Jukes' Annual Feedback and Analysis Thread

Started by Jukes, November 25, 2013, 09:05:40 PM

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Updated team here Jukes.

TEAM NAME: Leather Poisoning

DEF: S. Mitchell, J. Bartel, P. Hanley, G. Birchall, M. Suckling, L. McDonald <M. Fuller, J. Laidler>
MID: S. Selwood, T. Rockliff, D. Beams, M. Murphy, D. Thomas, J. Martin, D. Tyson, C. Beams <J. Polec, X. Ellis>
RUC: S. Mumford, B. McEvoy <E. Wallace, D. Currie>
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, C. Sylvia, L. Franklin, S. Higgins, M. Clark <G. Rohan, N. Bock>

SALARY CAP: $34,300

IN: J. Bartel, P. Hanley, G. Birchall, L. McDonald, S. Mumford, B. McEvoy, E. Wallace, S. Higgins
OUT: L. Hodge, J. McVeigh, D. Swallow, P. Seedsman, H. McIntosh, A. Sandilands, B. Longer, A. Fasolo

8 changes all up, I completely changed my ruck stocks, changed my defence, and tinkered with my forward line a bit. Do you think having three Hawks down back is a bad thing? Thanks.


Hey Jukes, updated team here.
DEF: S. Mitchell, P. Hanley, R. Henderson, D. Swallow, M. Suckling, K. Kolodjashnij (M. Fuller, J. Laidler)

MID: S. Selwood, T. Rockliff, T. Cotchin, D. Beams, D. Thomas, J. Martin, D. Tyson, V. Michie (C. Beams, J. Polec)

RUC: N. Naitanui, B. McEvoy (B. Longer, D. Currie)

FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, C. Sylvia, L. Franklin, S. Higgins, M. Clark (N. Bock, D. Markworth)

CASH LEFT: $7,300

Would love your thoughts and suggestions. Cheers.


Quote from: dtfreak on December 18, 2013, 10:23:58 PM
Updated team here Jukes.

TEAM NAME: Leather Poisoning

DEF: S. Mitchell, J. Bartel, P. Hanley, G. Birchall, M. Suckling, L. McDonald <M. Fuller, J. Laidler>
MID: S. Selwood, T. Rockliff, D. Beams, M. Murphy, D. Thomas, J. Martin, D. Tyson, C. Beams <J. Polec, X. Ellis>
RUC: S. Mumford, B. McEvoy <E. Wallace, D. Currie>
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, C. Sylvia, L. Franklin, S. Higgins, M. Clark <G. Rohan, N. Bock>

SALARY CAP: $34,300

IN: J. Bartel, P. Hanley, G. Birchall, L. McDonald, S. Mumford, B. McEvoy, E. Wallace, S. Higgins
OUT: L. Hodge, J. McVeigh, D. Swallow, P. Seedsman, H. McIntosh, A. Sandilands, B. Longer, A. Fasolo

8 changes all up, I completely changed my ruck stocks, changed my defence, and tinkered with my forward line a bit. Do you think having three Hawks down back is a bad thing? Thanks.

I'm a big fan of Seedsy so sad to see him out, but a better team generally imo. HMac and Sandi out adds a lot more stability, Big Boy and Mummy should have good seasons. Backline completely revamped, I like the new one. One less oldie, Hanley and Birchall have room to and should improve.

D: 9.25/10 to 9/10
M: same
R: 7/10 to 9/10
F: 8.25/10 to 8.3/10
Overall: 8.35/10 to 8.47/10 good upgrades


Quote from: Thomas4025 on December 18, 2013, 11:17:47 PM
Hey Jukes, updated team here.
DEF: S. Mitchell, P. Hanley, R. Henderson, D. Swallow, M. Suckling, K. Kolodjashnij (M. Fuller, J. Laidler)
MID: S. Selwood, T. Rockliff, T. Cotchin, D. Beams, D. Thomas, J. Martin, D. Tyson, V. Michie (C. Beams, J. Polec)
RUC: N. Naitanui, B. McEvoy (B. Longer, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, C. Sylvia, L. Franklin, S. Higgins, M. Clark (N. Bock, D. Markworth)
CASH LEFT: $7,300

Would love your thoughts and suggestions. Cheers.

