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Started by ossie85, August 06, 2013, 12:47:24 PM

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Purple 77

Here are all the Jim Stynes and MVP award results, I said I would give them out eventually  :P Just haven't been bothered until now.

Feel free to use or not use them in your team threads, putting them out just in case  others wanted to use them  :)

Sorry about messiness.

Beijing Thunder
MVP                  Rank Votes
Harry Taylor   37   7
Brent Guerra   60   5
Cale Hooker   76   4
Sam Mayes           97   3
Eddie Betts           138   2
Matthew Kreuzer   138   2
Darren Glass   183   1
Jackson Thurlow   183   1
Scott Gumbleton   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Matthew Kreuzer   8   14
Harry Taylor   40   7
Oliver Wines   50   6
Sam Kerridge   93   3
Brent Guerra   119   2
Eddie Betts           119   2
Cale Hooker   156   1
Berlin Brewers      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Jack Steven           18   9
Matthew Stokes   28   8
Lachlan Henderson 37   7
Daniel Wells   45   6
Michael Hibberd   45   6
Colin Garland   76   4
Daniel Jackson   97   3
Jack Grimes           97   3
Lance Franklin   97   3
Tom McDonald   97   3
Kane Lucas          138   2
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Daniel Wells   24   10
Jack Steven      24   10
Jack Grimes           50   6
Lance Franklin   50   6
Daniel Jackson   60   5
Lachlan Henderson   60   5
Matthew Stokes   60   5
Michael Hibberd   119   2
Brad Crouch   156   1
Shane Edwards   156   1
Buenos Aires Armadillos      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Drew Petrie   10   10
Scott D Thompson   10   10
Steve Johnson   10   10
Dane Swan   28   8
Kane Cornes   28   8
Brent Harvey   37   7
Dean Cox   45   6
Jay Schulz   45   6
Michael Barlow   60   5
Shaun Burgoyne   76   4
Jarred Brennan   138   2
Matthew Boyd   183   1
Robbie Warnock   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Dane Swan   5   15
Dean Cox   21   11
Kane Cornes   40   7
Michael Barlow   40   7
Steve Johnson   40   7
Drew Petrie   50   6
Brent Harvey   60   5
Bradd Dalziell   76   4
Scott D Thompson   76   4
Matthew Boyd   93   3
Robbie Warnock   119   2
Jay Schulz   156   1
Cairo Sands      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Nick Malceski   5   13
Pearce Hanley   6   12
Nick Dal Santo   28   8
David Hale   37   7
Luke Breust   45   6
David Armitage   60   5
Richard Douglas   76   4
Dayne Beams   97   3
Mark Hutchings   97   3
Shane Mumford   138   2
Clancee Pearce   183   1
Josh Gibson   183   1
Lindsay Thomas   183   1
Tory Dickson   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Nick Dal Santo   24   10
Richard Douglas   31   9
Pearce Hanley   33   8
David Armitage   40   7
Nick Malceski   60   5
Shane Mumford   60   5
Dayne Beams   93   3
Mark Hutchings   93   3
David Hale   119   2
Tory Dickson   119   2
Brad Sewell   156   1
Chris Newman   156   1
Clancee Pearce   156   1

