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Started by Dudge, January 13, 2014, 08:20:33 PM

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Had a debate about this recently, and I was stunned by the peoples different views. I decided to look it up, and now I'm more confused. This topics probably been done to death before, so sorry if it has. Just wanted to get some of the younger peoples views, as there was a few younger guys at the original debate, and they also had different yiews to each other


Not sure what this thread is about...?

My Chumps

As it was reported.

I absolutely loathe conspiracy theories. My Dad's a conspiracist on just about anything, including 9/11. That's probably why I hate them so much.

Mailman the 2nd

One of the most over reported and stupid events in all of history.


Yeah I've watched some YouTube videos about it some stuff is very interesting don't know if I believe it or not but I don't not believe it was some dodgy stuff done before it insurance wise and I think sniffer dogs stopped being at the building like 2 weeks before it happened and when the buildings collapse they make a strong case that it looked more like a demolition job

And the pentagon is a completely other story the plane like disappeared after it crashed into that

The theory's really interest me and the ones on NWO (new world order)are also good

Football Factory

As it was reported


     My opinion,,  It was a terrorist attack which the US government may of had an idea that was going to happen(somewhere/sometime) and decided that they couldnt/didnt want to stop it, so made the best of a bad situation.
     When you bomb a Country (Iraq,Afganistan,Libya,Vietnam etc.), not only do the military and weapons makers get bigger contracts. The building companies get billion dollar contracts for re-building the infrastructure.
     And of course its just coincidence that the Heads of those companies are mates with the puppeteers.. ::)

     Add to that..  Limiting the need for Saudi Oil, protection of Israel, Re-election/popularity domestically, the Increased fear to the public perception which inturn allows for more control over freedom/rights  etc. 
           ..Going to war makes a few people alot of money.

Since the 9/11 attacks was the catalyst for a number of military actions... There was alot to gain out of letting the planes hit. :-X


Quote from: upthemaidens on January 13, 2014, 09:44:57 PM
     My opinion,,  It was a terrorist attack which the US government may of had an idea that was going to happen(somewhere/sometime) and decided that they couldnt/didnt want to stop it, so made the best of a bad situation.
     When you bomb a Country (Iraq,Afganistan,Libya,Vietnam etc.), not only do the military and weapons makers get bigger contracts. The building companies get billion dollar contracts for re-building the infrastructure.
     And of course its just coincidence that the Heads of those companies are mates with the puppeteers.. ::)

     Add to that..  Limiting the need for Saudi Oil, protection of Israel, Re-election/popularity domestically, the Increased fear to the public perception which inturn allows for more control over freedom/rights  etc. 
           ..Going to war makes a few people alot of money.

Since the 9/11 attacks was the catalyst for a number of military actions... There was alot to gain out of letting the planes hit. :-X

Pentegon was a touch suss, and if you read about the Israelies(mossad) just gets me looking outside the box a touch. Then again I suppose anybody can put forward a convincing alternative


Im probably one of the biggest  conspiracist out their without going to the full extreme and placing silver foil on my head.

It was deffinetly an inside job if anyone thinks differently i urge you to do your own research and not fall victim to the lies laid down by the american government.


     Haha well yeah there is alot thats a "touch Suss" .. Rumsfeld,Cheney, Bush sr. and Co.
     Two things are for sure, George W. knew nothing  :P (he knows nothing about anything) and the USA didnt go into Iraq to "liberate their people from tyranny"..


American citizens were loosing faith in their government so they planned 9-11 and gave them a new enemy to fear in Iraq.

Mailman the 2nd

Quote from: upthemaidens on January 13, 2014, 10:16:05 PM
     Haha well yeah there is alot thats a "touch Suss" .. Rumsfeld,Cheney, Bush sr. and Co.
     One thing is for sure, George W. knew nothing  :P (he knows nothing about anything) and the USA didnt go into Iraq to "liberate their people from tyranny"..

There might of only been 3000 dead at 9/11, but America made the death toll much closer to millions


2 things that i didnt like

The so called plane that hit the penagon no one saw and there is very little footage of and the only planes that were allowed in the air had Osama bin ladins family on board


Quote from: Noz on January 13, 2014, 10:18:38 PM
American citizens were loosing faith in their government so they planned 9-11 and gave them a new enemy to fear in Iraq.
The genius thing about that is, Iraq had absolutley nothing to do with 9/11   .. Thats how good the political spin was on it.


Quote from: tabs on January 13, 2014, 10:23:03 PM
2 things that i didnt like

The so called plane that hit the penagon no one saw and there is very little footage of and the only planes that were allowed in the air had Osama bin ladins family on board

yeah that's what i was talking about very suss