One of the those classic Myspace surveys/bulletins

Started by Nige, August 06, 2013, 10:00:03 PM

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Kind of pants:
Cartoon character:

Have you ever
Been close to dying:
Loved someone so much it made you cry:
Broke a bone:
Played truth or dare:
Ran away:
Broke someones heart:
Cried over someones death:
Cried in school:
Fell off your chair:
Saved e-mails:
Used someone:

What is...
Your good-luck charm:
Your favorite song:
Next to you:
Your pet peeve:

Ever had..
Chicken Pox:
Sore throat:
A one night stand:

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight:
Long distance relationships:
Like school:
Get along with your family:
Wear contact lenses or glasses:
Like filling out surveys:
Like yourself:


Was the last person who called you:
Makes you smile the most:
Knows you best:
Took this survey 1st:
Gets on your nerves:

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked:
Buy something:
Get sick:
Miss someone:
Talk to an ex:

Last person who...
Slept in your bed:
Saw or heard you cry:
Went to the movies with:
Told you they loved you:
You said I love you to:
You fought with:
You made fun of:
Made fun of you:

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty:
Scary or Funny movie:
Chocolate or Vanilla:
Coffee or Tea:
Summer or Winter:
Diamond or Pearl:
Pepsi or Coke:
Strawberry or Watermelon:
Citrus or Berry:

Hated anyone in your family:
Gotten any awards:
Good singer:
What was your last dream about:
When did you last shower:
What book are you reading now:
Best feeling in the world:
What's underneath your bed:
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:
What are you most scared of right now:
Are you lonely right now:
Song thats stuck in your head right now:
First thing you notice on opposite sex:
Are you to shy to ask someone out:
What are you wearing right now:
Favorite flower:
How many pillows do you sleep with:


Kind of pants: Trackies (for lounging around)
Number: Don't actually have one
Animal: Honey Badger/Red Panda
Drink: Boags Premium
Sport: Soccer
Month: Don't have one
Cartoon character: Again don't have one. (Don't have many favourites haha)

Have you ever
Been close to dying: No. Oh wait actually I have, my sister almost drowned me when I was a baby by pointing a hose in my face.
Loved someone so much it made you cry: Yes/no. Never just cried because I love someone, but cried about that person.
Broke a bone: Yes
Played truth or dare: Yes
Ran away: Yes
Broke someones heart: Yes
Cried over someones death: Yes
Cried in school: Yes
Fell off your chair: Yes
Saved e-mails: Don't they just automatically save?
Used someone: Yes

What is...
Your good-luck charm:
Your favorite song: Changes all the time.
Next to you: My phone
Your pet peeve: People who don't use grammar correctly, or can't spell, or use the wrong word.
Motivations: Just want to do the best I can.

Ever had..
Chicken Pox: Yes
Sore throat: Yes
A one night stand: No

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: No
Long distance relationships: Yes (but only if you know there will be a point when you will be back together in the near future)
Like school: Yes I like uni.
Get along with your family: Yes
Wear contact lenses or glasses: No
Like filling out surveys: Does this count as a survey?
Like yourself: Yes


Was the last person who called you: Work :(
Makes you smile the most: I dunno
Knows you best: Probably my ex
Took this survey 1st: I'm going to say Nigey, since he posted this.
Gets on your nerves: Nails :P

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked: Sure why not ;)
Buy something: Yep
Get sick: No
Miss someone: No
Talk to an ex: Yes

Last person who...
Slept in your bed: Me?
Saw or heard you cry: My housemate
Went to the movies with: Housemate
Told you they loved you: Sister
You said I love you to: Sister
You fought with: My bro (guys on here know how hard that is haha)
You made fun of: Housemate
Made fun of you: Housemate

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty: Righty
Scary or Funny movie: Funny
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Coffee or Tea: Neither
Summer or Winter: SUMMER
Diamond or Pearl: Diamond
Pepsi or Coke: Don't drink either
Strawberry or Watermelon: Toughy... um... Watermelon
Citrus or Berry: Berry

