having 565k in the bank, too much?

Started by Baggers2012, April 17, 2013, 02:14:07 PM

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this trade combo will leave me with 565k in the bank, is this too much?

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Thinking of going:
Kommer to Crouch
Zorko to Sinclair

can use the spare 565k to obviously change one or both of the trades.


I have the same problem mate, except I have 300k. I would definetely upgrade Zorko to another prem instead of downgrading him. Hard to say since I have no idea what your forward looks like at the moment, but that is what I would do. Perhaps, Rocky, Bartel, Martin if you dont have them yet?


I have around 600k in the bank after last week and I was thinking the same thing. With the trades I made this week I have 300k banked and again I'm stressing! As long as it doesn't sit there too long it shouldn't be a problem, and being able to upgrade a rising rookie at a moments notice is always handy.
My theory is if your aiming for maximum points you can't afford to have cash sitting on the bench, but If a league win is the goal then you can afford to play more long term games. Having that cash in a few rounds time to upgrade peaked rookies would be massive, but downgrading falling premiums to rooks instead of fellow guns will make big scores even harder!