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Great stuff Goodsie

Started by Mailman the 2nd, May 24, 2013, 10:30:44 PM

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I did not say Goodes had not early my respect. I respect all professional sportsmen (and women) - they work a lot harder to be where they are than most business men.
My comment on respect was about indigenous persons generally, demanding respect.
My comment about Goodes was my belief he over-reacted to claim to be so "hurt" by being called an ape. Does anyone here think a 13yo girl can be so spiteful to "racially" call him ape. I think the ape tag could be applied to a lot of bearded rough necks and Goodes has applied the racist spin to over react to it.
Seriously, does anyone believe he was so upset by it and has not encountered much worse in his life - AS a bloke, not because he's  aboriginal.
Anyway, I've obviously up set some followers. My sincerest apologies.
I did not mean to offend.
Yes I did join to have my say. It was the only way I could join the conversation, even though I've been a reader for ages.
I have not met anyone in my circle if friends who think this whole event has not been over dramatised and I wanted to put that point across.
I accept your criticisms. Guess I'm being a bit hypercritical keeping this discussion alive.


Nobody automatically deserves respect, regardless of race... that ebing said, nobody deserves disrespect, regardless of race.  Respect is something that has to be earned or lost.

But goodes has earned his respect, and it's disgusting to be racially vilified.

that being said... as you pointed out 'ape' isn't necessarily a racial slur... I've called blokes gorillas who are white enough to get burnt at night, based on size, and as you said, facial hair.

He's right on one respect- I mean, I don't know how upset goodes was, but really it's a bit ridiculous to get worked up over anything kids say, no matter how bad,  they're all flowering morons.


I doubt he realised she was that young at the time. Watching it all unfold last night I just assumed she was at least 18...That might have been because she didn't have the parentals following her when she was ejected though..

We can't just ignore it because she is 'just a kid' though. Needs to be known that it's not on no matter how old you are.


you obviously can't ignore it, like slap the kid with a 2 year ban or something.

As I said though, overreacting because of what some idiot kids says is pretty stupid.


Quote from: Wake_up on May 25, 2013, 07:32:57 PM
I did not say Goodes had not early my respect. I respect all professional sportsmen (and women) - they work a lot harder to be where they are than most business men.
My comment on respect was about indigenous persons generally, demanding respect.
My comment about Goodes was my belief he over-reacted to claim to be so "hurt" by being called an ape. Does anyone here think a 13yo girl can be so spiteful to "racially" call him ape. I think the ape tag could be applied to a lot of bearded rough necks and Goodes has applied the racist spin to over react to it.
Seriously, does anyone believe he was so upset by it and has not encountered much worse in his life - AS a bloke, not because he's  aboriginal.
Anyway, I've obviously up set some followers. My sincerest apologies.
I did not mean to offend.
Yes I did join to have my say. It was the only way I could join the conversation, even though I've been a reader for ages.
I have not met anyone in my circle if friends who think this whole event has not been over dramatised and I wanted to put that point across.
I accept your criticisms. Guess I'm being a bit hypercritical keeping this discussion alive.
Thank you for your explanations - Do not know how old you are but for your information any reference to an indigenous person as Ape or Monkey is considered very racist and offensive to them.  It caused a great stir a few years back when cricketer Andrew Symonds was called a monkey.

May not sound like much but it is a racist slur.


Did she call him ape as a racist slur; That is the question?
How many times have we all called out a name, abuse and taunts to players and officials. All meaninglessly but still what we've considered in the spirit of the game, in maintaining the hype of the crowd and buzz in the atmosphere.
I think that's all I'll say on it. It wasn't my idea to make the topic last longer.
I'll still be reading.


despite what I said before, when it comes down to it, racism is how it's interpreted by the person.

