Rate My Team, I'll Rate Yours! :)

Started by pooj11, March 16, 2013, 11:36:28 PM

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Hi all,

Rate my team, and I'll rate yours (remember to post the link).
Appreciate any suggestions and advise.

Thanks :)


what happens if luey goes down, cox has to go rucks and you've got 2 of neade, lee and paparone on field?
i'd go ryder, cox ruck. then get karneziz fwd with the luey cash. then drop a mid for a fwd premo. wouldnt be risking having to play any fwd rookies on field, even caffer is a risk.


That forward line is so going to bite you in the ass that it's disgusting.

Buddy = will drop in average ~5
Pav = injury interrupted pre-season
Macaffer = question marks over his head
Neade = 11 games, 6 of which sub-affected, 35 average
Lee = 15 games, 50 average
Parparone = 5 games, 35 average

Sorry to be ultra critical. Also, Spudlett Jr.


Mids and backs are to solid. Recommend downgrading both and adding mid price player in back line and mid to upgrade ruck and forward line. Overall still working in progress but nice team mate. Rate 6/10
Can you rate my team.


Thanks for all the advise, THIS IS MY UPDATED TEAM (all those who provide links to their teams, have all been rated by me) :)

Def: Same as before.
Mid: Redden ---> Fyfe (to free up some cash). Also, i m expecting fyfe's price to go up heaps, then i can trade him for someone like pendlebury. Same with K.Jack, he is playing GWS and GC as the first 2 games so i reckon he'll score 100+ in each, and once his price rises, ill trade him to a better premium.
Ruck: Leunburger --> Daw (i have 3/4 rookies. Currie has been in good form so i put him on field. If this combo doesnt work, ill swap Cox and Rowe, so ill have cox and ryder in my ruck and rowe in the forward line)
Forward: Macaffer ---> Varcoe, Neade ---> Karnezis

Any suggestions or advise, please let me know, thanks :)


Should do:
-Cotchin + Lids (Lids has had better preseason, and less likely to be tagged)
-Duffield +Hartlett (or a rookie)
-Paparone +Macaffer
-Pavlich (crap pre-season) +Robinson (great preseason, most points for Carlton)

Should consider:
-Varcoe (well played pre-season, lack of DT points though)
-Ablett +Swan
Grimes to Heppel
Boyd to Pendlebury
Ryder to Maric.

Per title, rate for rate, http://www.fanfooty.com.au/forum/index.php/topic,73733.0.html :)



Solid team!

Defence - 4 premiums is rare, I would atleast put Goodes into the defence for Docherty and try and make some $$ else where and put Wines into the midfield, must have rookie IMO.. Even at his price.. JS through the roof..
Midfield - Good choice of Premos - few uniques.. Like I said about defence, I would put Goodes into the defence and get in Wines..
Rucks - I would be a bit worried about the rookies, not sure if Currie will play.. Make sure you have a plan B..
Forward - As a Freo Member, I am abit worried about an undercooked Pavlich, like last season, expect him to get into gear from about round 10 onwards..

I would personally do the following..

Grimes --> Terlich
Docherty --> Goodes
Goodes spot in the midfield --> Wines

Then go on a shopping spree with the rest of the cash! :D Only my advice tho!

Please rate my team..

Impact Playerz!

Defence: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, P. Duffield, N. Vlastuin, L. Stevenson, B. Goodes ----- J. Pittard, D. Terlich
Midfield: M. Boyd, S. Pendlebury, B. Deledio, J. Kennedy (Syd), T. Rockliff, K. Mitchell, J. O'meara, O. Wines ----- B. Couch, J. Viney
Ruck: D. Cox, Z. Smith ----- D. Currie, S. Rowe
Forward: L. Franklin, D. Zorko, T. Rockliff, J. Lewis, D. Martin, M. Lecras, P. Karnezis ----- B. Macaffer, T. Lee/P. Neade (Whoever is named)

23.1k left!


Quote from: Shanus_ on March 18, 2013, 10:50:04 PM
Impact Playerz!

Defence: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, P. Duffield, N. Vlastuin, L. Stevenson, B. Goodes ----- J. Pittard, D. Terlich
Midfield: M. Boyd, S. Pendlebury, B. Deledio, J. Kennedy (Syd), T. Rockliff, K. Mitchell, J. O'meara, O. Wines ----- B. Couch, J. Viney
Ruck: D. Cox, Z. Smith ----- D. Currie, S. Rowe
Forward: L. Franklin, D. Zorko, T. Rockliff, J. Lewis, D. Martin, M. Lecras, P. Karnezis ----- B. Macaffer, T. Lee/P. Neade (Whoever is named)

23.1k left!

DEF: very familiar looking line-up. like duffield, personally prefer Heppell 9/10
MID: no Swan or Ablett, may see you caught short if they have a big one 7/10
RUC: i like Smith / Cox, would you consider putting Rowe on the fwd bench? 8/10
FWD: too strong? ie. no starting rookie. consider downgrade to spend $ in MID 7/10

I do really like some of the selections, just seems a bit out of balance. 31/40 Good luck!



Suggestions? :)

I had the choice oh either having:
F5 - J.Kennedy (WCE). F6 - P.Karnezis. F7 - B.Macaffer (100k left)
F5 - M.Robinson/D.Martin. F6 - B.Macaffer. F7 - J.Neade (23k left)

Now I chose Option 2 with Robinson at F5, any advice/suggestions?

Thanks, I will rate all your teams as well, just leave the link behind. :)


Quote from: pooj11 on March 19, 2013, 08:25:11 PM

Suggestions? :)

I had the choice oh either having:
F5 - J.Kennedy (WCE). F6 - P.Karnezis. F7 - B.Macaffer (100k left)
F5 - M.Robinson/D.Martin. F6 - B.Macaffer. F7 - J.Neade (23k left)

Now I chose Option 2 with Robinson at F5, any advice/suggestions?

Thanks, I will rate all your teams as well, just leave the link behind. :)

I like option one, and I think you should have Martin in there anyway, so I think you should go Martin for Pav


my thoughts are pav will start off slow so martin would be a better option and a little cheaper, also for some reason everyone is talking up blicaves, i am a cats man so im not trying to pick on the guy, but he was drafted as a played that isnt that flash at football but as an athlete, trent west isnt far away he mite even scrape in for a game, with cox in the forward line maby swap blicaves for someone thats gunna get a few more games and make a bit of money off them, just my opinion for what it worth

let me know what u think of my team be as brutal as you like, only change im thinking is on the ruck maby chappy for roughead and rowe on the ruck bench for a bit of coverage. cheers

goddard gibbs heppell, valstuin, goodes, j.pittard (terlich, L.stevenson)

Swan, ablett, boyd, dangerfield, fyfe, crouch, o'mera, colquhonu, (m.jones, k mitchell)

Cox, b.longer, (daw, d.currie)

franklin, chapman, rockliff, d.martin, varcoe, karnezis, (macaffer, s.rowe)

41k in the bank


Very neat forward line, wouldn't touch that.
Midfields taking a risk with 3 of the best, in the first few round you could probably manage with downgrading Pendles and picking up someone like Kennedy or Murphy, then pick pendles back up depending on form.
Defence is alright, not too sure about the 3 rookie method though, lots of people are doing it but because of the uncertainty of rookies playing, i personally wouldn't take the risk.
Same with the rucks, starting with currie could pay off if he starts the season well.

Pls Rate my team back :) http://www.fanfooty.com.au/forum/index.php/topic,74982.0.html