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Cheer/boo system disabled

Started by m0nty, December 05, 2013, 08:15:57 PM

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Thanks Monty the system was open to abuse and even the hour limit was no deterrant.

Know you said the system could not handle comments on individual posts but surely if we have a like button on posts and the number of likes recordeed on the profile people can see how many likes the poster have and make judgement,

A couple of other matters that need addressing

We do need more mods to rteplace those that are now not active as Holz as siad and we need to ensure we have mods on all boards (there are a couple still un-moderated) now to assist with removing posts more quickly.

We also need to address the copy and paste issue although it had its benefits with the bots when not all was able to be posted.  But it is annoying whebn all appears ok when you check preview and then come back in and find that article has been cut at at the first apostrophe dash or other punctuation marks, Still doing it by the way happened to me earlier today.

Really luv the work though and well done.


Quote from: Ringo on December 05, 2013, 10:44:36 PM
We do need more mods to rteplace those that are now not active as Holz as siad and we need to ensure we have mods on all boards now to assist with removing posts more quickly.


But all good points, Ringo!


thanks for listening to the people m0nty    8)



I was just starting to enjoy being the second most infamous FF'er :P


It looks weird without the cheers/boos there.



dont worry, I joke :P

Why do we need anything?


Quote from: elephants on December 06, 2013, 02:52:38 AM
It looks weird without the cheers/boos there.



dont worry, I joke :P

Why do we need anything?



The novelty of the C/B wore off very quick.

Anything else would just be another novelty value thing, unnecessary to the forum IMO.


Yes, I would agree. We don't need a system like that really, it doesn't add much to the forum at all. What we should do though, is make the XVs boards count for posts. Then I would have a few thousand instead of a few hundred :P


Always hated the concept of a boo/cheer system.  I say we just leave it as is and move on.


Yeah I think just leave it as is

But the forum could use an upgrade also


Quote from: kilbluff1985 on December 06, 2013, 12:39:27 PM
Yeah I think just leave it as is

But the forum could use an upgrade also



Quote from: naste on December 06, 2013, 08:13:21 AM
Quote from: elephants on December 06, 2013, 02:52:38 AM
It looks weird without the cheers/boos there.



dont worry, I joke :P

Why do we need anything?


I was about to say the same thing, just post, and so be it, No need for anything after that in my view


  There is no need for a rating system,, forum goers can work out on their own who the trolls are.
      As for what could be added, a way to acknowledge certain achievements i.e. Elxam League winners, FanFooty Group comp. highest rank, Elite league winners, XV comps winners etc.
       Maybe by giving them a special avatar or a symbol/trophy under their names.   Something that the coach keeps until the following season.


Having to wait 7500 posts for a rank change after Veteran sucks. :(