weekly and the main competition itself, the reserves is basically just all your 'depth' players each week who aren't in the XV you name and that plays. Obviously, some teams have better depth than others (see: PNL) and others have little to no depth depending on teams (see: Beijing). It's good fun to cheer your reserves team, especially if your seniors aren't doing too flash.

Cups: All the little cups and stuff have been established since the first season and are just added in there as an extra thing for banter and for teams who may not necessarily be in the premiership race, they'll still have a shot at something. For example, pretty sure Tokyo took out Asia.

V-League: It's a separate little competition that Oss has run this year where there are 10 teams who select 10 players in an auction style (like the IPL). You field 5 each week. Best 5 teams stay in the competition for the following season.

I think that's it.  ;)


Perfect :)

The coach of the week is the highest scoring coach


Thanks heaps Nigey, I really appreciate that :)

So, from my perspective, being a new coach to all of this what would you say are the important things I need to be aware of, and stay on top off?

My initial thoughts are just around building and focussing on our team, and competing in the main senior league. Obviously the draft/s are coming up too so we will need to be active there, but is there anything else besides that?

I don't need to be actively aware of things like Idol, other leagues, Totw etc etc. They are more or less just "extras".

Would that be fair to say?


That would be fair to say RD.

All we need to focus on at the moment is selecting our best team possible (for Americas this week) and planning for the trade period/draft.


Yeh RD I guess these are the main things people would focus on with a new team/joining. The other stuff just comes along and you can deal with it then

- Organising your team thread. Most teams are all pretty similar so its easy to do
- Posting your team each week
- When drafts come along, just being active so you can take your picks
- Trading will be pretty big soon so you should expect lots of PM's lol.

Justin Bieber

Pretty much what Rico said. Just focus on building your XV with some depth through trading/drafting. For all the other cups, just added little things for during the season.

Ossie handles all the stats and organisational stuff which a fair bit of world for an ordinary mortal like ourselves ;). He does quite a heck of work to get things running and gotta tip my hat to him!



AK, Rico & HP - Cheers guys, I feel much more knowledgeable now. Looking forward to the trade period!

Thanks again all :)

Purple 77

Thought I'd put it out there, that, even in my quest for forwards in the trading period, Dayne Zorko is available for trade.


Royals may be interested ;)


Send me a PM Purps. We may be able to come to a deal  :)

roo boys!

Quote from: Purple 77 on August 09, 2014, 02:22:13 PM
Thought I'd put it out there, that, even in my quest for forwards in the trading period, Dayne Zorko is available for trade.
Lachie Henderson of any interest? :P