Hated anyone in your family: No
Gotten any awards: Too many to list
Good singer: Not even close
What was your last dream about: Honestly can't remember
When did you last shower: This morning
What book are you reading now: Uni text books. FUN!
Best feeling in the world: Hmm, not sure. Too hard thinking haha. So maybe, not having to think about anything and just switching brain off haha.
What's underneath your bed: Dust
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No
What are you most scared of right now: Spiders, more specifically Huntsman. Hate them so much!!
Are you lonely right now: No
Song thats stuck in your head right now: None at the moment
First thing you notice on opposite sex: Eyes
Are you to shy to ask someone out: No
What are you wearing right now: Trackies and a hoody
Favorite flower: I dunno.
How many pillows do you sleep with: 4 on the bed, 2 are generally ignored...


Kind of pants: Levis
Number: 69
Animal: Turtle
Drink: Tang
Sport: AFL/Cricket
Month: April
Cartoon character: Ginger Meggs

Have you ever
Been close to dying: Yes
Loved someone so much it made you cry: yes
Broke a bone: no
Played truth or dare: yes
Ran away: no
Broke someones heart: no
Cried over someones death: yes
Cried in school: no
Fell off your chair: yes
Saved e-mails: yes
Used someone: no

What is...
Your good-luck charm: My Omnitrix ;) (ask if you wanna know.)
Your favorite song: at the moment its Alive - Empire of The Sun
Next to you: my phone
Your pet peeve: Blondes
Motivations: The Chicks at Uni

Ever had..
Chicken Pox: no
Sore throat: yes
A one night stand: no

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: yes
Long distance relationships: yes
Like school: sorta
Get along with your family: yes
Wear contact lenses or glasses: yes
Like filling out surveys: hell no, but nige made me do it... ::)
Like yourself: :/

Was the last person who called you: Bill (chat guys know who this is)
Makes you smile the most: Nigey/HP
Knows you best: my MUM! :P
Took this survey 1st: Nigey because hes a swegget. ::)
Gets on your nerves: Jukes <3 :P

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked: yes
Buy something: yes
Get sick: no
Miss someone: yes
Talk to an ex: yes

Last person who...
Slept in your bed: me
Saw or heard you cry: cant remember
Went to the movies with: Bill >:(
Told you they loved you: Bill >:(
You said I love you to: Bill >:(
You fought with: Bill >:(
You made fun of: Bill ;D
Made fun of you: Bill >:(

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty: right
Scary or Funny movie: funny
Chocolate or Vanilla: choc
Coffee or Tea: tea
Summer or Winter: winter
Diamond or Pearl: Diamond
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon
Citrus or Berry: Berry

Hated anyone in your family: Yes
Gotten any awards: No
Good singer: No, although my showerhead thinks so ;D
What was your last dream about: Bill >:(
When did you last shower: Last week ;D nah kidding this morning
What book are you reading now: CHERUB: Guardian Angel
Best feeling in the world: ehrm... *cough cough*
What's underneath your bed: another bed :o
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yess :-X
What are you most scared of right now: myself
Are you lonely right now: yes
Song thats stuck in your head right now: Riptide - Vance Joy
First thing you notice on opposite sex: legs
Are you to shy to ask someone out: no
What are you wearing right now: school uniform
Favorite flower: poppies. :3
How many pillows do you sleep with:  2

Nige youre a faggot :-X

My Chumps

Doing it just for you Nigel :P

Hated anyone in your family: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooope
Gotten any awards: Too many to count. Legit.
Proof, me when I was 14 with two trophies:

