Which Melbourne Rookie, to drive on the M10.

Started by jasonpushy, March 18, 2013, 02:32:38 PM

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One mid spot left.  Which Melb Rookie is the best option.

6 (50%)
5 (41.7%)
1 (8.3%)

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With WINES, CROUCH, MITCHELL & O'MEARA in my team, I only have one mid bench spot left.
Depending on who is named, who is the best of the Melbourne guys to fill the spot.

Viney, Toumpas or Jones.

There has been a lot of hype about Viney, but still yet to be seen.
Toumpas has got good scores, but an extra $80K.
Jone's ripped it up on the weekend, but what is his J.S.

Current midfield is GAJ, Swan, Pendles, Gibbs (def link), Rich, Wines, Crouch, Mitchell, O'Meara &............?



I personally like Jones, have no real reason why.
I think he's a bit older than the others but don't quote me.


Matt jones is 24 -25 but viney is in my team at the moment this might change when the teams come out