Cape Town Cobras      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Jeff Garlett   10   10
Jobe Watson   10   10
Trent Cotchin   28   8
Ryan O'Keefe   45   6
Josh P Kennedy   76   4
Adam Cooney   97   3
Craig Bird   97   3
James Gwilt   97   3
Tom Hawkins   97   3
Colin Sylvia   138   2
Dale Thomas   138   2
Greg Broughton   138   2
Troy Chaplin   138   2
Jeremy Cameron   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Jobe Watson   4   16
Josh P Kennedy   14   12
Ryan O'Keefe   21   11
Trent Cotchin   24   10
Adam Cooney   50   6
Craig Bird   76   4
Jeff Garlett   76   4
Greg Broughton   93   3
Dale Thomas   119   2
Nathan Vardy   119   2
Zac Smith   119   2
Jeremy Cameron   156   1
Dublin  Destroyers      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Joel Selwood   18   9
Todd Goldstein   18   9
Travis Boak   45   6
Jack Redden   60   5
Robbie Gray   60   5
Aaron Black   76   4
Alex Rance   97   3
Lachlan Hansen   97   3
Jack Watts   138   2
Shaun Atley   138   2
David Mundy   183   1
Sam Day   183   1
Thomas Murphy   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Joel Selwood   8   14
Todd Goldstein   10   13
Travis Boak   24   10
Jack Redden   33   8
David Mundy   60   5
Aaron Black   119   2
Alex Rance   119   2
Jack Watts   156   1
London Royals      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Harry O'Brien   37   7
Danyle Pearce   45   6
Jarrad McVeigh   45   6
Ben Reid   60   5
Brent Staker   76   4
Chris Mayne   76   4
Jonathan Brown   76   4
Andrew Mackie   97   3
Dan Hannebery   97   3
Tom Bellchambers   97   3
Brent Reilly   138   2
David Mackay   138   2
Jason Winderlich   138   2
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Dan Hannebery   14   12
Jarrad McVeigh   14   12
Harry O'Brien   60   5
Ben Reid   93   3
Brent Reilly   93   3
Brent Stanton   93   3
Chris Mayne   119   2
Danyle Pearce   119   2
Jason Winderlich   119   2
Jonathan Brown   119   2
Tom Bellchambers   119   2
Andrew Mackie   156   1
Brent Staker   156   1
Mexico City Suns      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Nick Riewoldt   2   15
Shannon Hurn   18   9
Steele Sidebottom   18   9
Jed Adcock   28   8
Jordan Lewis   28   8
Brendon Goddard   37   7
Jimmy Bartel   60   5
Bradley Ebert   97   3
Brian Lake   97   3
Corey Enright   97   3
Mark LeCras   97   3
Scott Thompson   97   3
Ivan Maric   138   2
Luke Hodge   138   2
Daniel Merrett   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Steele Sidebottom   14   12
Nick Riewoldt   24   10
Jimmy Bartel   50   6
Jordan Lewis   50   6
Luke Hodge   60   5
Bradley Ebert   76   4
Scott Thompson   76   4
Brendon Goddard   93   3
Jarrad Waite   93   3
Corey Enright   119   2
Daniel Merrett   119   2
Jed Adcock   119   2
Mark LeCras   156   1
Moscow Spetsnaz      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Dustin Martin   2   15
Ryan Griffen   8   11
Robert Murphy   28   8
Charlie Dixon   45   6
Angus Monfries   60   5
Heath Shaw   60   5
Leigh Adams   60   5
Nic Naitanui   76   4
Jack Darling   138   2
Callan Ward   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Ryan Griffen   3   17
Dustin Martin   33   8
Heath Shaw   33   8
Callan Ward   40   7
Nic Naitanui   50   6
Nat Fyfe   60   5
Robert Murphy   60   5
Charlie Dixon   93   3
Jack Darling   156   1
New Delhi Tigers      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Garrick Ibbotson   60   5
Leigh Montagna   76   4
Aaron Mullett   97   3
James Podsiadly   97   3
Rhys Palmer   97   3
Ben Rutten   138   2
Ryan Bastinac   138   2
Jarryd Blair   183   1
Nick Vlastuin   183   1
Sharrod Wellingham   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Leigh Montagna   14   12
Garrick Ibbotson   33   8
Aaron Mullett   50   6
Ryan Bastinac   76   4
Daniel Giansiracusa   93   3
Max Bailey   119   2
Nick Vlastuin   119   2
Rhys Palmer   119   2
Sharrod Wellingham   119   2
New York Revolution      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Tom Liberatore   18   9
Travis Cloke   45   6
Trent McKenzie   60   5
Dyson Heppell   76   4
Grant Birchall   76   4
Allen Christensen   97   3
Brodie Smith   97   3
Courtney Dempsey   97   3
Andrew Gaff   138   2
Arryn Siposs   138   2
Harley Bennell   138   2
Jonathan Giles   138   2
Josh Jenkins   138   2
Koby Stevens   138   2
Tom Lee   138   2
Dion Prestia   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Tom Liberatore   5   15