I used to be good at golf.
Good singer: Sometimes... when I'm alone... in my bedroom... with the lights off... and other music playing.
What was your last dream about: Playing football and losing :(
When did you last shower: About 3 hours ago #hygiene
What book are you reading now: Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut
Best feeling in the world: Putting your head in a beanbag... try it.
What's underneath your bed: A years supply of urine.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Yes. It's my dead cat, Lando.
What are you most scared of right now: Brain aneurysm. "It can happen anywhere at anytime, that's what makes it so terrifying!" - Archer
Are you lonely right now: Definitely.
Song thats stuck in your head right now: Something Good - Alt-J
First thing you notice about opposite sex: Their personality, obvs.
Are you to shy to ask someone out: CLEARLY
What are you wearing right now: Adidas shorts and nothing else. Hugging my heater.
Favorite flower: Panzies.
How many pillows do you sleep with: 18. Wut.


Kind of pants: Trackies
Number: 6
Animal: Meerkat
Drink: Lemon, Lime and Bitters?
Sport: Lawn Bowls
Month: January
Cartoon character: Yogi Bear

Have you ever
Been close to dying: Yes
Loved someone so much it made you cry: Nope.
Broke a bone: Nope.
Played truth or dare: Yup.
Ran away: Nope.
Broke someones heart: Nah.
Cried over someones death: Nope.
Cried in school: Yus.
Fell off your chair: Too many times.
Saved e-mails: Yus.
Used someone: I don't think so?

What is...
Your good-luck charm: I used to have a Superman keyring I used to carry around before I lost it.
Your favorite song: Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley (not really, just can't think of another atm, but it's up there)
Next to you: TV remote
Your pet peeve: People who lol when they're not actually laughing or even smiling
Motivations: Idek tbh

Ever had..
Chicken Pox: Not that I know of?
Sore throat: Yus.
A one night stand: No.

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: Nah.
Long distance relationships: Nah.
Like school: Nah.
Get along with your family: Not really.
Wear contact lenses or glasses: Glasses, yup.
Like filling out surveys: Yusss.
Like yourself: No, I'm a fgt.


Was the last person who called you: My mother's best friend, idek why, I missed the call.
Makes you smile the most: Nobody?
Knows you best: I don't even know.
Took this survey 1st: Me?
Gets on your nerves: 95% of the world's population.

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked: I guess?
Buy something: I wish.
Get sick: Does choking on food count?
Miss someone: Kinda?
Talk to an ex: Lulz no.

Last person who...
Slept in your bed: My mother took a nap on my bed on the weekend.
Saw or heard you cry: Idk?
Went to the movies with: My pal Shaun.
Told you they loved you: Nobody ever has...
You said I love you to: Idek.
You fought with: My mother.
You made fun of: My pal Shaun.
Made fun of you: Again, my pal Shaun.

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty: Righty.
Scary or Funny movie: Comedy ftw.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Coffee or Tea: Neither, both are cool iced though.
Summer or Winter: Summer fo sho.
Diamond or Pearl: Diamond.
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi even though I have Coke more.
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon. Both are great though.
Citrus or Berry: Citrus... just!

Hated anyone in your family: Yes.
Gotten any awards: Yes.
Good singer: I like to think so.
What was your last dream about: flowered if I knew.
When did you last shower: About 4 hours ago.
What book are you reading now: None?
Best feeling in the world: Euphoria?
What's underneath your bed: Shoes, DS charging cable.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Used to back in the day.
What are you most scared of right now: Failing at Uni again.
Are you lonely right now: Very.
Song thats stuck in your head right now: Handlebars - Flobots
First thing you notice on opposite sex: Bewbs?
Are you to shy to ask someone out: Yes.
What are you wearing right now: Pajama pants and a kewl stripey t-shirt.
Favorite flower: Daffodils?
How many pillows do you sleep with: Can't stand having more than one.




