LaHug's Captains - Round 11

Started by LaHug, June 05, 2013, 09:25:52 PM

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Who's your captain?

31 (59.6%)
17 (32.7%)
3 (5.8%)
0 (0%)
1 (1.9%)
Someone else
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 2


Tempted to go the pig for the fun of a Monday captain. So tough to not back GAJ in though, I've already lost close to 100 points for not doong so before!


its me lads

Stants could give you a massive leap on everyone else.


some of those stats are weird

people brining in SJ now?
and more people own Buddy than they did at year start? (and 47.5% of total teams have him)

tempted to bring Stanton in and C him, just for the leap up

edit: bought stanton in and gave him the C, delighted to see that the tag icon (cachia though) is on Watson right now


How on Earth is Curnow successfully tagging Stanton?! I know he doesn't like tags but seriously?!

T Dog

Quote from: Alka on June 07, 2013, 05:49:52 PM
Tempted to go the pig for the fun of a Monday captain. So tough to not back GAJ in though, I've already lost close to 100 points for not doong so before!

I have gone the Swan meister..all opponents have  Gazza...could be genius...or not  :o


Quote from: LaHug on June 07, 2013, 08:34:39 PM
How on Earth is Curnow successfully tagging Stanton?! I know he doesn't like tags but seriously?!

tagged Boak to 74 in rd8, and Gaff to 47 in rd4
it's going to be one of those rounds :(


Quote from: pommyadam on June 07, 2013, 08:53:58 PM
Quote from: LaHug on June 07, 2013, 08:34:39 PM
How on Earth is Curnow successfully tagging Stanton?! I know he doesn't like tags but seriously?!

tagged Boak to 74 in rd8, and Gaff to 47 in rd4
it's going to be one of those rounds :(
Sigh... Stanton's tank is huge and Curnow looks exhausted but Stants isn't doing anything. Bummer :(


Mick has tried to slow him down, and it's worked.  :(

flowering Curnow.  ::)


Well at least if you captained Stanton you would've got 100 from him.. ::) :P

Not a good score, very glad I went GAJ.


Quote from: Mr.Craig on June 07, 2013, 07:22:43 PM

Suddenly more people captaining buddy, cotchin and mitchell than stanton makes sense  :P.

In all seriousness though, if your captain has the bye, do you get your vice captain's score? The reason I ask is I read something that said emergencies will not cover a donut if the player has a bye, they will only cover a donut from a player who's team is playing. I thought the captain thing could be similar, not that I am keen to find out lol


After a month of the other great man (the great man being Tex) GAJ

Have gone back too the big fat pig, just been murdering the Dee's in this birthday matchup


Quote from: tbagrocks on June 08, 2013, 02:47:33 PM
After a month of the other great man (the great man being Tex) GAJ

Have gone back too the big fat pig, just been murdering the Dee's in this birthday matchup

I've done the same! Like I posted earlier in this thread, Swan is surely due for a huge one, while GAJ is overdue a trip back down to earth with a sub-120 score... having said that, you would have thought that would happen last week or the week before, only for him to increase his scoring on the previous week! Oh well, we will find out soon enough! After a horrible last two weeks (from 36th for the week in Round 8, to 15,000th in Round 9 and then 50,000th last Round!), I've gotta take a few (calculated!) risks in order to get back in the top 1000, and what better way to do it than with the Pig!


how i'm glad to see you wrong about Jelwood

furious about Stanton, but that damn curnow tag, he's better than Carrots is >:(


46 coaches picked Tom Mitchell as captain...