Jukes' Annual Feedback and Analysis Thread

Started by Jukes, November 25, 2013, 09:05:40 PM

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Quote from: goofy71 on December 26, 2013, 07:38:04 PM
Ok so I guess you have heard about the change for rnd 1???? After rnd 1 unlimited trades so now teams are turned on there heads for the 1st round to chase points then real team kicks in rnd2 first round points count towards years total with that in mind here is the first crack , a pity joey is suspended rnd 1

TEAM NAME: goyougoodthing71
DEF: J. McVeigh, S. Mitchell, H. Shaw, M. Scharenberg, M. Buntine, T. Simpkin (C. Howard, J. Laidler)
MID: S. Johnson, G. Ablett jnr, S. Selwood, J. Steven, M. Priddis, T. Curren, J. Martin, V. Michie (J. Polec, X. Ellis)
RUC: Z. Clarke, B. Longer (S. Naismith, D. Currie)
FWD: N. Riewoldt, L. Parker, M. LeCras, L. Franklin, J. Caddy, M. Clark (T. Banfield, G. Rohan)
CASH LEFT: $7,500

need a good start so crazy not to take advantage of teams early draw then complete reset for remainder of year

If you're smart you'll purely build your team through the pre-season for round 2, spend the last week leading to round 1 on your special r1 team, then straight after round 1 switch straight back to your long-term team and make appropriate adjustments based on the first round. I'm rating teams based on the long term, not short. In relation, I'd like people to post their long-term teams, not short.

Unique mid-pricer picks- Buntine, Simpkin, Curren, Caddy and Clarke for example. Clarke will be a gun this season imo when Sandi gets injured. Rest are probably going to be good in the cash generation.
Pretty well structured across each major line. Howard, Polec and Banfield+Rohan should provide one player a week in cover, and all of your fielded guys should be best 22- would only worry about Buntine and Simpkin.

G. Ablett jnr, you know the rest...
Forward line a bit weak up the top. NRoo is old, Parker and Lecca probably won't improve that far beyond 85, and Buddy still a bit risky as he's at a new club.

D: 7.5/10 (because it only has three real premos, all are good picks)
M: 8.75/10
R: 7.75/10
F: 8.75/10
Overall: 8.35/10 a pretty good side


Quote from: muntedmyke on December 27, 2013, 12:02:24 AM
DEF: S. Mitchell, K. Simpson, P. Seedsman, B. Waters, J. Grimes, L. McDonald (N. Wright, K. Aylett)
MID: J. Selwood, R. Griffen, B. Goddard, M. Barlow, D. Beams, S. Savage, J. Martin, D. Tyson (C. Beams, J. Polec)
RUC: A. Sandilands, B. Longer (S. Michael, D. Currie)
FWD: N. Riewoldt, P. Dangerfield, S. Motlop, A. Schneider, M. Clark, J. Patton (G. Rohan, D. Markworth)
CASH LEFT: $23,800

Rate, criticise and or compliment :3

Great midfield. Unique but will get the job done. Premos should hold or improve their average and are capable of going huge and get wins over sheep that pick the usual suspects, Barlow is a great pick for a cheap premo, Beams ofc is a jet pick and in every team, Savage should have a big year at his new club, and the four cheap/rookie-priced players are good.
Can't go wrong with Paul Seedsman in your backline :P one of the best pick-ups for 2014 imo, jet of a player and will only get better as he enters his third year (breakout?). Strong backline too aside from him. 5 premos can only help.

Weak in the ruck. Sandi is injury-prone- I wouldn't pick him to be on my starting two, and he's your number 1! Longer a bench option for most teams, but your number 2! If/when Sandi goes down and if Longer has to share ruck duties with Hickey, could be a position of hurt.
Schneider, Clark, Patton, Rohan, Markworth. Relying on three of these injury prone and/or plagued by job security issues to play every week early could hurt. Would watch the pre-season of these guys and similarly-priced players strongly.