If goodes interpreted it as racist, then I'm saying it's racist.

whether she intended it to be or not is another question... once again, she mightn't have considered it- kids are stupid. When I was 12 I covered myself in mud and said I was dressing up as one of my friends (who's half indian). Legitimately did not know at the time that was racist, or the historical/ cultural connotations that went alongside it (neither did my friend for that matter, we both thought it was funny :/ )


Quote from: Wake_up on May 25, 2013, 09:35:46 PM
Did she call him ape as a racist slur; That is the question?
How many times have we all called out a name, abuse and taunts to players and officials. All meaninglessly but still what we've considered in the spirit of the game, in maintaining the hype of the crowd and buzz in the atmosphere.
I think that's all I'll say on it. It wasn't my idea to make the topic last longer.
I'll still be reading.
as Zip said it doesnt matter what you say, if someone takes what you said as a racist slur then it is racist!! and you have to wear it!!! You have to take responsibility for your actions.

Why would that girl say that especially on a weekend when all Aboriginal players are in focus??

Another thing, good on Goodsey coming out and saying that the girl rang him to apologize and he wants everyone to support her. But then i saw the interview she did with Channel 7. She said she was sorry bit she didnt think what she said was racist, then giggled. To me that apology goes right out the door when you treat the whole thing like a joke. I also have a recollection of the incident and after she says it she is seen laughing to her friends as well.

I have tried to bite my tongue over the whole incident but i couldnt hold it any longer. This "Child" will never change her ways as it was the way she was brought up. I didnt see anyone with her get up and follow her when she was escorted from her seat. How can a 13 child be escorted from her seat at an 90,000 seat stadium with out a parent, guardian or friend following her to make sure she is looked after.

And to you "wake_up", why have you created an account just to comment on the thread?? I can see two things happening to your account. You all of a sudden comment on other threads to try to make it look like you are new to FF or the account gets deleted. Just remember people know your IP and can easily match it up to your existing account, if you have one.

If i get banned, i dont care, I have spoken my mind. But people need to start taking ownership of shower they have done, no matter what the circumstances, because if you dont then its a slippery slide from here.


Quote from: Ziplock on May 25, 2013, 07:40:57 PM
Nobody automatically deserves respect, regardless of race... that ebing said, nobody deserves disrespect, regardless of race.  Respect is something that has to be earned or lost.

But goodes has earned his respect, and it's disgusting to be racially vilified.

that being said... as you pointed out 'ape' isn't necessarily a racial slur... I've called blokes gorillas who are white enough to get burnt at night, based on size, and as you said, facial hair.

He's right on one respect- I mean, I don't know how upset goodes was, but really it's a bit ridiculous to get worked up over anything kids say, no matter how bad,  they're all flowering morons.

I agree. I wouldn't call Goodes' response an overreaction, as I have not been racially abused thankfully and would not know what it feels like. However, unfortunately I think he would have experienced that kind of abuse hundreds of times over his career from the crowd, yet such is the class of the man he ignores it. It seems a little strange that he takes such offence to a ignorant little girl saying it, although I guess it was more disappointment that it occurred in this day and age in probably the most important round of the year for him.


Quote from: nostradamus on May 25, 2013, 01:02:39 PM
The big thing in all this that stands out to me is the focus on the young girl and the intention of educating "her", but no mention of her family. The fact that she was led away "alone" was an indictment on her mother/nan/carer or whoever was with her and indicative of the type of people she must be guided and influenced by in life.
Her family were allegedly told to remain seated whilst they escorted her out alone through a crowd screaming and swearing at her. I don't condone what she said but a 13 year should have a guardian with them if they've been detained by security/police.



Quote from: Rusty00 on May 26, 2013, 01:05:25 PM
Quote from: nostradamus on May 25, 2013, 01:02:39 PM
The big thing in all this that stands out to me is the focus on the young girl and the intention of educating "her", but no mention of her family. The fact that she was led away "alone" was an indictment on her mother/nan/carer or whoever was with her and indicative of the type of people she must be guided and influenced by in life.
Her family were allegedly told to remain seated whilst they escorted her out alone through a crowd screaming and swearing at her. I don't condone what she said but a 13 year should have a guardian with them if they've been detained by security/police.
What a disgrace that is! Wow what a shame on the AFL that is almost as bad as what the girl said!