Kind of pants: I never wear pants. Shorts every day of the year
Number: 17
Animal: Cat
Drink: Pepsi
Sport: Tennis
Month: July
Cartoon character: Jerry

Have you ever
Been close to dying: no, actually
Loved someone so much it made you cry: yes
Broke a bone: never.
Played truth or dare: yeah
Ran away: yup
Broke someones heart: yip
Cried over someones death: yaa
Cried in school: yes
Fell off your chair: almost :P
Saved e-mails: always
Used someone: yep

What is...
Your good-luck charm: Well, it was an autograph from Tony Greig, which was always in my cricket pants when i played, then it went through the wash. :-\ And then he passed away like 2 weeks later. R.I.P. #arrestmenow
Your favorite song: Both Of Us by B.o.B and Taylor Swift
Next to you: Nothing, noone
Your pet peeve: People that chew with their mouth open, disgusting habit.
Motivations: The lookers at school

Ever had..
Chicken Pox: yes
Sore throat: every week
A one night stand: no

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: yes
Long distance relationships: no
Like school: yes
Get along with your family: mostly
Wear contact lenses or glasses: nup
Like filling out surveys: love them
Like yourself: hate myself

Was the last person who called you: not sure, been like 3 months i reckon.
Makes you smile the most: Jimmy Anderson taking wickets >:D
Knows you best: On FanFooty? Jayman
Took this survey 1st: CrowsFan
Gets on your nerves: Jayman

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked: no
Buy something: yes
Get sick: no
Miss someone: yes
Talk to an ex: need to have an ex first ::)

Last person who...
Slept in your bed: me
Saw or heard you cry: hmmm, haven't cried in public since Yr 5 i reckon, so my yr 5 class :P Edit: Just remembered that i cried when Ricky Ponting walked out to bat for the last time. :'( Noone saw me though.
Went to the movies with: too long ago, don't remember
Told you they loved you: never been said to me before :'(
You said I love you to: previous crush
You fought with: Jayman
You made fun of: Jayman
Made fun of you: Jayman

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty: Left!
Scary or Funny movie: Romantic
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Coffee or Tea: none, both are crap
Summer or Winter: Autumn
Diamond or Pearl: Diamond
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon
Citrus or Berry: Citrus

Hated anyone in your family: no
Gotten any awards: best math student at primary school. Then i stopped, much like Port did 6 years ago.
Good singer: when no one can hear me
What was your last dream about: being successful
When did you last shower: I believe this is a proper shower, not the FF code shower. 4 hours ago
What book are you reading now: Fatty Batter, Michael Simkins
Best feeling in the world: Watching Port win.
What's underneath your bed: dust
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
What are you most scared of right now: Spiders, snakes, going to school tomorrow because i've been doing this survey instead of doing hmework
Are you lonely right now: yes
Song thats stuck in your head right now: On top of the World, Imagine Dragons
First thing you notice on opposite sex: legs
Are you to shy to ask someone out: i've done it before, but yes
What are you wearing right now: matching pyjamas
Favorite flower: oral
How many pillows do you sleep with: 1
Leader of the King Karl Amon fan club
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


Kind of pants: PE shorts
Number: 23 23 23 23 23!
Animal: Cats
Drink: Coke
Sport: Footy ofc
Month: July
Cartoon character: Vegeta

Have you ever
Been close to dying: nope
Loved someone so much it made you cry: <3 BOXXY <3
Broke a bone: nope
Played truth or dare: yes
Ran away: As in from home? nope, unless going for runs counts
Broke someones heart: not that I know of
Cried over someones death: Yep (goodnight, sweet fuhrer)
Cried in school: yes, but mostly pain and nothing emotional
Fell off your chair: too many times to count
Saved e-mails: guys on chat will know about my email from her <3
Used someone: nope

What is...
Your good-luck charm: kind of, my current Claremont guernsey. Four grand finals out of four lost without it, two out of two won with it.
Your favorite song: Under Pressure- Queen
Next to you: Couch cushions and tv remote
Your pet peeve: minorities
Motivations: see:

