Trade Help --> strengthen FWD line?

Started by The Mighty Hoops, April 19, 2013, 11:30:01 AM

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The Mighty Hoops

Hi All,

Bit of coin available still $760.9K

My team:

Backs - Birchall, Gibbs, Goddard, B. Goodes, Pittard, Stevenson, BENCH: Plowman, Frost
Mids - Pendles, J.Selwood, JPK, Fyfe, Heppell, Wines, Viney, O'meara, BENCH: K.Stevens, K.Mitchell
Rucks - J.Jenkins, Rowe, BENCH: Blicavs, Daw
Forwards - Cox, JJK, Roughead, Zorko, S.Byrnes, J. Neade BENCH: Macaffer, Karnezis

Trades: (in order of preference)
Karnezis -- Rowe to fwd line -->Leuy
Plowman -->Hutchins (cash in on price rise?)
       or else
Karnezis/Macaffer -->S.Dwyer or Lecras or another prem fwd (Westhoff?? Dusty? Rockcliff? Buddy?)
K. Mitchell -- Zorko or Neade into MID -->Dwyer or Westhoff??

Or should I do 2 trades to bolster the FWD line. Or is there improvement in the mids needed?

Appreciate any thoughts....



If I was in your position I would go

Mitchell > Crouch
Karnezis > Rockliff