Will you start with ablett?

Started by Munyk, January 19, 2014, 10:53:22 AM

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round 5 for example

gaz scored 152 (great score)
Griffen, Ryan
Goldstein, Todd
Rockliff, Tom
Deledio, Brett
Lynch, Tom T.
all outscored him
personally i had 3 of that 5

round 12 gaz scores 147

Swan, Dane
Dangerfield, Patrick
went above him
alot of teams also had these two gents

round 6 137
Pendlebury, Scott
Dangerfield, Patrick
Walker, Andrew
Christensen, Allen
Shuey, Luke
Thomas, Dale

round 4 131
that list is a little big


Fantastic, just pick rounds that support your argument. ::)


you obviously have a pretty poor statistical knowledge to think that you could successfully pick the player every week who is going to outscore GAJ when its usually a different guy most weeks. We all try with the captain loophole to do it and it only comes true maybe 25% of the time if that and then we lock in GAJ for his consistent high scores, if it weren't for him you be having to try and gamble twice and your captains score would on average end up nowhere near GAJ's average for the year


Every one is worried he mite slow down. That is why a lot of us don't have him in our teams ATM.
But that doesn't mean we won't change our minds before round one.

To say he won't finish top five is plain and simple wrong. He will. I'll put a mortgage on it.
To say it was a mistake last year to have him was also wrong. It was a mistake to not start him.

There has never been a fantasy player like Gaz and there probably never will.


Yeah Col is right, you can act like a genius and say most people used the loophole and decided to go with other guys, but almost every single person would have had Ablett as their backup. Simply because his the best, his average showed that.

If you think that not starting the highest averaging player in the comp was a good idea, then no one can flowering help you. Ignorance.


Hahaha exactly Vinny! And why has it suddenly moved from 'Will you start with Ablett' to 'Ablett got out scored on a few occasions and shouldn't of been made captain that week', yet your arguments still say that Ablett scored 152, 147, 137, and 131 which is way over and beyond what any other player in fantasy football could even dream of scoring.

The topic is 'Will you start with him' not 'what week it was better to have someone else captain'. We understand that side of it, and I certainly didn't make Ablett permanent captain, hence why I finished in the top 650. Not saying that's a good finish but it's pretty common logic, that you pick the best captain for each week. For example - I went with Ablett 11 times, Pendlebury 6 times, Selwood 3 times, Swan twice and Dangerfield once.

Ablett has to be picked, so yes I will say again, I will start with him. No he will not slow down, and yes once again he will average the most out of any player, with Pendbleury and Selwood not far behind.


Quote from: mark621 on January 20, 2014, 04:00:20 PM
round 5 for example

gaz scored 152 (great score)
Griffen, Ryan
Goldstein, Todd
Rockliff, Tom
Deledio, Brett
Lynch, Tom T.
all outscored him
personally i had 3 of that 5
If you're going to use stats to support your argument at least get them right ::)

In round 5 Ablett was the highest scorer with 160. The 5 you say outscored him scored DNP, 119, 113, 102, and 68 respectively.

Top 10 scorers in rounds...
1 (1st)
5 (1st)
6 (7th)
7 (6th)
9 (5th)
11 (1st)
12 (3rd)
17 (1st)
23 (2nd)

So 9 times Ablett was in the top 10 (actually top 7), being the best scorer on 4 occasions. In the other rounds people will be using VC loopholes when Ablett doesn't step up. No one else would have come close to top scoring each round. If you're seriously saying it wasn't worth having Ablett last year, well then you are seriously deluded!


Quote from: vinny on January 20, 2014, 04:04:50 PM
Fantastic, just pick rounds that support your argument. ::)

actually i picked his highest scoring rounds outside of his 4 games that he did top score, and the last he was 1 point off it

Quote from: Dayze on January 20, 2014, 04:06:52 PM
There has never been a fantasy player like Gaz and there probably never will.

famous last words said about Swan and Judd in their respective highest scoring "perma captain" years

the trick is in my opinion to know when to get off a band wagon, its around where the wheels fall off generally, gaz's last third looked like a few bolts came out

Quote from: Dayze on January 20, 2014, 04:06:52 PM
To say he won't finish top five is plain and simple wrong. He will. I'll put a mortgage on it.

i too will put your mortgage on it.. and in 10 months time, remember this debate and who was right
statistically i do have the advantage.
hes been the top mid for how many years. and we are categorically saying that he will stay as a must keep for how many more years? perhaps you have to keep him for a couple years after he retires cause he scored so well for a period of time that even though he doesnt play the sense of his power still affects games. surely SC can account for that.. lets call it 'the force' to suggest that hes some kind of Jedi...
Jedi Master Garry Jesus Ablett


You talk so much shower man.

If Gaz isn't a Top 5 midfielder, that would make him your M6, M7 or M8. What kind of joke is that?


Quote from: mark621 on January 20, 2014, 04:44:40 PM
lets call it 'the force' to suggest that hes some kind of Jedi...
Jedi Master Garry Jesus Ablett

What are you talking about? Lololol, are you drunk?


Bones Bombers

My Ablett (God), some of these posts are hard to understand. It's like reading a different language!

I feel the need to ask Mark, what ranking did you finish with in SC 2013?


Quote from: mark621 on January 20, 2014, 04:44:40 PM
Quote from: vinny on January 20, 2014, 04:04:50 PM
Fantastic, just pick rounds that support your argument. ::)

actually i picked his highest scoring rounds outside of his 4 games that he did top score, and the last he was 1 point off it

Quote from: Dayze on January 20, 2014, 04:06:52 PM
There has never been a fantasy player like Gaz and there probably never will.

famous last words said about Swan and Judd in their respective highest scoring "perma captain" years

the trick is in my opinion to know when to get off a band wagon, its around where the wheels fall off generally, gaz's last third looked like a few bolts came out

Quote from: Dayze on January 20, 2014, 04:06:52 PM
To say he won't finish top five is plain and simple wrong. He will. I'll put a mortgage on it.

i too will put your mortgage on it.. and in 10 months time, remember this debate and who was right
statistically i do have the advantage.
hes been the top mid for how many years. and we are categorically saying that he will stay as a must keep for how many more years? perhaps you have to keep him for a couple years after he retires cause he scored so well for a period of time that even though he doesnt play the sense of his power still affects games. surely SC can account for that.. lets call it 'the force' to suggest that hes some kind of Jedi...
Jedi Master Garry Jesus Ablett
Whataver ur smoking dude I want some!


You are basing all this on the fact that Gaz is 29? U know he just won a brownlow?
Becoz he slowed towards the end of year he has lost his ability?

Nobody is arguing Gaz won't slow down one day, I just don't think it will b this year.
But to slow down to around the 110-115 average u are obviously suggesting is mental.

Judd and swan have never been like Gaz in SC, especially Judd.
And as far as Jedi god like goes, maybe most of us do have a little man crush on quite possibly the best player to have played the game we all love.
Keep trolling bud...


to be fair last year i didnt have a great year, and i know exactly who made that happen..
thomas, walker, waters, swallow a.. to name a few oh wait.. hanners too

so i ended up around the 1700 mark. year before that i hit 432
thankfully i was smart and though i had some flowers i had some guns too K. Jack, pendles and the likes
but no ablett all year, you could argue that i was hurt and my ranking fell cause of it, i would blame the names above more

its like suggesting gaz wont be a top midfielder and everyone goes out of their minds

oh and on brownlows.. judd won two, goodes won two. you picking them? cause they won two age isnt a factor