Ever had..
Chicken Pox: yep, not too heavy though
Sore throat: last week :/
A one night stand: no because good bloke

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: yes (see: boxxy)
Long distance relationships: depends
Like school: not my favourite thing to do in the world, but there are good qualities
Get along with your family: most of the time
Wear contact lenses or glasses: nope
Like filling out surveys: depends
Like yourself: depends

Was the last person who called you: dad
Makes you smile the most: boxxy (recurring theme in this survey)
Knows you best: best mate Marty
Took this survey 1st: a velociraptor
Gets on your nerves: where do I start? Most of the cows on chat, some/most players and fans of rival sporting teams (eagles, chelsea, australia)...

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked: Can't even remember what I did yesterday, so maybe
Buy something: nope
Get sick: nope
Miss someone: yep
Talk to an ex: nope

Last person who...
Slept in your bed: me
Saw or heard you cry: my brother, after we beat the dockers :')
Went to the movies with: mates like a year ago, never go to movies
Told you they loved you: mum 20 minutes ago :/
You said I love you to: see above
You fought with: runners and clickers in the last of us
You made fun of: my brother
Made fun of you: can't remember- why would you mess with somebody so much taller than you?

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty: right
Scary or Funny movie: scary
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Coffee or Tea: neither
Summer or Winter: summer, just. I prefer in the middle
Diamond or Pearl: neither, g1 master race
Pepsi or Coke: coke
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Citrus or Berry: clitorus

Hated anyone in your family: at the moment no
Gotten any awards: yes
Good singer: somewhat
What was your last dream about: the walking dead
When did you last shower: 5 hours ago or so
What book are you reading now: Kevin Sheedy autobiography
Best feeling in the world: new boxxy video
What's underneath your bed: random junk
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope, unless my living cats count :P
What are you most scared of right now: nothing
Are you lonely right now: I'm by myself, home alone, but not lonely
Song thats stuck in your head right now: Simple Man- Lynyrd Skynyrd
First thing you notice on opposite sex: tits and cuteness at the same time
Are you to shy to ask someone out: too* and depends
What are you wearing right now: Queen shirt, PE shorts, plain white socks
Favorite flower: none
How many pillows do you sleep with: 3


Kind of pants: Boardies or Jeans
Number: 17
Animal: Dog
Drink: Coke
Sport: Hockey
Month: January
Cartoon character: Peter Griffen

Have you ever
Been close to dying: Sort of, got caught in a rip and had to rescue someone whilst caught in the rip. 15  minutes of hell and was cactus after it for a while after it
Loved someone so much it made you cry: Yep
Broke a bone: Yep, Hand
Played truth or dare: Yep
Ran away: Nope
Broke someones heart: Of course, look at me!
Cried over someones death: Yep
Cried in school: Probably in primary school
Fell off your chair: Yep, drunk
Saved e-mails: Yep, hoarder
Used someone: yep

What is...
Your good-luck charm: Red Chinese Envelope in my wallet
Your favorite song: Madder Groove Armada
Next to you: Heater
Your pet peeve: People who drive at night with out their lights on
Motivations: Never give up, dont stop trying, ever little effort counts

Ever had..
Chicken Pox: Yes
Sore throat: Yes, currently
A one night stand: Yes

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: Yeah
Long distance relationships: yeah
Like school: some of it
Get along with your family: Yes
Wear contact lenses or glasses: No
Like filling out surveys: They are ok
Like yourself: not really


Was the last person who called you: Workmate
Makes you smile the most: Family
Knows you best: Family
Took this survey 1st: CF
Gets on your nerves: Some un-named fans of certain AFL clubs

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked: Friend from Melbourne
Buy something: Lunch
Get sick: Was already sick
Miss someone: yep
Talk to an ex: No

Last person who...
Slept in your bed: Me
Saw or heard you cry: Ex
Went to the movies with: Ex
Told you they loved you: Mum
You said I love you to: Mum
You fought with: Work college
You made fun of: Myself
Made fun of you: Myself