DEF: S. Mitchell, K. Simpson, P. Seedsman, B. Waters, J. Grimes, L. McDonald (N. Wright, K. Aylett)
MID: J. Selwood, R. Griffen, B. Goddard, M. Barlow, D. Beams, S. Savage, J. Martin, D. Tyson (C. Beams, J. Polec)
RUC: A. Sandilands, B. Longer (S. Michael, D. Currie)
FWD: N. Riewoldt, P. Dangerfield, S. Motlop, A. Schneider, M. Clark, J. Patton (G. Rohan, D. Markworth)
D: 9.25/10
M: 9.5/10
R: 7/10
F: 7.75/10
Overall: 8.5/10 great side although it's sort of unbalanced between lines. At this stage the positives probably outweigh the negatives.


Quote from: Thomas4025 on January 01, 2014, 05:35:01 PM
DEF: J. McVeigh, S Mitchell, R. Henderson, J.Grimes, M. Suckling, S. Shaw. (M. Fuller, J. Laidler.)

MID: S. Pendlebury, S. Selwood, T.Rockliff, D. Beams, D. Thomas, J. Martin, J. Lonergan, C.Beams. (J. O

might want to post that again haha


DEF: J. McVeigh, S. Mitchell, R. Henderson, J. Grimes, M. Suckling, S. Shaw. (M. Fuller, J. Laidler.)
MID: S. Pendlebury, S. Selwood, T. Rockliff, D. Beams, D. Thomas, J. Martin, J. Lonergan, C. Beams. (J. O'Rourke, J. Polec.)
RUC: N. Naitanui, A. Sandilands. (B. Longer, D. Currie.)
FOR: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, L. Parker, L. Franklin, J. Lamb, M. Clark. (N. Bock, D. Markworth.)
CASH LEFT: $120,000.

Azzas Dockers

DEF: S. Mitchell, G. Ibbotson, D. Swallow, M. Hibberd, J. Grimes, E. Yeo (M. Fuller, C. Howard)
MID: M. Barlow, J. Watson, D. Beams, M. Murphy, S. Savage, D. Thomas, D. Tyson, V. Michie (D. Garlett, J. Polec)
RUC: S. Mumford, N. Naitanui (B. Longer, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, L. Franklin, J. Winderlich, M. Clark, A. Fasolo, G. Rohan (N. Bock, Shane Kersten)
CASH LEFT: $294,200

This is my current team, please suggest good ways for me to spend the cash.


Sorry for the late response, I've been tied up w/ xmas, new year, ATAR and ps4 stuff :P

Quote from: Thomas4025 on January 01, 2014, 08:51:52 PM
DEF: J. McVeigh, S. Mitchell, R. Henderson, J. Grimes, M. Suckling, S. Shaw. (M. Fuller, J. Laidler.)
MID: S. Pendlebury, S. Selwood, T. Rockliff, D. Beams, D. Thomas, J. Martin, J. Lonergan, C. Beams. (J. O'Rourke, J. Polec.)
RUC: N. Naitanui, A. Sandilands. (B. Longer, D. Currie.)
FOR: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, L. Parker, L. Franklin, J. Lamb, M. Clark. (N. Bock, D. Markworth.)
CASH LEFT: $120,000.

Good depth across all lines. Each bench should provide a player in cover every week.
Structurally good. No gaping holes anywhere on the field that could cause strife, except when Sandi goes down.
Good forward line. No bad selections in your four premo/upper mid-pricers, although there's better options than Parker imo, and Lamb and Clark should boost in price healthily.

The ruckline- too risky for me. Nic Nat is coming off an injury-plagued season- shouldn't be that much a cause for concern, but with the walking bandaid Sandi backing him up...Longer not even guaranteed a start too, and might even score shower because of Hickey.