Travis Cloke   40   7
Dion Prestia   76   4
Allen Christensen   93   3
Grant Birchall   93   3
Dyson Heppell   119   2
Harley Bennell   119   2
Jonathan Giles   119   2
Courtney Dempsey   156   1
Koby Stevens   156   1
Mike Pyke   156   1
Trent McKenzie   156   1
Pacific Islanders      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Matthew de Boer   76   4
Matthew Leuenberger   76   4
Dean Terlich   97   3
Jamie Elliott   97   3
Chris Dawes   138   2
Curtly Hampton   138   2
Jeremy Howe   138   2
Tim Mohr   138   2
Ben Howlett   183   1
Rhys Stanley   183   1
Tom Rockliff   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Tom Rockliff   10   13
Matthew Leuenberger   33   8
Ben Howlett   93   3
Jamie Elliott   93   3
Dean Terlich   119   2
Tom Mitchell   119   2
Jeremy Howe   156   1
PNL Reindeers      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Justin Westhoff   10   10
Jarrod Harbrow   45   6
Chad Wingard   60   5
Marley Williams   76   4
Cyril Rioli   97   3
Luke Ball   97   3
Luke McPharlin   97   3
Tom T Lynch   97   3
Jonathon Griffin   138   2
Matt Priddis   138   2
Matthew Pavlich   138   2
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Justin Westhoff   10   13
Chad Wingard   60   5
Cyril Rioli   76   4
Matt Priddis   76   4
Kade Simpson   93   3
Luke Ball   93   3
Jarrod Harbrow   119   2
Nathan Jones   119   2
Tom T Lynch   119   2
Jonathon Griffin   156   1
Sao Paulo Pumas      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Andrew Walker   1   16
Gary Ablett jnr   4   14
Hamish Hartlett   18   9
Jarryd Roughead   18   9
Rory Sloane   37   7
Bachar Houli   45   6
Dylan Roberton   76   4
Devon Smith   97   3
Will Minson   97   3
Beau Waters   138   2
Chris Masten   138   2
Jack Gunston   138   2
Mitch Duncan   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Gary Ablett jnr   1   21
Andrew Walker   14   12
Will Minson   31   9
Rory Sloane   40   7
Jarryd Roughead   60   5
Hamish Hartlett   76   4
Chris Masten   93   3
Mitch Duncan   119   2
Jack Gunston   156   1
Sam Jacobs   156   1
Stephen Hill   156   1
Seoul Magpies      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Josh J Kennedy   8   11
Brett Deledio   10   10
Brandon Ellis   18   9
Patrick Dangerfield   37   7
Bryce Gibbs   97   3
Tom $cully   97   3
Brent Macaffer   138   2
Jude Bolton   138   2
Paul Duffield   138   2
Ben McEvoy   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Patrick Dangerfield   5   15
Brett Deledio   14   12
Ben McEvoy   24   10
Josh J Kennedy   60   5
Brandon Ellis   76   4
Bryce Gibbs   76   4
Chris Yarran   156   1
James Kelly   156   1
Tom $cully   156   1
Tokyo Samurai      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Sam Mitchell   28   8
Kieran Jack   45   6
Kurt Tippett   60   5
Luke Dahlhaus   60   5
Ricky Henderson   76   4
Scott Selwood   76   4
Chris Judd   97   3
Nick Suban   138   2
Steven Motlop   138   2
Ben McGlynn   183   1
Ben Stratton   183   1
Jake Carlisle   183   1
Luke Shuey   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Kieran Jack   10   13
Sam Mitchell   21   11
Scott Selwood   40   7
Chris Judd   50   6
Steven Motlop   76   4
Luke Shuey   93   3
Ricky Henderson   93   3
Jake Carlisle   119   2
Kurt Tippett   119   2
Luke Dahlhaus   119   2
Nick Suban   119   2
Luke Parker   156   1
Toronto Wolves      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Scott Pendlebury   6   12
Jack Riewoldt   10   10
Michael Johnson   18   9
Mitch Robinson   45   6
Paddy Ryder   76   4
Darren Jolly   97   3
Matt Shaw   97   3
Aaron Hall   138   2
Dayne Zorko   183   1
Sam Butler   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Scott Pendlebury   2   19
Jack Riewoldt   33   8
Ben Cunnington   60   5
Andrew Swallow   76   4
Darren Jolly   76   4
Dayne Zorko   76   4
Mitch Robinson   93   3
Paddy Ryder   93   3
Sam Butler   93   3
Cameron Pedersen   156   1
Michael Johnson   156   1
Wellington Warriors      
MVP   Rank   Votes
Joel Patfull   60   5
Luke McGuane   76   4
Shannon Byrnes   97   3
Andrew Krakouer   138   2
Mitch Golby   138   2
Taylor Walker   138   2
Lenny Hayes   183   1
Rohan Bewick   183   1
Rory Thompson   183   1
Ryan Lester   183   1
Jim Stynes   Rank   Votes
Marc Murphy   40   7
Isaac Smith   60   5
Lachie Whitfield   93   3
Lenny Hayes   93   3
Ryan Lester   119   2
Tendai Mzungu   156   1

