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Oh, Eddie

Started by AFEV, May 29, 2013, 01:17:38 PM

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considering harry o, goodes, wells have all indicated their issue with his statement, flower it, I say he should go over this. If a fan said something like that or an equivalent at a footy match, they'd be facing a life ban.


l'm totally flabbergasted by Eddies comments, l'm an Essendon supporter and have always liked him.........but l think to retain any credibility he has to step down as president


The thing is, it was a racist comment but not intended, he was actually trying to make a light hearted joke, a bad one, a racist one but

Eddie was not intending to be racist. But as they say, it's how the recipient takes it!


Quote from: Ziplock on May 29, 2013, 05:52:54 PM

considering harry o, goodes, wells have all indicated their issue with his statement, flower it, I say he should go over this. If a fan said something like that or an equivalent at a footy match, they'd be facing a life ban.

Agree Ed should step down

Harry O is a tool, I read his comments re this issue, he just wanted some limelight, stupid post that when I read it to workmates, they agreed.

Collingwood is a shambles on and off the field

Thomas to Carlton, Cloke overpaid, Beams has a soft tissue injury from the pre season that still hasnt healed (Sounds like a medical cover up to me for a 1/3 strike) Bucks cant coach, most overated captain at any club, Swan wants out, President is past his useby date, fans are clueless

I actually feel sorry for them


"I was trying to say 'Imagine the old days of trying to get people in for publicity'



Quote from: bowyanger on May 29, 2013, 06:27:00 PM
Quote from: Ziplock on May 29, 2013, 05:52:54 PM

considering harry o, goodes, wells have all indicated their issue with his statement, flower it, I say he should go over this. If a fan said something like that or an equivalent at a footy match, they'd be facing a life ban.

Agree Ed should step down

Harry O is a tool, I read his comments re this issue, he just wanted some limelight, stupid post that when I read it to workmates, they agreed.

Collingwood is a shambles on and off the field

Thomas to Carlton, Cloke overpaid, Beams has a soft tissue injury from the pre season that still hasnt healed (Sounds like a medical cover up to me for a 1/3 strike) Bucks cant coach, most overated captain at any club, Swan wants out, President is past his useby date, fans are clueless

I actually feel sorry for them

Getting completely off track there and also speaking about non-factual things. NO DOUBT you are a Saints supporter.

He wont be stepping down.
stupid and hurtful comments that he will regret for probably his whole life but as someone who has met and dealt with him, he is nothing if not a genuine bloke.


Eddie is a champion - he flowered up he will make amends.

no one in the game has done more for minorities or underprivileged peoples , hate all you like.

he needs to be ashamed - he is

he needs to make amends - he will

say and think what you like Eddie is one of the good guys, and so many people are better for his existence.

everyone flowers up, but not everyone does so much good.


Quote from: Colliwobblers on May 29, 2013, 08:11:28 PM
Eddie is a champion - he flowered up he will make amends.

no one in the game has done more for minorities or underprivileged peoples , hate all you like.

he needs to be ashamed - he is

he needs to make amends - he will

say and think what you like Eddie is one of the good guys, and so many people are better for his existence.

everyone flowers up, but not everyone does so much good.



TBH i dont think there was any malice in it, it was in poor taste, this is a classic case of live by the sword die by the sword, he has been great at being a wordsmith and conjuring poor statements out of people in or out of context (media in general) and holding them accountable... #ReapingWhatYouSow


Quote from: Colliwobblers on May 29, 2013, 08:11:28 PM
Eddie is a champion - he flowered up he will make amends.

no one in the game has done more for minorities or underprivileged peoples , hate all you like.

he needs to be ashamed - he is

he needs to make amends - he will

say and think what you like Eddie is one of the good guys, and so many people are better for his existence.

everyone flowers up, but not everyone does so much good.

so this 'zero tolerance policy' is all good so long as someone makes a couple of nice gestures?

flower off.

goodes shouldn't have had to deal with that, especially after the shower he copped on saturday. If I was a collingwood supporter, right now I would sit back and shut up while the afl continues their investigation.


I only got a chance to listen to the actual recording then, as I've been at uni. I can see what he meant (I think), in saying that this goodes incident is something that a publicist would want to try and piggy back off for a movie promotion.


I had a more detailed response Zip but I deleted it so let me just say

your response and your attitude is one of hate and ignorance - which ironically is pretty much what racism is all about.


Colliwobbles (since the quote option doesn't work)
'you can see?  you think?

i don't think you have a flowering clue

racism is hate and you are just another one of those clowns that hates eddie and hates collingwood - so hate away just don't hate a person of a different race and then justify to yourself that you are a good person, becassue the ones you hate are what? white?.  HATE IS HATE.

Eddie made a comment totally unrelated to racism, a comment regarding yesteryear, which happened to racially vilify goodes.

he isn't backing away from it or making excuses but facts are facts - he isn't a racist and he does plenty to address racism and help all kinds of people.

but people like you just see a headline and jump on your hate wagon - hate eddie hate collingwood, because that's what you do

the AFL can have their process so can the Collingwood board , the networks he works for and the foundations and charities he supports and works in.

I will listen to what people like Michael Long have to say on the matter not tools like you.

Eddie never suggested he should not be held accountable - so your comment about the zero tolerance policy which you have no respect for or understanding of applies to him just the same as it does to anyone else.

Eddie will pay the price for his error and make amends, lets see in 50 years if you have made amends for all the errors you make which cause hurt to other people .

And lets see how much good you do in the world. Lets see how much of a better place you make the world and lets see how much work you end up doing to help people in your life.

