Started by ossie85, March 15, 2013, 12:40:26 PM

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Quote from: Ringo on July 22, 2013, 03:52:59 PM
Need to win the last 2 to finish Fanatics Minor premier - Playing MC Mix (Micheal) who is in first position this week. This may decide the minor premiership so best of luck.  Then the last game play West Coast Crushers but at least this year is not for a position in the 8 like last year but may be for Top position if we both win this week.

All the best mate, hoping for a few of my PODs to go big for me this week!


Thanks to oss beating Rico, thats the Gunz Minor Premiership wrapped up :)

CFC 1979

Holz a monster 2480

could be breaking top 5 now

well done ;)


Quote from: JBs-Hawks on July 28, 2013, 08:01:04 PM
Thanks to oss beating Rico, thats the Gunz Minor Premiership wrapped up :)

Too many close defeats at start of year, ill miss the finals I think


FF Fanatics scores

Beware Giants 2195 defeated Bring It 2111
Raging Marshmellow 2386 defeated Designated Drinker 2283
McSuper Coach 2156 defeated Korza 2050
Colliwobblers 2443 defeated T-Rex 2190
Grazz 2377 defeated Jays Jets 2245
Trophy Collectors 2321 defeated Fig Jam 2273
West Coast Crushers 2337 defeated Terrifying Glue 2251
Tbags Rocks 2145 defeated Sydney Rox 2019
Ringos Stars 2444 defeated MC's Mix 2335

Minor Premiership will be tight and next week will hold the key
MC's Mix 48
Trophy Collectors 46
Ringos Stars 44
West Coast Crushers 44
These teams will fill the Top 4 Positions.
This week
MC's Mix plays Sydney Rox
and Trophy Collectors play Tbags Rocks.
If both MC's Mix and Trophy Collectors are defeated Ringos Stars and West Coast Crushers will be playing for the Minor Premiership. (Again Luv we have a possible Final Crucial Match last year it was to get into the final eight)

Good luck to all in final match of the round


Quote from: CFC 1979 on July 28, 2013, 08:16:01 PM
Holz a monster 2480

could be breaking top 5 now

well done ;)

4th was 300 behind the leader a month back now only 58.

No trades so all I can do is loophole and cheer on my team



thought i had a pretty good round as I had some of the highest scores and won all my league games, only to drop 50 places...


Questions 1969
FanFooty EDT 2081
Holzman's Heroes 2480
whatlez 2308
Banana Republic 2170
Thorno's Titans 2163
Loose Units 1286
Reservoir Dogs 2110
Guts & Glory 2214
Prospectors SCC 2133
Loon Pony Machine 2115
beva feva 2245
Cruise Control 2252
Casserole Kids 2302
Stevo's Stars 2355
Shearers FC 2340
micah's marauders 2304
Schillaci 2359