Strong ruck line- two good players almost certain to boost their average, with a promising youngster on the bench in Longer.
Well structured- good cover on all lines. Fuller, Beams+Polec, Longer and Bock+Markworth should offer at least a player of cover every week.
Forward line is nice too. Confirmed solid points in the first three, then three good players who are underpriced, and a solid bench.

No bombers players- did a double take. Best dt team for 2014 :P

D: 8.75/10
M: 8/10
R: 9.25/10
F: 8.65/10
Overall: 8.55/10 generally a very good team, could be better though (Chappy, Watto...)


TEAM NAME: The Unreal Squids
DEF: J. McVeigh, S. Mitchell, P. Hanley, B. Waters, M. Suckling, M. Fuller (C. Howard, J. Battersby)
MID: D. Swan, S. Selwood, B. Stanton, T. Rockliff, D. Beams, M. Murphy/T. Cotchin, J. Polec, C. Beams (X. Ellis, J. O'Rourke)
RUC: N. Naitanui, B. Longer (D. Currie, T. Derickx)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, L. Franklin, P. Chapman, A. Fasolo, G. Rohan (N. Bock, S. Kersten)
CASH LEFT: $70,500/$22,900

Hey mate and update if you good, not getting much on my post, i think this could be very close to my final side apart from maybe a couple rook changes


Quote from: Money on December 19, 2013, 01:28:23 AM
TEAM NAME: The Unreal Squids
DEF: J. McVeigh, S. Mitchell, P. Hanley, B. Waters, M. Suckling, M. Fuller (C. Howard, J. Battersby)
MID: D. Swan, S. Selwood, B. Stanton, T. Rockliff, D. Beams, M. Murphy/T. Cotchin, J. Polec, C. Beams (X. Ellis, J. O'Rourke)
RUC: N. Naitanui, B. Longer (D. Currie, T. Derickx)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, L. Franklin, P. Chapman, A. Fasolo, G. Rohan (N. Bock, S. Kersten)
CASH LEFT: $70,500/$22,900

Hey mate and update if you good, not getting much on my post, i think this could be very close to my final side apart from maybe a couple rook changes

Believe me, in the time between now and round 1 half of the afl will go in and out of your team :P

Stants and Chappy :D
Strong midfield overall, although the bench players aren't that great- your D7 and D8 are my D9 and D10, and I've only got 5 premos. I'm on the fence RE: Cotch vs Murph, I like both but only room for one, will be decided later.

Weak ruck stock. Longer is the bench ruck for many teams, including my own. If he is beaten comprehensively by Hickey in the competition for the #1 and Nic Nat goes down again, you'll be in trouble unless Currie and Derickx magically find themselves a best 22 spot.
Relying on two of Fasolo (JS), Rohan (injury and JS), Bock (injury and JS) and Kersten (JS) to play every week early could hurt.

D: 8.25/10
M: 9.25/10
R: 7/10
F: 8.25/10
Overall: 8.35/10 pretty good, but you're dreaming if you think it'll be close to your final team :P


Team Name: Spuds

Updated team, haven't ever done DT properly before, might get stuck into it this year. Give me your thoughts please mate.

DEF: S. Mitchell, P. Hanley, G. Birchall, D. Swallow, M. Suckling, K. Kolodjashnij (M. Fuller, J. Laidler)
MID: S. Pendlebury, B. Stanton, T. Cotchin, D. Beams, D. Thomas, J. Martin, C. Beams, V. Michie (J. O'Rourke, J. Polec)
RUC: N. Naitanui, B. McEvoy (B. Longer, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, C. Wingard, L. Franklin, S. Higgins, M. Clark (N. Bock, M. Honeychurch)
CASH LEFT: $12,400


Quote from: _wato on December 19, 2013, 03:39:16 PM
Team Name: Spuds

Updated team, haven't ever done DT properly before, might get stuck into it this year. Give me your thoughts please mate.

