freo defenders

Started by eaglesman, January 05, 2014, 08:17:35 PM

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is there anyone we should be considering from freo in defence?

also i do not think ibbo will score remotely as good as 2013 so not interested in him ... surely in their great team someone would be a good option


I'm considering Hurn and Blayne Wilson for value


And Elliott Yeo came back to WA for a reason


Ibbo will shred, the man is a monster, just you wait,  ;)


Clancee Pearce is one I'm considering.

Honey Badger

Quote from: Peter on January 05, 2014, 08:22:41 PM
I'm considering Hurn and Blayne Wilson for value
Quote from: Peter on January 05, 2014, 08:25:54 PM
And Elliott Yeo came back to WA for a reason
These play for Eagles. He was asking about Freo players ;)


I am concerned that Ibbotson will not keep his previous role.


Agree mate, also on Clancee Pearce, the only one you would consider I think.


Duffield plays a little too deep to score well consistently
Johnson will be solid again
Expect similar from Clancee until he moves into a midfield role in the future
Ibbo's role won't change, Ross rates him too highly


Make a poll ;) Yeah as Rico said, there are a few

Sabretooth Tigers

 :o :o
I think if you go through Lee Spur's season this year his top score was 139 or close, have him in my watch notes along with Clancee Pearce. There's not much value amongst the rest, that I am aware of.
#3 Players that I have a huge watch on are T Hawkins,  R Henderson and M Wright. The first 2 are currently in my team. TBags, any thoughts on Wright and Hendo ? I have a huge hunch they are both ready for a big season, any Cat fans up on Hawhins ??
??? :)


Hawkins had a pretty messed up back with his bulging disc last year, and apparently it's the type of injury that's possibly incurable. I think he's good enough to perform still in his role, but I'm unsure over his fantasy relevance.

Personally I'd be more inclined to jump on after a couple of rounds if he's looking ok, rather than start with him.

Sabretooth Tigers

Big thanks ZIP, just helped me over my 1st known error of judgement. Cheers.    :)

Honey Badger

There was an article the other day on herald sun saying how his back is now a non-issue for him and he has been training really well and is physically fine. Don't know how he will go when it gets around to the season though since as zip said it's not actually a condition that can be fixed, only managed.


Quote from: shorty3264 on January 05, 2014, 11:12:05 PM
Agree mate, also on Clancee Pearce, the only one you would consider I think.
Pearce is underpriced, so I'll consider him but I don't think he'll make the final cut.
Duffield and Ibbo are other decent options, but also risky, so I'll stay away.