Round 18 Results

Champions (29) lost to Fanatics (52)
Champions   Score   versus   Fanatics   Score   Margin   CP   FP
CFC 1979   2170   defeated   tabs   2111   59   4   0
CrowsFan   2115   lost to   tbagrocks   2145   30   0   4
Cruiseon   2252   defeated   bunyip   2190   62   4   0
enzedder   2359   lost to   Colliwobblers   2443   84   0   4
fever   2245   defeated   colmullet   2195   50   4   0
GoldDigger   2133   lost to   coolfugitiv0   2283   150   0   4
Holzman   2480   defeated   Grazz   2377   103   8   0
j959   2304   defeated   Jayman   2245   59   4   0
m0nty   2081   lost to   kilbluff1985   2273   192   0   4
Maca24   1286   lost to   korza   2050   764   -3   8
MajorLazer   1969   lost to   luvfooty   2337   368   0   4
MTTY   2214   lost to   Master Q   2321   107   0   4
My Chumps   2302   lost to   MC   2335   33   0   4
naste   2340   defeated   McRooster   2156   184   4   0
nostradamus   2110   lost to   Ringo   2444   334   0   4
roo boys!   2355   lost to   Samm79   2386   31   0   4
thornz23   2163   lost to   Spite   2251   88   0   4
whatlez   2308   defeated   SydneyRox   2019   289   4   0
TOTAL   39186         40561   1375   29   52
Champions (25) lost to Gunz (56)
Champions   Score   versus   Gunz   Score   Margin   CP   GP
CFC 1979   2170   lost to   yorgis   2328   158   0   4
CrowsFan   2115   lost to   Ziplock   2247   132   0   4
Cruiseon   2252   defeated   ajjewell   2103   149   4   0
enzedder   2359   defeated   DazBurg   2218   141   4   0
fever   2245   lost to   dmac07   2323   78   0   4
GoldDigger   2133   lost to   Hawka   2161   28   0   4
Holzman   2480   defeated   JBs-Hawks   2419   61   4   0
j959   2304   defeated   KoopKicka   2266   38   4   0
m0nty   2081   lost to   NigeyS   2265   184   0   4
Maca24   1286   lost to   noto07   2351   1065   -3   8
MajorLazer   1969   lost to   Noz   2260   291   0   4
MTTY   2214   defeated   nrich102   2060   154   4   0
My Chumps   2302   lost to   ossie85   2537   235   0   8
naste   2340   defeated   picker_man   1961   379   4   0
nostradamus   2110   lost to   Ricochet   2353   243   0   4
roo boys!   2355   defeated   Spinking   2177   178   4   0
thornz23   2163   lost to   T Dog   2219   56   0   4
whatlez   2308   lost to   upthemaidens   2310   2   0   4
TOTAL   39186         40558   1372   25   56
Champions (49) defeated Pirates (32)
Champions   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin   CP   PP
CFC 1979   2170   lost to   Torpedo10   2289   119   0   4
CrowsFan   2115   lost to   valkorum   2227   112   0   4
Cruiseon   2252   defeated   ando_10   2206   46   4   0
enzedder   2359   defeated   BGK   2178   181   4   0
fever   2245   defeated   bomberboy0618   2164   81   4   0
GoldDigger   2133   defeated   Boomz   2078   55   4   0
Holzman   2480   defeated   BoredSaint   2305   175   8   0
j959   2304   defeated   BratPack   2193   111   4   0
m0nty   2081   lost to   c4v3m4n   2172   91   0   4
Maca24   1286   lost to   Chopps   2280   994   -3   8
MajorLazer   1969   lost to   Dudge   2256   287   0   4
MTTY   2214   lost to   Hellopplz   2246   32   0   4
My Chumps   2302   defeated   Luigi197   2262   40   4   0
naste   2340   defeated   Nails   2254   86   4   0
nostradamus   2110   lost to   nathan11   2200   90   0   4
roo boys!   2355   defeated   Purple 77   2171   184   4   0
thornz23   2163   defeated   pyronerd   1627   536   4   0
whatlez   2308   defeated   thatguy   2060   248   4   0
TOTAL   39186         39168   18   49   32
Champions v Champions
Champions   Score   versus   Champions   Score   Margin      
CFC 1979   2170   defeated   thornz23   2163   7      
CrowsFan   2115   lost to   fever   2245   130      
Cruiseon   2252   lost to   My Chumps   2302   50      
enzedder   2359   defeated   j959   2304   55      
GoldDigger   2133   lost to   MTTY   2214   81      
Holzman   2480   defeated   whatlez   2308   172      
m0nty   2081   defeated   MajorLazer   1969   112      
Maca24   1286   lost to   nostradamus   2110   824      
naste   2340   lost to   roo boys!   2355   15      
Fanatics v Fanatics
Fanatics   Score   versus   Fanatics   Score   Margin      
bunyip   2190   lost to   Colliwobblers   2443   253      
colmullet   2195   defeated   tabs   2111   84      
coolfugitiv0   2283   lost to   Samm79   2386   103      
Grazz   2377   defeated   Jayman   2245   132      
kilbluff1985   2273   lost to   Master Q   2321   48      
korza   2050   lost to   McRooster   2156   106      
luvfooty   2337   defeated   Spite   2251   86      
MC   2335   lost to   Ringo   2444   109      
SydneyRox   2019   lost to   tbagrocks   2145   126      

