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Oh, Eddie

Started by AFEV, May 29, 2013, 01:17:38 PM

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Quote from: ██████████ on May 30, 2013, 03:11:09 PM
Relax people, Harry O will take care of this. He's also going to cure cancer, end poverty and halt global warming.
The globe is getting warmer?????
not in melbourne!! ;D


Quote from: RiOtChEsS on May 30, 2013, 04:09:28 PM
Let me say i think Eddie has done a fantastic job as president and it would be harsh to lose his post over a poor jape... that said he has helped usher in a zero tolerance policy for racial vilification, putting the onus on the board "to ask him to step down" is copping out, ( the board saying all his other work offsets is a cop out, Collingwood passing the buck round and round until the public become dizzy with the issue isnt fooling the majority... ZERO TOLERANCE means just that, fall on your sword and knock off the nonsense, its the only way u and now Collingwood wont be remembered as HYPOCRITES


Im just going to make the point to people who said that what eddie said wasn't racist (I really believe he didn't mean it to be once again, ftr)

'Professor Houston was the first Aboriginal person to be appointed to such a senior role at any Australian university.
He said most Australians recognised instances of overt racism in which, for example, a person was denied a job or access to housing because of the colour of their skin.

However, he said that society tended to tolerate jokes or statements by those who didn't realise they were causing offence.
But he said if one person was offended by a joke, it was racist.'

I'm not even going to comment on racist remarks/ name calling. Name calling for something a person was born as is wrong in general, whether it's racist or not. As for the importance of stamping out racist comments like calling an indigenous man an ape, it generally demonstrates a persons character and beliefs... sure, a 13 year old girl calling a 30 year old man names might seem like a bit of an overreaction... but it shows an attitude/ conviction that she has. Maybe at this point, it won't hurt anyone beyond emotional damage... retaining those racist attitudes in future however can lead to racial attacks, rapes, riots, etc. if people allow themselves to be ingrained in believing that other races aren't really equal/ human.


Harry O'Brien doesnt agree with you lozza71, on AFL 360 he said that by the 13 yo girl calling Goodes an Ape, she has basically called Krakouer, Himself and Jetta and ape as well.

Quote from: lozza71 on May 30, 2013, 03:40:06 PM
Sid reckons adam goodes is a VICTIM. kidding me arnt you.

A victim is someone who has been victimised . Lets see  somone who is raped, homeless, car accident, lost his job, house burnt down,
Got beaten up for no reason,  lost all his savings, locked up for 10 years repeatdley beaten and raped.
The list goes on and on these people are VICTIMS.

Adam goodes oh yeah hes s victim. I am telling my mummy a 13 year old girl called me ape
Yes i agree that there are victims out there and when your grandfather and my grandparents first came over they were victims of racial taunts. I had them both at school some called me a skippy some called me a wog. We have moved on from there though. You can not racially vilify a person any more, doesnt matter how old either person is.


Quote from: McRooster on May 29, 2013, 05:01:20 PM
What does Matt Rendell think? The AFL rail roaded Rendell into the ground for a private comment between two AFL officials, will they now stand up against Eddie after this very public gaff, or will Eddie's Foxsports connections keep him safe ? Stay tuned.
Matt Rendell thing still flowering irks me more than a year later!!!  >:(


Quote from: bowyanger on May 29, 2013, 06:27:00 PM
Quote from: Ziplock on May 29, 2013, 05:52:54 PM

considering harry o, goodes, wells have all indicated their issue with his statement, flower it, I say he should go over this. If a fan said something like that or an equivalent at a footy match, they'd be facing a life ban.
Harry O is a tool, I read his comments re this issue, he just wanted some limelight, stupid post that when I read it to workmates, they agreed.
sorry, bow - can't agree with you on this - Harry O's comments straight after and further I think are spot on ... racism sometimes is hidden behind 'larrikinism' eg "can't you take a joke?" ...

having said that, not everyone who makes a gaffe is racist and I do accept that political correctness can also go too far the other way eg schools banning references to Christmas and Santa Claus so as not to offend other religions ...

lozza, i think you're missing the point mate but i'm happy to have the discussion with you ... let's not descend into name calling but because you disagree with another person's point of view ... stay premium cos this site is awesome!  8)   ;)


Well Harry O and Krakouer might be late out due to this whole thing so not only is it hurting the team off the field, his comments might have on field ramifications as well


Quote from: lozza71 on May 30, 2013, 01:43:10 PM
Its amazing how sensitive we have all become. What happen to us aussies..
Why are we telling people how to behave. In a muslim country i would understand.
This is australia we have been name calling for 100s of years.