What a joke! Let's see the idiot Dumbetriou defend this one!

If that was my girl I wouldn't be listening to some flog telling me to remain seated, I'd be right there with her!


What an absolute ripper of a legend of a bloke Goodes is. Massive amount of respect for how he dealt with the incident at the time and following. His press conference said it all, and said it very well - she's a 13 year old kid, wouldn't have been aware of what she was saying and how offensive it could be. The aim was not retribution, simply a message that racist behaviour will not be excused. Ever. And I think that's fantastic to be honest. You can make excuses for her about age, education, not understanding what it means but that can't excuse the act. Good on him for going on to say that the thing she needs most is support, not punishment. What a class act. Good to see him enjoying the Dogs v Saints game last night.

Eddie - I'm a cynical bloke at the best of times but I believe his actions were genuine, if it was a face-saving stunt then why was it done privately? If he wanted a publicity opportunity, why not do it on camera, could have gone on screen and said "On behalf of the Collingwood footbal club we would like to apologise to Adam Goodes for the behavious of one of our supporters tonight" - but he didn't. He went down to the rooms, and spoke to him personally and in private. Then he went on to talk publically about it but I think it is important that the message is made very public - Racism is offensive, malicious and cruel, and it will not be tolerated. Shout out also to Darren Jolly who apparently told Goodes not to let one person ruin his stellar night.

Security handling of the incident - media have reported about 30 different stories on this one so I don't know what to make of it. First they said the girl was at the game with her nan, and that her parents weren't even there. Now apparently the parents were told to sit there afterwards? Who knows. But I agree if it is true that she was kept alone for hours being interviewed that's poor practice.

Those saying Goodes over-reacted, I get where you're coming from - he's a professional sportsman and there's always going to be jeering and banter from the crowd, it's part of it. But whether or not the girl knew that calling him an ape was a racist slur doesn't matter - even if she was referring solely to his size and his epic beard, she likened him to an ape in a way that was meant to offend. It wasn't a compliment, she knew it was offensive, and given the choice of "ape" I'm too cynical to believe it was appearance-linked. It's different to calling someone a c-bomb or something like that, as it's a much more specific insult. And I think you can go by Goodes' reaction as to how it made him feel. Also I think from what he said that it was her age that hurt the most, in the sense that in this day and age you would hope that sort of behaviour was being stamped out of younger generations. I'm nearly 30 and when I was in school I was educated about racism and how it was never acceptable. I'd like to think that's still being done.

Not in the spirit of indigenous round (not that I wish to imply that racism would be more tolerable in other rounds!), but good on Goodes (hah!) for being a leader and showing that this wont be tolerated from anyone.



agree with most of the comments in this thread.

it was not an over-reaction by Adam Goodes - the use of the word 'ape' whether intentional or not has negative racial connotations ie there is a lot of baggage that goes with the term. Even if the girl didn't know or intend this Goodes took offence that i think is reasonable in the circumstances and I doubt many in his position wouldn't have been upset by it.

I'm no fan of Eddie McGuire, [especially his loose understanding of the term 'conflict of interest' or being hyprocritical at times eg his interview of Liam Jurrah that was not 'cleared' by Melb footy club was ok but Channel 9's of Swanny's was not] but credit where it is due, he handled it with leadership expected of a club president and i think his sentiment was genuine.

i don't think he could have apologised on behalf of the club at the time because he quite rightly didn't have all the facts so he didn't want to jump to conclusions.

is really good that Adam Goodes is advocating that everyone support the girl rather than vilifying' her in response - that's not the way to stamp out racism - you just create more victims ...

my two cents for what it's worth, no over-reaction and class responses all-round including the young girl it seems ...  :)