I have a hunch it will be flower all to all of the above.

but judge and hate away.'

racism would be more accurately identified as statements that cause a person emotional or physical damage, because of their race.

the fact goodes found it hurtful, makes it to a degree, racist.

the fact that multiple AFL players of ethnic backgrounds also found it offensive, agrees with this.

'Racial vilification is the term in the legislation of Australia that refers to a public act that encourages or incites others to hate people because of their race, nationality, country of origin, colour or ethnic origin'

you can make a case for it, technically, not being racism since maguire (probably doesn't?) hold any prejudiced against indigenous people. However, racial vilification? A publicly broadcasted message from a major football clubs president, which is very, very easily interpreted as likening an indigenous player to a gorilla, hypocritically invalidating an apology for a similar statement made by a young fan just days before?

you wonder how a 13 year old kid racially attacks a player? it's because of stupid messages like this in the media.

haha, call me a clown? I don't hate collingwood, and I don't hate eddie. This one time I've ever been really annoyed at him was his massive and almost nonsensical spiel about (to paraphrase) 'destroying the giants if they try to recruit on of collingwoods players'. That's the only time I've even been mildly annoyed at him, to my recollection. I'm not hating eddie because he's white... and I don't hate white people... you're just spewing crap there, I'm not even sure what you're insinuating, that I hate collingwood because it's white?

because I'm pretty sure it's black and white.

Once again, because he does some good things means he can't be a racist? or at the very least he can't accidentally make racially vilifying comments?

yeah... that makes sense. Yeah, I completely understand. All that holocaust stuff with the jews and hitler? couldn't have happened, he was for animal rights, so he couldn't have done anything bad right?

what an unbased point (please note that I'm not saying eddie is hitler, try to take the message out of that comparison rather than the words). 

as for 'never suggesting he should not be held accountable'
'"I mumbled my way through that, so anyone who thought that I was having a go or being a smart alec, I take that back.

"Neither do I, I was that exhausted this morning, so apologies for that.

"I was off on a tangent somewhere. Just in case people think 'What the hell's he on about?', I've got no idea either."  '

that initial statement are excuses someone makes, rather than saying they'll be held accountable.

this however
is him saying he'll hold himself accountable for it. Him coming forward with that when this issue first came to light would have worked far better in his favour though.

For the record, I don't think that eddie will be made to step down (he may do so voluntarily, although despite that article, I doubt it, doing so would seem like he was admitting racism). And no, it won't be because he's eddie maguire and has all these connections with fox etc. etc. (although, that might have saved him regardless, who knows). He'll be let off the hook because goodes will be the bigger man and say he's misinterpreted the statement, and that eddie wasn't being racist. 

I'm just going to ignore all the personal attacks, because you're clearly worked up over this, that being said, it's a big call to say a 20 year old isn't going to do any good in the world.

That being said, you should take off your collingwood tinted glasses.

My main point about a zero tolerance policy was its application- that 13 year old girl said she wasn't intending on being racist, and that she didn't realise ape was a racial insult, which is technically possible if she's been brought up in an environment completely devoid of racism, and she's been given leniency based on her age, she would have had the book thrown at her itf she'd been an adult. Eddie doesn't have this excuse- a 'slip of the tongue' (it was like 4 sentences :/ ) should be classed in the same category as someone's ignorance over a racial slur. I think if we've learnt anything over the last week is that racial vilification cases need to be treated individually, rather than a 'zero tolerance', otherwise we'd be seeing a 13 year old girl banned from footy for life, and a club president losing his job for not articulating himself clearly.


as you can see, I did actually get a nice look at your long and detailed response.

and I missed something in my last post- either racial vilification should be treated individually, and say there are different grades, or everyone should be applicable to the zero tolerance policy, regardless of intent.

in the first case, it's reasonably fair to let eddie and the kid off with (relatively) light punishment for this.

in the second, they get smashed.


You obviously didn't see the afl360 show. Maybe you should watch it and make a more informed comment on Eddie as a person.

I do not mean to personally attack you - but did you not make a point of saying " wasn't the 13 year old girl a collingwood supporter"

what does who she supports have to do with racism ? except to you who mentioned it?

you don't hate collingwood but you make a point of pointing out it was a collingwood supporter....

you spoke the language flower off in response to MY POST - so therefore in response to what i said you say back to me "flower off"

how you can relate Eddies wrong and insensitive comments to hitler and the hollocasut is outrageous. i am lost for words.


Quote from: Colliwobblers on May 29, 2013, 10:26:34 PM
You obviously didn't see the afl360 show. Maybe you should watch it and make a more informed comment on Eddie as a person.

I do not mean to personally attack you - but did you not make a point of saying " wasn't the 13 year old girl a collingwood supporter"

what does who she supports have to do with racism ? except to you who mentioned it?

you don't hate collingwood but you make a point of pointing out it was a collingwood supporter....

you spoke the language flower off in response to MY POST - so therefore in response to what i said you say back to me "flower off"

how you can relate Eddies wrong and insensitive comments to hitler and the hollocasut is outrageous. i am lost for words.
the point is the zero tolerance policy is collingwoods policy
'have his membership cancelled in line with the club's zero-tolerance policy to racism.'

that's why I identified her as collingwood.

I was saying flower off to the idea that ''zero tolerance policy' is all good so long as someone makes a couple of nice gestures?'. Not to you. Although I can understand how that would be misinterpreted- so it's probably good I'm not in the same type of media spotlight as eddie, right?

And I knew there was going to be righteous outrage at the comparison.

The point is that because someone does something good, it doesn't stop them from doing something bad. Which is best highlighted using an extreme contrast of the evil of hitler and someone who likes puppies and doesn't want them abused. It's a comparison used to demonstrate a concept, rather than say that eddie= hitler... a distinction which I did, in my defence, initially address in my post.