It happens every single day. The first immigrants were called wogs. Daigos. Clog wogs. Macos.
I often hear dumb aussie and the list goes on.

My grandfather when he first arrived was teased that much he changed his surname.
Because he copped it at work everyday. It was cockshawn he changed it to peterson.

Aussies are known for there humor. However aussies are not known for dobbing.
Adam goodes dobbed in a 13 year old girl. He is a 30 something man. Who hasnt grown up.

Still carrying hurts from primary school and now those surpressed hurts are back again.
Go see a counsellor and deal with it.


very poor form mate

get your head out your backside and take a good look around, this is the 21st century, the world has changed a lot since your brain got left behind more than 13 years ago

it astounds me someone would post this as a credible, correct opinion

Ive spent a bit of time in Cherbourg and Roebourne..Id like to see how you would go saying this kind of stuff down the local,
go to St Albans in Melbs and walk up to an ethnic and call him a wog and see if he laughs and calls you a stupid aussie.
Im pretty sure their reaction would be based upon their dislike for being addressed that way

You are getting confused about how FRIENDS may joke around with each other



Also a side note and this is just my opinion. I think that had Mick Molloy made the comments that Eddie made, no one would have thought twice about it. This is why Eddie was trying to defend what he said yesterday before going on 360 and admitting what he said was wrong. It might sound like double standards to an extent, but Mick Molloy is a stand up comedian, it is his job to make jokes at taboo topics, on the other hand Eddie is the head of an organisation that is supposed to be taking a stand against it's supporters racially vilifying not only footballers but anyone for that matter. I am not saying it is just Collingwood supporters with that comment, but as a powerful figure of a football club he had a message to deliver that we have zero tolerance approach to racism, not only as a club but as a nation, yet by saying what he said, it made him out to be a huge hypocrite.



As a club president you are very limited on what you can say on players from other teams.

Just a couple of things:
- The Goodes incident happened on Friday
- McGuire apologised
- McGuire's next radio program was on Monday
- I assume the topic was mentioned on that day
- McGuire's King Kong reference was on Wednesday.

WHY THE FLOWER WAS THIS TOPIC STILL BEING TALKED ABOUT ON WEDNESDAY!? McGuire was asking for trouble by continuously talking about a topic which he cannot fullty express the way he feels.
Leader of the King Karl Amon fan club
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


The AFL should stand him down, u cant preach zero tolerance and not apply it in all cases :-X


Quote from: RiOtChEsS on May 31, 2013, 01:07:31 PM
The AFL should stand him down, u cant preach zero tolerance and not apply it in all cases :-X
Agreed, and Harry O should march in the next Mardi gras for calling Tom Hawkins gay. The double standard shown by Harry O does give weight to those arguing the defender was 'soap- boxing' on the King Kong debacle.


Quote from: McRooster on May 31, 2013, 07:36:22 PM
Quote from: RiOtChEsS on May 31, 2013, 01:07:31 PM
The AFL should stand him down, u cant preach zero tolerance and not apply it in all cases :-X
Agreed, and Harry O should march in the next Mardi gras for calling Tom Hawkins gay. The double standard shown by Harry O does give weight to those arguing the defender was 'soap- boxing' on the King Kong debacle.
Harry says he didn't call him gay, he called him a fat cow. And that is acceptable yet being called "gay" isn't....
Leader of the King Karl Amon fan club
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


Quote from: PowerBug on May 31, 2013, 08:09:55 PM
Quote from: McRooster on May 31, 2013, 07:36:22 PM
Quote from: RiOtChEsS on May 31, 2013, 01:07:31 PM
The AFL should stand him down, u cant preach zero tolerance and not apply it in all cases :-X
Agreed, and Harry O should march in the next Mardi gras for calling Tom Hawkins gay. The double standard shown by Harry O does give weight to those arguing the defender was 'soap- boxing' on the King Kong debacle.
Harry says he didn't call him gay, he called him a fat cow. And that is acceptable yet being called "gay" isn't....
Being gay is not a choice, being fat is. So it's fair enough to insult someone about something they have control over ;)