selecting premo fwds in the knowledge that you'll sideways at least 1 of them?

Started by fever, March 18, 2013, 05:50:12 PM

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so no good fwd rookies etc etc. lots of good mid rookies naturally.

i'm pretty set on loading up my mids with rookies and my fwds with premos. however, i will still start the year with no franklin, because i want to gauge what impact- if any- his contract issue will have, and with maric and cox in the rucks (with rowe in the fwds), which enables me to get a line on the next best ruck to put in before i shift cox to the fwds.

with that in mind i'm looking at a starting fwd line with 5 premos + 1 midpricer. assuming i eventually get franklin (and maybe even nicnat and/or ryder in the fwds) and i move cox into the fwds i'm likely to be sidewaysing at least 1, maybe even 2 or 3 of those that i start with, dependant of course on their performances throughout the year.

i'm basing this plan on the extra trades we get this year, how ridiculous is it?

***should be noted i'm only trying to win my leagues.***


There is some merit in this thought Fever, however you must realise that choosing numerous premiums that you think won't end up in your side is questionable (stupid in my opinion). Yes there are forwards who i think will be top 6 forwards and will definitely want in my team come seasons end but won't be starting with due to injuries and slow pre-seasons (Nic Nat and Pavlich). Therefore don't choose someone you can sideways trade when you can make value out of rookies or mid-pricers whilst still wasting a trade on. Please keep in mind the increased number of trades (30) is handy but still not hugely significant.
Let me remind you - trades are still GOLD, even if we have 30 instead of 24.
And let me give you one piece of advice which is my opinion - starting five premium forwards without Buddy (guaranteed to be in top three forwards most probably top) is a very very bad idea!!
You will probably be able to get him cheaper, but at the end of the day, there aren't many premium forwards putting their hand up except maybe Cox who you already have. It's your strategy but I think you should think back to last years trading madness and re-assess what you think Buddy will realistically average against all other forwards available.

Hope this isn't too harsh, take it as constructive criticism - Good luck with your leagues!


nice post mate, thanks.

it's not set in stone, i'm just tinkering with my structure.

i dont think it's imperative to start with franklin (might be if you want the 50k though). all the fwds i have in at the moment are going to elevate their scores/prices imo (walker, zorko, rocky, stevie j, hawkins).

it is possible that starting with 3 prem mids and 7 rookies isn't the best idea though.


If 2013 pans out similar to 2012 then i want my forwards to look like this at year end: Franklin, Cox, NicNat, Ryder, Zorko, Pavlich.

No point in then starting my team with: Cox, Walker, Zorko, Bartell, Dusty + midpricer.

The prudent thing to do is pick 3-4 of those you are banking on being top 6: Franklin, Cox, Zorko and then IF NicNat, Pav and Ryder make the cut bye them during the season.

If you feel confident with Dusty then temporarily move Cox to ruck for the start of the season and take the punt.  If Dusty doesn't make the 110+ club but has been value for money (going up $50 in the process) then upgrade him to NicNat (for example) if NicNat comes back firing. Or if you've had an injury plagues season or burnt to many trades to fix other lines you might settle for a 100ppg Dusty @ F6.