D: 8.75/10
M: 8.5/10
R: 7.5/10
F: 9/10
Overall: 8.45/10 good side where it counts


Quote from: Azzas Dockers on January 03, 2014, 10:19:47 AM
DEF: S. Mitchell, G. Ibbotson, D. Swallow, M. Hibberd, J. Grimes, E. Yeo (M. Fuller, C. Howard)
MID: M. Barlow, J. Watson, D. Beams, M. Murphy, S. Savage, D. Thomas, D. Tyson, V. Michie (D. Garlett, J. Polec)
RUC: S. Mumford, N. Naitanui (B. Longer, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, L. Franklin, J. Winderlich, M. Clark, A. Fasolo, G. Rohan (N. Bock, Shane Kersten)
CASH LEFT: $294,200

This is my current team, please suggest good ways for me to spend the cash.

Lots of great uniques. Ibbo and Hibberd in a lot less teams than they should be, both still young and will most likely improve more compared to the old blokes who'll drop. Yeo at a new team will be a ripper if he's best 21. Winderlich will boost $$$ if he stays healthy. Savage will gun it this season imo and is very close to being in my team.
Money in the bank that'd I'd utilise straight away- remember these prices are 100% accurate! I'd look to upgrade the forward line, which I'll elaborate on soon.

Crazy forward line! After Buddy and Danger, it's chaos. 4 cheapies and 2 rookies who, although mostly good picks, mostly have huge JS and injury problems. This is where that cash comes into play. 300k can upgrade your worst field player to a premo, which I'd do with Fasolo to Cloke or Wingard (I think you can afford that).

D: 9.5/10
M: 9/10
R: 9/10
F: 6.5/10- not bad selections, just chaotic if a few team selection and injuries don't go your way.
Overall: 8.5/10 very good team despite inequality between the lines.


Hey Jukes,

1st run for the season so hit me where you think it needs to be  :P

TEAM NAME: Thunderbolts.

Def: P.Hanley , P.Seedsman, S.Mitchell, M.Suckling, J.McVeigh, L.McDonald   on Bench: J.Laidler, C.Howard
Mid: T.Rockliff, M.Barlow , G.Ablett , J.Caddy, D.Tyson, L.Hodge, C.Wingard, J.Martin    on Bench: C.Beams, J.Polec
Ruc: A.Sandilands, S.Mumford     on Bench: B.Longer, D.Currie
Fwd: P.Dangerfield , A.Fasolo, L.Franklin, D.Martin, D.Garlett, J.Hogan     on Bench: N.Bock, S.Kersten

Cash left: 11,900


Rosston Celtcis Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by mb21. Salary cap left: $30,400.

Garrick Ibbotson, Pearce Hanley, Beau Waters, Lachlan Hansen, Nick Vlastuin, Luke Delaney
Sam Shaw, Tom Simpkin

Jobe Watson, Ryan Griffen, Tom Rockliff, Tom Liberatore, Dayne Beams, Viv Michie, Claye Beams, Xavier Ellis
Jared Polec, Alex Woodward

Mike Pyke, Brodie Grundy
Billy Longer, Daniel Currie

Patrick Dangerfield, Tom Mitchell, Ben Howlett, Paul Chapman, Charlie Dixon, Alex Fasolo
Kieran Harper, Gary Rohan

What do you think of the changes Jukes??


Quote from: Thunderbolts on January 03, 2014, 05:52:02 PM
Hey Jukes,

1st run for the season so hit me where you think it needs to be  :P

TEAM NAME: Thunderbolts.

Def: P.Hanley , P.Seedsman, S.Mitchell, M.Suckling, J.McVeigh, L.McDonald   on Bench: J.Laidler, C.Howard
Mid: T.Rockliff, M.Barlow , G.Ablett , J.Caddy, D.Tyson, L.Hodge, C.Wingard, J.Martin    on Bench: C.Beams, J.Polec
Ruc: A.Sandilands, S.Mumford     on Bench: B.Longer, D.Currie
Fwd: P.Dangerfield , A.Fasolo, L.Franklin, D.Martin, D.Garlett, J.Hogan     on Bench: N.Bock, S.Kersten

Cash left: 11,900

Strong midfield, if you assume that third player is a pile of cash. Caddy very close to my side, cheap enough and with the cats clear-out I'm surprised he isn't in more teams. Strong bench too, should provide at least one if not two players of cover every week.
Seedsy great pick :D pretty good backline otherwise

Ablett- need not elaborate
Forward line could be a cause for concern. Two of your fielded players, Fasolo and Garlett, are not in the best 22 of their team's atm, Garlett maybe just in. This paired with Bock and Kersten (more JS problems) on the bench could hurt.