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty: Right
Scary or Funny movie: Funny
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Coffee or Tea: Tea, but i dont drink either
Summer or Winter: Summer
Diamond or Pearl: Diamond
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon
Citrus or Berry: Citrus

Hated anyone in your family: no, but plenty annoy me
Gotten any awards: Yes
Good singer: of course i am (not)
What was your last dream about: cant remember
When did you last shower: 10 mins ago
What book are you reading now: Alcatel Installation guide
Best feeling in the world: Captaining a hockey team to a grand final win
What's underneath your bed: boxes and a magazine
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
What are you most scared of right now: heights
Are you lonely right now: Definitely
Song thats stuck in your head right now: Macklemore - Thrift Shop
First thing you notice on opposite sex: Eyes or pins
Are you to shy to ask someone out: Yes
What are you wearing right now: Boardies and Tshirt
Favorite flower: Self raising
How many pillows do you sleep with: 2


Kind of pants:jeans
Number: 20
Animal: dog
Drink: bourbon
Sport: basketball
Cartoon character: Stewie

Have you ever
Been close to dying: no
Loved someone so much it made you cry: yes
Broke a bone: no
Played truth or dare: yes
Ran away: no
Broke someones heart: no
Cried over someones death: yes
Cried in school: yes
Fell off your chair: yes
Saved e-mails: yes
Used someone: yes

What is...
Your good-luck charm:
Your favorite song: I like too many different songs
Next to you: my youngest son
Your pet peeve: people who can't think for themselves
Motivations: my family

Ever had..
Chicken Pox: yes
Sore throat: yes
A one night stand: sort of

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: yes
Long distance relationships: yes
Like school: no
Get along with your family: yes
Wear contact lenses or glasses: no
Like filling out surveys: not really
Like yourself: yes

Was the last person who called you: my other half
Makes you smile the most: my kids
Knows you best: my family and close friends
Took this survey 1st: flowered if I know
Gets on your nerves: bosses at work

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked: yes
Buy something: yes
Get sick: no
Miss someone: yes
Talk to an ex: don't have an ex

Last person who...
Slept in your bed: me
Saw or heard you cry: probably my kids not entirely sure
Went to the movies with: my kids
Told you they loved you: my youngest son
You said I love you to: my youngest son
You fought with: my oldest son
You made fun of: my kids
Made fun of you: my kids

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty: right
Scary or Funny movie: both
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Coffee or Tea: neither unless its iced coffee or iced tea
Summer or Winter: summer
Diamond or Pearl: diamond
Pepsi or Coke: coke of course Pepsi is shower
Strawberry or Watermelon: both
Citrus or Berry: berry

Hated anyone in your family: no
Gotten any awards: yes too many to list
Good singer: flower no
What was your last dream about: would take too long to explain but it was very weird
When did you last shower: just before I went to bed tonight
What book are you reading now: Stephen Kings Cell
Best feeling in the world: when you first lay eyes on your newborn child
What's underneath your bed: dust
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
What are you most scared of right now: heights
Are you lonely right now: no
Song thats stuck in your head right now: amazingly there is not one stuck there atm
First thing you notice on opposite sex: eyes
Are you to shy to ask someone out: not applicable
What are you wearing right now: my pj's
Favorite flower: roses
How many pillows do you sleep with: 1

Bill Manspeaker

Kind of pants: Trackies
Number: 35
Animal: Tiger
Drink: Beam
Sport: AFL or Cricket.. hard to choose
Month: September
Cartoon character: Homer Simpson

Have you ever
Been close to dying: Yeah, huge car accident. Died 5 times.. very lucky to be alive
Loved someone so much it made you cry: Nah
Broke a bone: Plenty... pleeeeeenty. Have a metal hip now
Played truth or dare: Yeah
Ran away: Nah
Broke someones heart: Yeah think so
Cried over someones death: Yeah
Cried in school: Haha, cried in grade 2 when I couldn't fold paper. Mates won't let me live it down
Fell off your chair: Yeah
Saved e-mails: Nah
Used someone: Nah