Justin Bieber

Cheers Purps! Gave you a cheer for them 8). It is the off-season, so nobody should complain when you gave them out :P.


Nice work Purps - Well done.


Purple 77

Cheers HP, everyone :)

May or may not do it again next year, was indeed a fair bit of work that I put days into. Depends on how Uni life works out  :P


Spreadsheets runs in the family  ;) ;)

Purple 77

Quote from: Ringo on September 21, 2013, 04:16:19 PM
Spreadsheets runs in the family  ;) ;)

Lol Ringo, ossie actually did teach me how to make them when I was little  :P

Master Q

How are those votes coming along? Think that would spark some discussion!

Purple 77

Quote from: Master Q on September 21, 2013, 05:27:52 PM
How are those votes coming along? Think that would spark some discussion!

Ah, you mean the Jim Stynes Medal and MVP award? I did that ages ago, what I just posted was the club-by-club results

Master Q

Quote from: Purple 77 on September 21, 2013, 05:52:48 PM
Quote from: Master Q on September 21, 2013, 05:27:52 PM
How are those votes coming along? Think that would spark some discussion!

Ah, you mean the Jim Stynes Medal and MVP award? I did that ages ago, what I just posted was the club-by-club results
I meant the PM for voting on trades  ;)

Purple 77

Quote from: Master Q on September 21, 2013, 05:55:53 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on September 21, 2013, 05:52:48 PM
Quote from: Master Q on September 21, 2013, 05:27:52 PM
How are those votes coming along? Think that would spark some discussion!

Ah, you mean the Jim Stynes Medal and MVP award? I did that ages ago, what I just posted was the club-by-club results
I meant the PM for voting on trades  ;)

Ah!  :-[


So if you have a good defender up for sale or are interested in an Islander or two, please PM tbag and if you like, me as well. Reason is, I'll be less active over the next 2.5 weeks as going away, so won't be able to reply to PMs as quick as tbag.

He is under strict instructions to consult with me before confirming though, so dont think you'll be getting an easy win ;)


What's going on with Nicholls ?


Quote from: kilbluff1985 on September 25, 2013, 09:51:07 AM
What's going on with Nicholls ?
Not much at the moment. Had 2 offers we dont mind (yours was one) but having trouble getting anything across the line. Need to get a reply from another coach first :)


Heavy rumors coming out of the PNL camp that some players are not happy with the current coaching staff
made all the worse by the admin in Ossie85 point out that PNL over the last 2 seasons are the 8th highest scorers but have won the equal lowest amount of games

it is rumored some players believe the coaching staff are to blame for this and may be looking for a change

of course this is all innuendo and not proof has been found but the rumor suggest the likes of
mcpharlin/Pav/Westy/Priddis/ nathan Jones/smith

all could be looking for other options

of course when the question of these players future was put to Senior assistant DazBurg he had this to say
"I would like everyone to know that not 1 of these players has formally asked myself or Senior Coach Hellopplz for a trade they are required players as far as we are concerned and we look forward to the pre-season and going about having a successful season next year"