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Oh, Eddie

Started by AFEV, May 29, 2013, 01:17:38 PM

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QuoteDarcy was talking about how a huge gorilla hand protruding from from the Eureka Skydeck in Melbourne was a "great promo" for the musical.

"What a great promo that is, for King Kong," Darcy said.

To which McGuire replied: "Get Adam Goodes down for it, d'you reckon?"

Article  Article 2

What was he thinking!?!?


All his good work on the subject goes out the window... Not sure if I'd want him at the helm of my footy club..

Goes to prove you don't need a long neck to be a goose


This further highlights the sentiment post match at the Swans game was about as genuine as a Rolex for sale on a Balinese beach.

Poor form Eddie, what's next - Sieg Heil Collingwood forever ?


Do not know what to make of this -

Tend to think that the initial concern and apology may have been to protect the Collingwood Brand given this comment. 

Do not know which is worse David Morrows comment on Darwin when he thought mikes off or Eddies King Kong comments,  Both probably entered in jest quickly with out thinking them through.


Why Eddie, Why??

A comment like that pretty much throws his appology out the door.

Bill Manspeaker

major brain to mouth malfunction


Simply unbelievable..... :o


Not good form Eddie especially after the weekends issues that have galvanised the nation and put Adam Goodes on a level far above yours.

For Adam Goodes to tweet this morning that he has woken up to your comments put your comments and apology on the weekend as baseless. You know Jeff kennett once said you only have a certain shelf life. Well your time is up, give the Presidancy to a person that will back up his stance on racism.


Looks like Eddie is the one in the hotseat...


Good one Eddie, good one...  ::)


Big slip of the tongue, but as he said he was very tired this morning. And that is because last night he was hosting a function for young indigenous kids in football. He's obviously not a racist, but big mistake by him to make that joke this morning!



What does Matt Rendell think? The AFL rail roaded Rendell into the ground for a private comment between two AFL officials, will they now stand up against Eddie after this very public gaff, or will Eddie's Foxsports connections keep him safe ? Stay tuned.


I thought collingwood had a no tolerance policy for racism?

and I thought it'd been established that referring to an indigenous person as a form of ape was racist?

step down mate.


Quote from: SydneyRox on May 29, 2013, 02:26:45 PM
Simply unbelievable..... :o
You been looking at your DP again? ???

Trying to be funny or clever, really though just not good enough!