What is...
Your good-luck charm:
Your favorite song: Chimaira - Left For Dead
Next to you: TV remote
Your pet peeve: People that think know something when they have no idea
Motivations: Pretty lucky to be alive so just to live out my life doing what I wanna do

Ever had..
Chicken Pox: Yeah
Sore throat: Yeah
A one night stand: Yeah

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: Nah
Long distance relationships: Yeah, was involved in one
Like school: Yeah I guess, alot of fun
Get along with your family: Yeah
Wear contact lenses or glasses: Nah
Like filling out surveys: Nah, thought I'd give this a go though
Like yourself: Yeah


Was the last person who called you: A mate
Makes you smile the most: Mates
Knows you best: Mates / Family
Took this survey 1st: No idea
Gets on your nerves: Buckley, Paul Roos/Dwayne Russell/Bruce McAveney when they commentate, Indian/England cricket team and their supporters

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked: Yeah
Buy something: Nah
Get sick: Nah
Miss someone: Nah
Talk to an ex: Nah

Last person who...
Slept in your bed: Me
Saw or heard you cry: No idea
Went to the movies with: Mates
Told you they loved you: Nicki
You said I love you to: Nicki
You fought with: Dunno
You made fun of: Dunno
Made fun of you: Dunno

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty: Righty
Scary or Funny movie: A combination of both ;D. Like comedy movies a bit more
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Coffee or Tea: Tea
Summer or Winter: Winter
Diamond or Pearl: Diamond
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Citrus or Berry: Berry

Hated anyone in your family: Nah
Gotten any awards: Yeah sporting awards
Good singer: Haha.. no no no
What was your last dream about: To be honest I cant remember
When did you last shower: Today
What book are you reading now: Nothing
Best feeling in the world: When the Saints finally win a flag
What's underneath your bed: Cords
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Nah
What are you most scared of right now: The power going out ;D
Are you lonely right now: Nah
Song thats stuck in your head right now: Nothing atm
First thing you notice on opposite sex: Both their face and their body. Probably body first
Are you to shy to ask someone out: Nah
What are you wearing right now: Trackes and a shirt
Favorite flower: My ex? Ohhh flower. In that case don't have one
How many pillows do you sleep with: 3


Kind of pants: no pants, ;)
Number: 7
Animal: Platypus
Drink: Traditionals Raspberry
Sport: Waterpolo
Month: March
Cartoon character: Archer

Have you ever
Been close to dying: yes
Loved someone so much it made you cry: no
Broke a bone: no
Played truth or dare: yes
Ran away: no
Broke someones heart: no
Cried over someones death: yes
Cried in school: yes
Fell off your chair: yes
Saved e-mails: no
Used someone: I used my 2nd cousin to hit my brother? :P

What is...
Your good-luck charm: My dog
Your favorite song: idek
Next to you: my dog
Your pet peeve: people who think they're better than everyone else/no manners
Motivations: life

Ever had..
Chicken Pox: no
Sore throat: yes
A one night stand: no

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: yes
Long distance relationships: no
Like school: yes
Get along with your family: yes
Wear contact lenses or glasses: no
Like filling out surveys: maybe,  8)
Like yourself: yes


Was the last person who called you: my brother
Makes you smile the most: my girl/friend
Knows you best: my best bud since kinda
Took this survey 1st: Tom from MySpace
Gets on your nerves: this one kid that insists on knowing every aspect of everyone's lives

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked: yes
Buy something: no
Get sick: no
Miss someone: yes
Talk to an ex: no

Last person who...
Slept in your bed: my dog
Saw or heard you cry: my brother
Went to the movies with: best bud
Told you they loved you: my girl/friend
You said I love you to: my girl/friend
You fought with: my brother
You made fun of: my brother
Made fun of you: my brother

