NBA Fantasy ESPN Draft

Started by Andrew3737, August 16, 2013, 08:30:20 AM

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Rrrrondo. Yep. Overrated - just like PP!  ::)

You just draft Boston guys J - and give the rest of us a chance.

I will set the draft order once one more knucklehead joins - tbag - where the eff you at?



Quote from: FisherSaints on October 18, 2013, 08:07:43 AM
So when is the draft?
At this stage, Sunday night, 10pm melbourne time :)


Can we start earlier than 10?  :P


Not on the Sunday.  :(

There seems to be a long draft free gap - 1:45am ET USA to 7am ET USA.

7am is 10 pm - so unless we really change things, 10pm Melbourne time seems best.

I can't imagine 12 people wanting to get up at the crack of dawn, but if that's what you / they want, let me know.

eg 3pm ET USA -> 6am Melbourne time??


Picking PG's will be tough. Think there are 3 clear standouts for a roto draft. The teams which nab one of the 3 will be off to a great start.


Wow wow wow. Found a player that I NEED.

If you take him, you're dead to me ;)



There is no 9 o'clock slot.

Move to Adelaide? 9:30?  ;D


The earlier the better I need to draft at work and I can't stay too late.

Also any update on the order? My research will depend on what order I pick.

Could you do a random draft order with 12 and if we go down to 10 you just remove those teams. I havwnt got long to plan so would like to know my pick soon.


I will cull numbers to 10 and set up the order random generator and let you know.

I have e mailed ESPN but am not expecting much joy I moving draft earlier which a few guys seem to want.

Stay tuned - here and there.


Draft order on ESPN league site.

Very interesting.  :-\


Quote from: tor01doc on October 19, 2013, 02:48:06 PM
There is no 9 o'clock slot.

Move to Adelaide? 9:30?  ;D

Yes that's 7:00 my time I can't do any later than that. I need to walk home from work


7 - what a coincidence.  ;)


Quote from: tor01doc on October 19, 2013, 04:00:49 PM
7 - what a coincidence.  ;)

Not a great pick but I have today to plan lets see what I can do with it. If it's not my pick tell me asap.