D: 9/10
M: 9.25/10
R: 7.5/10
F: 7/10
Overall: 8.2/10 good start


Quote from: mb21 on January 03, 2014, 05:59:55 PM
Rosston Celtcis Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by mb21. Salary cap left: $30,400.

Garrick Ibbotson, Pearce Hanley, Beau Waters, Lachlan Hansen, Nick Vlastuin, Luke Delaney
Sam Shaw, Tom Simpkin

Jobe Watson, Ryan Griffen, Tom Rockliff, Tom Liberatore, Dayne Beams, Viv Michie, Claye Beams, Xavier Ellis
Jared Polec, Alex Woodward

Mike Pyke, Brodie Grundy
Billy Longer, Daniel Currie

Patrick Dangerfield, Tom Mitchell, Ben Howlett, Paul Chapman, Charlie Dixon, Alex Fasolo
Kieran Harper, Gary Rohan

What do you think of the changes Jukes??

IN: Watson, Griffen, Liberatore, Pyke, Longer
OUT: Johnson, Swan, Ablett, Sandilands, Derickx

I like them!


TEAM NAME: The Unreal Squids
DEF: S. Mitchell, P. Hanley, G. Birchall, P. Seedsman, M. Suckling, M. Fuller (C. Howard, J. Battersby)
MID: D. Swan, S. Selwood, B. Stanton, T. Rockliff, D. Beams, D. Sheed, D. Tyson, C. Beams (J. Polec, A. Woodward)
RUC: M. Kreuzer, N. Naitanui(B. Longer, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, L. Franklin, P. Chapman, M. Clark, G.Rohan (N. Bock, S. Kersten)
CASH LEFT: $49,300

Both D and F6 are weak but could make up for that in other areas


Sorry for the delay, have been super sick but hopefully over the hill now :)

Quote from: Money on January 05, 2014, 09:06:08 AM
TEAM NAME: The Unreal Squids
DEF: S. Mitchell, P. Hanley, G. Birchall, P. Seedsman, M. Suckling, M. Fuller (C. Howard, J. Battersby)
MID: D. Swan, S. Selwood, B. Stanton, T. Rockliff, D. Beams, D. Sheed, D. Tyson, C. Beams (J. Polec, A. Woodward)
RUC: M. Kreuzer, N. Naitanui(B. Longer, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, L. Franklin, P. Chapman, M. Clark, G.Rohan (N. Bock, S. Kersten)
CASH LEFT: $49,300

Both D and F6 are weak but could make up for that in other areas

Chappy, Stants and Seedsy :D three of my top lads and locks
No real failure selections.
I don't think the defence is weak. Top 5 obviously all well into the best 21 when fit, one of Fuller and Howard should play every weak, if not both. But...

Yes, f6 could be a problem. Rohan, Bock and Kersten all have JS and/or injury issues, relying on one of them to play every week could hurt.
Swan over Watto, you sure? The 100k you save could upgrade Rohan to a good, cheap mid-pricer such as Patton, Billings, Hogan, or even Taylor Walker! I think. Watto will average about the same as Swan, maybe/probably a few points less but much better value.

D: 8.5/10
M: 9/10
R: 9/10
F: 8.25/10
Overall: 8.5/10 a very nice team imo


Cheers for the feedback Jukes! Really appreciate it! I see where you're coming with Watson but I don't think i'd be able to give up Swan, I like my M1-M5 too much I don't think I would be able to get rid of any, which is probably a bad thing,

If I decided my rucks where too much, would you say keep Nic Nat or Kreuzer?