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty: right everything apart from folding clothes
Scary or Funny movie: funny
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Coffee or Tea: tea
Summer or Winter: winter
Diamond or Pearl: diamond
Pepsi or Coke: coke
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Citrus or Berry: citrus

Hated anyone in your family: no
Gotten any awards: yes
Good singer: am I ever!
What was your last dream about: school
When did you last shower: yesterday afternoon
What book are you reading now: what is this book thing you speak of?
Best feeling in the world: when everything comes together
What's underneath your bed: carpet
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope
What are you most scared of right now: falling behind in school
Are you lonely right now: mostly yes
Song thats stuck in your head right now: my girl
First thing you notice on opposite sex: hair
Are you to shy to ask someone out: yes
What are you wearing right now: nothing, ;)
Favorite flower: you, ;)
How many pillows do you sleep with: 3

My Chumps

roo boys!

Kind of pants: Sports/running shorts
Number: 23
Animal: Dog
Drink: Water
Sport: Cricket/Footy
Month: December
Cartoon character: Umm, probably Homer

Have you ever
Been close to dying: Nah
Loved someone so much it made you cry: No
Broke a bone: Yep, a few
Played truth or dare: Yeah
Ran away: No
Broke someones heart: Not that I know of
Cried over someones death: Yes
Cried in school: No
Fell off your chair: Yes
Saved e-mails: No
Used someone: Again, not knowingly

What is...
Your good-luck charm: None
Your favorite song: Tough one, at the moment probably Counting Stars
Next to you: Phone
Your pet peeve: Arrogant pricks and dickheads who chew loudly
Motivations: Binga

Ever had..
Chicken Pox: Yes
Sore throat: Yes
A one night stand: No

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: No
Long distance relationships: No
Like school: No
Get along with your family: Yes
Wear contact lenses or glasses: No
Like filling out surveys: No
Like yourself: I guess haha

Was the last person who called you: A mate
Makes you smile the most: Different mate
Knows you best: Same as ^^
Took this survey 1st: Not me
Gets on your nerves: Poms/Jukes and Cic

Yesterday did you...
Talk to someone you liked: Yes
Buy something: No
Get sick: No
Miss someone: No
Talk to an ex: No

Last person who...
Slept in your bed: Me
Saw or heard you cry: People at my uncles funeral
Went to the movies with: Not a bit frequenter of the movies, saw something with a few mates a few weeks back though
Told you they loved you: Probably mum this morning haha
You said I love you to: I throw it around a fair bit....
You fought with: A mate
You made fun of: ^^^
Made fun of you: ^^^

Pick one
Are you righty or lefty: Righty for most, lefty for bowling
Scary or Funny movie: Funny
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Coffee or Tea: Neither, coffee if I had to
Summer or Winter: Summer
Diamond or Pearl: Diamond
Pepsi or Coke: Probably Coke
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon
Citrus or Berry: Berry

Hated anyone in your family: At times, not true hate though
Gotten any awards: Yep (could be arrogant and say too many to count, or even more arrogant and count them all haha)
Good singer: I've given up
What was your last dream about: Basti hahaha I'm not even kidding he made an appearance, first Basti dream too
When did you last shower: Last night
What book are you reading now: None
Best feeling in the world: Chilling with mates in summer
What's underneath your bed: Few old books and lots of dust....hey, a north scarf!
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No
What are you most scared of right now: My hammy going ping again haha
Are you lonely right now: Nope
Song thats stuck in your head right now: Counting Stars - OneRepublic
First thing you notice on opposite sex: If wearing shorts/leggings - pins
Are you to shy to ask someone out: Depends
What are you wearing right now: Shirt and pants
Favorite flower: Dunno about flowers but I don't mind a big ass tree
How many pillows do you sleep with: 1