DEF: S. Mitchell, P. Hanley, G. Birchall, D. Swallow, M. Suckling, K. Kolodjashnij (M. Fuller, J. Laidler)
MID: S. Pendlebury, B. Stanton, T. Cotchin, D. Beams, D. Thomas, J. Martin, C. Beams, V. Michie (J. O'Rourke, J. Polec)
RUC: N. Naitanui, B. McEvoy (B. Longer, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, C. Wingard, L. Franklin, S. Higgins, M. Clark (N. Bock, M. Honeychurch)
CASH LEFT: $12,400

Stants :D GOAT pick
Good forward line. Danger and Dusty are class, Wingard is alright, Buddy is a great pick even though everybody has him, and Higgins and Clark are very underpriced for their potential score. Bench players good.
Strong ruck stock. Nic Nat and Big Boy are underpriced as should both appreciate in value and offer solid scoring, Longer back-up is a nice addition.
Pretty well rounded- good structure. All four positions have at least one good cover player.

For once, very little! No extreme spud picks or wholes in the team.

D: 8.5/10
M: 8.5/10
R: 9.25/10
F: 8.5/10
Overall: 8.7/10 great team (not just because it's similar to my own).


Things have changed a bit since my last team  ;D

TEAM NAME: Evil Weevils
DEF: S. Mitchell, P. Hanley, K. Simpson, M. Suckling, S. Docherty, M. Fuller (J. Laidler, C. Howard)
MID: S. Pendlebury, J. Selwood, T. Rockliff, J. Watson, D. Beams, D. Thomas, D. Tyson, C. Beams (J. Polec, A. Morabito)
RUC: S. Mumford, B. McEvoy (B. Longer, T. Derickx)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, L. Parker, L. Franklin, M. Clark, G. Rohan (N. Bock, S. Kersten)
CASH LEFT: $12,500


Quote from: stew42 on December 20, 2013, 12:57:39 PM
Things have changed a bit since my last team  ;D

TEAM NAME: Evil Weevils
DEF: S. Mitchell, P. Hanley, K. Simpson, M. Suckling, S. Docherty, M. Fuller (J. Laidler, C. Howard)
MID: S. Pendlebury, J. Selwood, T. Rockliff, J. Watson, D. Beams, D. Thomas, D. Tyson, C. Beams (J. Polec, A. Morabito)
RUC: S. Mumford, B. McEvoy (B. Longer, T. Derickx)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, L. Parker, L. Franklin, M. Clark, G. Rohan (N. Bock, S. Kersten)
CASH LEFT: $12,500

Docherty is a great pick imo. Very talented and at 270k he's got a lot of money to gain.
Strong ruck stock. Big Boy is the best premo ruck for 2014 imo, Mummy is right up there, and Longer is great cover, even if he is the second choice ruck behind Hickey.
Strong midfield premiums, although Pendles and Jelwood won't be upping their average that much.

Depth problems. Relying on one of Fuller, Laidler and Howard and one of Rohan, Bock and Kersten could be troublesome early due to injury and JS problems, and require reallocation of trades or maybe even donuts.

D: 8/10
M: 9.15/10
R: 9.5/10
F: 8.25/10
Overall: 8.4/10 good side despite the depth problems


Hey Jukes, just wondering what your thoughts are on what I've put together here mate. Cheers!

DEF: J. McVeigh, S. Mitchell, J. Bartel, P. Hanley, M. Suckling, C. Giles (M. Fuller, J. Battersby)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, T. Rockliff, J. Watson, T. Cotchin, D. Beams, D. Thomas, D. Tyson, C. Beams (D. Garlett, J. Polec)
RUC: M. Leuenberger, A. Sandilands (B. Longer, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, L. Franklin, P. Chapman, D. Zorko, M. Clark, A. Fasolo (N. Bock, G. Rohan)

CASH LEFT: $8,700


Sorry for the delay, haven't been home until 20 minutes ago.

Quote from: Jessbek on December 22, 2013, 11:53:54 AM
Hey Jukes, just wondering what your thoughts are on what I've put together here mate. Cheers!

DEF: J. McVeigh, S. Mitchell, J. Bartel, P. Hanley, M. Suckling, C. Giles (M. Fuller, J. Battersby)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, T. Rockliff, J. Watson, T. Cotchin, D. Beams, D. Thomas, D. Tyson, C. Beams (D. Garlett, J. Polec)
RUC: M. Leuenberger, A. Sandilands (B. Longer, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, L. Franklin, P. Chapman, D. Zorko, M. Clark, A. Fasolo (N. Bock, G. Rohan)

CASH LEFT: $8,700

Chappy :)
If you assume the first man listed (will continue later) is a 620k pile of cash, it's a strong midfield. Rocky, Watto, Cotch and Beams are all good picks and are in my side, while two of Tyson, Beams, Garlett and Polec should contribute handy points each week early, in addition to adding cash.
Zorko is also a good forward line pick. Not in many teams after burning many in 2013, but third year breakout and another pre-season should see him at least increase his average at least by 10 points, maybe even 20-25?

