Which risk would you take

Started by sidvicious, January 19, 2014, 04:18:18 PM

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Take into consideration Injury risk , job security and possible delayed start to season which one would you pick if you had to start one


Clark by a fair margin.
Can't see tex starting the year and 50k more.
Higgins is Higgins and I'm surprised we are still discussing him


I'd pick all three if fit, but Higgins and Tex probably won't play round 1 so I'll go with Clark.




If they all play round 1 Walker for me


Tex won't play round 1.

Missy is made of glass.

I'm picking Mitch Clark.



Wouldn't go near Tex if named round 1. He's pushing it to get there as it is and if he does make it he is still coming off a major knee injury and will be underdone. As good as he is I'd rather him take a few more weeks to get 110% right and be a cheap upgrade target.

Got my eye on Higgins and Clark though


Mitch Clark for sure, Higgins IMO is way too risky. Hopefully Tex is named later on around the byes so he becomes a good downgrade option for rookies or other players who have maxed out their cash generation. Should score reasonably well upon return for his price also.

Think Clark can push an <80 average.