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AFL rules commitee destroying our game

Started by B1NG!!, July 26, 2013, 07:05:58 PM

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I've been a football fan for as far back as I can remember. Majority of my childhood earliest pictures  were either taken with a footy in my hand or at the footy supporting my Local team. But in recent years I have watched the game being dissected and striped of what has made our code of football unique to that of others across the world. The rules committee who have changed the fabric of our game by introducing ridiculous rules that have even left the umpires questioning what they are to be calling from week to week..
The strange thing is that I don't see the rules committee reviewing any decisions in rule change anytime time soon. To do so would prove them to be incompetent. A position where it is your job to change rules can only lead to a game of constantly change. A  hybrid Netball/Gaelic football code in the not to distant future is what i for see, with the ever familiar 'BAAAAALLLLLL' being replaced by 'OBSTRUCTION', unless something done about it. I don't think it matters which team you you support, majority of supporters are sick and tired or just plain confused at decisions handed down on a weekly basis by the MRP as a result of the rules committee. I myself as a Geelong fan am quite close to turning off the game I grew up with for good.
What can we do about it? I believe that Demitrieu with his head so far up his own arse, who has very little passion for the sport and who only views this as a business where the bottom line is his only concern would NOT consider reviewing rule changes unless such decisions became a financial burden. The only way for this to become a financial burden is if TV ratings and game attendances fell dramatically. Imagine 'Antiques Roadshow' out rating Carlton Vs Richmond Friday night at Etihad, or Melbourne Storm having higher attendance than Essendon Vs Collingwood. I put this to any loyal fan who has passion for this game and does not want to see it tarnished further to boycott Round 1 2014. I would happily give the AFL the pre season to review then revoke the numerous ridiculous rule changes they have made. I do believe there is room to improve our game but not the fashion the AFL has gone about it of late.
I am going on an assault to take our game back and would appreciate support from the greater football community because without this would fail. If you truly love our game lets band together and give this issue the time it deserves. So many fans have displayed their disgust and confusion for the game that it is time to control that emotion and direct it to a target. That target being the AFL and their attempts to sanitise our game. It is a contact sport and should remain a contact sport. End of argument. Thoughts??

Clyde Frog

Any particular rule that is getting you all fired up?

Mailman the 2nd

You sound like one of those people who wanted to bring back the death penalty


I agree that some changes need to be made, here are the rules that need addressing in my opinion:
- sliding into the legs of another player should be taken out and it should be first to the ball who gets rewarded not second, one injury is not enough for a complete rule change
- the 50 meter penalty needs to change, it's having too much of an effect on the game and usually for such small things! I think a 25-30 metre penalty will be fine.
- the only infringements that can be made in a marking contest is a push in the back
- any bump made within 5 metres of ball should no longer be penalised by the mrp unless head high, in which case only a 1-2 week sanction can be handed down to the player. I think the penalties have become far to extreme for players who are just trying to Shepard. A bit optimistic but it might work.
- video replay needs to go and it is goal umpires call only
- if the ball is disposed of incorrectly, ie throwing, dropping it is holding the ball and that needs to be enforced because it appears it has disappeared
- staging needs to be enforced by the mrp by players who throw head backs
- no free kicks to players who duck or drop shoulders, enforced more
- no free kick to be paid for interchange infringements only fines, if a team is playing an extra player, the other team can always call a head count
- only closest umpire to make decisions, I'm sick of seeing umpires 100 metres away making decisions ie throw.
- on a side note I think over the pre season the umpires should be instructed to try to learn to withhold there whistle more often and let the game flow, only call the absolute obvious free and if there is a 50/50 decision, DON'T PAY IT! If they do it all throughout finals they can do it throughout the home and away season!

I know there a lot of changes there but I think if all these changes were made the games would be a little bit more stress free to watch. As for Andrew demitriou, the man has been in charge for longer than the average CEO, in his tenure there has been draft scandals, tanking and drug cheating. If all of essendon are standing down I believe he in some way needs to take some responsibility for the disasters that he has been through. Evans didn't administer the drugs yet has stood down so I think it's time for a change. GET RID OF DEMETRIOU AND GIESHAN!


I disagree with the sliding one, it needs to be modified, but shouldn't be removed, it is unnecessarily dangerous.

I agree with the 50 metre one. I think at least some intermediate penalty needs to be introduced for certain frees.

is there a specific incident you're referring to with the bump? Because that's how I thought it was paid :/

the video replay is a necessity- what they need to do is improve it, not remove it. Atm, it's imperfect- they need better cameras, and more cameras at different angles. Umpires make a lot of mistakes, and you don't want it happening on the goal line.

incorrect ball disposal is right- I don't see why players who have the ball come loose in a tackle don't get pinged for it :/

staging definitely needs to be addressed.

purposely playing for a free kick by ducking/ dropping shoulders shouldn't be a free kick, but it's hard to tell when a player is ducking or just trying to evade a tackle in some cases.

interchange infringements should be a free kick. If there's no in game penalty, a coach who's desperate/ has shower morals will take advantage of it.

If the umpires 100m away see the free kick, they should be able to pay it. The closest umpire mightn't be able to see certain things at certain angles.


There are a number of rules that are open to interpretation by umpires and often the wrong interpretation is given,

Know this is controversial from Sundays Game, - Merrett went to play on and then pointed to Crowley inside the 5 metres and stopped. Should have been a 50 metre Penalty to Brisbane according to rules. 
Just showing how things can be interpreted one way or other sometimes incorrectly.

In Saying that do not agree with a 50 metre penalty think it should be a 25 metre penalty.  Some of the objections I have to the 50 metre rule are:
A seemingly minor infringement may cost a goal.
Some of the 50 metres measured by umpires are more like 40 in some cases and I have seen closer to 60 so the 25 metre rule may be a better result.

Regarding interchange infringements I would like to see the free kick awarded at the interchange gate area as I think the penalty is too great with the kick near the 50 metre arc especially if as has been no infringement actually occurred,

The incorrect ball disposal really needs policing and tidying up - How many times in a match do we see players just drop the ball with no penalty and umpires call play on.

I am ok with non officiating umpires calling free kicks so long as they are 100% certain of the infringement.  Umpires can be blindsided so that is ok.

Diving for frees needs to be really introduced and even made an offence with a minimum sanction of 125 points resulting in a one week suspension.  Would clean this out of the game very quickly.

The sliding rule needs to be improved or refined not done way with. Why should a player who dives to take possession and ready to get the ball out be penalised when a second player crashes into him below the knees. Deliberate attacking needs to be penalised though.

Camera angles and cameras need to be improved to assist umpires in borderline situations. Need to get HD cameras, goal post snicko to adjudicate better. Agree that too many atm are back to umpires call but with improved technology would be more definitive,

My greatest hope for umpires is that they only call the obvious infringements and allow play to go on in 50/50 situations. Let the marking of the ball in the 50 metre be a real test of strength rather than watching for slightest touch in the back etc,