Ablett, big waste of big money
Defensive and forward depth issues could be a cause for concern- relying on one of Giles, Fuller and Battersby and one of Fasolo, Bock and Rohan to play every week could be troublesome early. This problem will likely fix itself as round one draws closer, however.

D: 8.1/10
M: 9/10
R: 7.5/10
F: 8.5/10
Overall: 8.3/10 not bad but not amazing. On the right path.


Hey Jukes i would love to hear your opinions on this team! ATM i am not too sure about Lecras but he has plenty of upside should average close to 90, having both Ellis and Thomas could pay off if they both fire early but at worst they average 85 and see a price increase.

TEAM NAME: thelittleshets
DEF: J. McVeigh, S. Mitchell, K. Simpson, J. Grimes, M. Suckling, L. McDonald (M. Fuller, C. Howard)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, S. Selwood, T. Cotchin, D. Beams, B. Ellis, D. Thomas, D. Tyson, C. Beams (J. O'Rourke, J. Polec)
RUC: N. Naitanui, A. Sandilands (T. Derickx, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, M. LeCras, L. Franklin, M. Clark, A. Fasolo (N. Bock, D. Markworth)
CASH LEFT: $71,000


Quote from: eg6914 on December 22, 2013, 11:58:58 PM
Hey Jukes i would love to hear your opinions on this team! ATM i am not too sure about Lecras but he has plenty of upside should average close to 90, having both Ellis and Thomas could pay off if they both fire early but at worst they average 85 and see a price increase.

TEAM NAME: thelittleshets
DEF: J. McVeigh, S. Mitchell, K. Simpson, J. Grimes, M. Suckling, L. McDonald (M. Fuller, C. Howard)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, S. Selwood, T. Cotchin, D. Beams, B. Ellis, D. Thomas, D. Tyson, C. Beams (J. O'Rourke, J. Polec)
RUC: N. Naitanui, A. Sandilands (T. Derickx, D. Currie)
FWD: P. Dangerfield, D. Martin, M. LeCras, L. Franklin, M. Clark, A. Fasolo (N. Bock, D. Markworth)
CASH LEFT: $71,000

Brandon Ellis, great pick. If I could fit him in I would. Not only is he very underpriced due to his green and red vests, has a third-year breakout looming. Generally strong midfield, assuming that is a 600k+ pile of money at the start.
Good backline. McVeigh and SMitch should hold their average, or not fall too much, Simpson, Grimes and Suckling should increase in price, while the set of McDonald, Fuller and Howard should at least provide one player a week.

Mark LeCras. Not a bad pick as he should retain or slightly increase his 2013 average, but won't increase that much and there are better options around his price range. Parker, Sylvia, Wingard and Chappy are in a similar price range and would get a gig in my team over Lecca.

From my last review an hour ago,
Quote from: Jukes on December 22, 2013, 11:05:25 PM
Ablett, big waste of big money
The ruck stock is shaky. Derickx and Currie are far from guarenteed any game time, Nic Nat is coming off a very injury plagued 2013 (although should be fine. should), and Sandi is worse than Shaun Higgins at staying fit. Would like Longer as back-up over the current two.

D: 8.75/10
M: 9/10
R: 7/10
F: 8.5/10
Overall: 8.3/10 pretty standard team apart from Ellis.


Rosston Celtcis Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by mb21. Salary cap left: $45,100.

Garrick Ibbotson, Pearce Hanley, Beau Waters, Lachlan Hansen, Nick Vlastuin, Luke Delaney
Sam Shaw, Tom Simpkin

Steve Johnson, Gary Ablett jnr, Ryan Griffen, Tom Rockliff, Dayne Beams, Viv Michie, Claye Beams, Xavier Ellis
Jared Polec, Alex Woodward

Brodie Grundy, Aaron Sandilands
Tom Derickx, Daniel Currie

Patrick Dangerfield, Tom Mitchell, Ben Howlett, Paul Chapman, Gary Rohan, Charlie Dixon
Alex Fasolo, Kieran Harper