Fanatics (44) defeated Gunz (37)
Fanatics   Score   versus   Gunz   Score   Margin   FP   GP
bunyip   2190   lost to   yorgis   2328   138   0   4
Colliwobblers   2443   defeated   Ziplock   2247   196   4   0
colmullet   2195   defeated   ajjewell   2103   92   4   0
coolfugitiv0   2283   defeated   DazBurg   2218   65   4   0
Grazz   2377   defeated   dmac07   2323   54   4   0
Jayman   2245   defeated   Hawka   2161   84   4   0
kilbluff1985   2273   lost to   JBs-Hawks   2419   146   0   4
korza   2050   lost to   KoopKicka   2266   216   0   4
luvfooty   2337   defeated   NigeyS   2265   72   4   0
Master Q   2321   lost to   noto07   2351   30   0   4
MC   2335   defeated   Noz   2260   75   4   0
McRooster   2156   defeated   nrich102   2060   96   4   0
Ringo   2444   lost to   ossie85   2537   93   0   8
Samm79   2386   defeated   picker_man   1961   425   8   -3
Spite   2251   lost to   Ricochet   2353   102   0   4
SydneyRox   2019   lost to   Spinking   2177   158   0   4
tabs   2111   lost to   T Dog   2219   108   0   4
tbagrocks   2145   lost to   upthemaidens   2310   165   0   4
TOTAL   40561         40558   3   44   37
Fanatics (60) defeated Pirates (21)
Fanatics   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin   FP   PP
bunyip   2190   lost to   Torpedo10   2289   99   0   4
Colliwobblers   2443   defeated   valkorum   2227   216   4   0
colmullet   2195   lost to   ando_10   2206   11   0   4
coolfugitiv0   2283   defeated   BGK   2178   105   4   0
Grazz   2377   defeated   bomberboy0618   2164   213   4   0
Jayman   2245   defeated   Boomz   2078   167   4   0
kilbluff1985   2273   lost to   BoredSaint   2305   32   0   4
korza   2050   lost to   BratPack   2193   143   0   4
luvfooty   2337   defeated   c4v3m4n   2172   165   4   0
Master Q   2321   defeated   Chopps   2280   41   4   0
MC   2335   defeated   Dudge   2256   79   4   0
McRooster   2156   lost to   Hellopplz   2246   90   0   4
Ringo   2444   defeated   Luigi197   2262   182   8   0
Samm79   2386   defeated   Nails   2254   132   4   0
Spite   2251   defeated   nathan11   2200   51   4   0
SydneyRox   2019   lost to   Purple 77   2171   152   0   4
tabs   2111   defeated   pyronerd   1627   484   8   -3
tbagrocks   2145   defeated   thatguy   2060   85   4   0
TOTAL   40561         39168   1393   60   21
Gunz (56) defeated Pirates (25)
Gunz   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin   GP   PP
ajjewell   2103   lost to   Torpedo10   2289   186   0   4
DazBurg   2218   lost to   valkorum   2227   9   0   4
dmac07   2323   defeated   ando_10   2206   117   4   0
Hawka   2161   lost to   BGK   2178   17   0   4
JBs-Hawks   2419   defeated   bomberboy0618   2164   255   4   0
KoopKicka   2266   defeated   Boomz   2078   188   4   0
NigeyS   2265   lost to   BoredSaint   2305   40   0   4
noto07   2351   defeated   BratPack   2193   158   4   0
Noz   2260   defeated   c4v3m4n   2172   88   4   0
nrich102   2060   lost to   Chopps   2280   220   0   4
ossie85   2537   defeated   Dudge   2256   281   8   0
picker_man   1961   lost to   Hellopplz   2246   285   0   4
Ricochet   2353   defeated   Luigi197   2262   91   4   0
Spinking   2177   lost to   Nails   2254   77   0   4
T Dog   2219   defeated   nathan11   2200   19   4   0
upthemaidens   2310   defeated   Purple 77   2171   139   4   0
yorgis   2328   defeated   pyronerd   1627   701   8   -3
Ziplock   2247   defeated   thatguy   2060   187   4   0
TOTAL   40558         39168   1390   56   25
Gunz v Gunz
Gunz   Score   versus   Gunz   Score   Margin      
ajjewell   2103   lost to   Spinking   2177   74      
DazBurg   2218   lost to   Noz   2260   42      
dmac07   2323   defeated   NigeyS   2265   58      
Hawka   2161   lost to   yorgis   2328   167      
JBs-Hawks   2419   defeated   picker_man   1961   458      
KoopKicka   2266   defeated   Ziplock   2247   19      
noto07   2351   defeated   T Dog   2219   132      
nrich102   2060   lost to   upthemaidens   2310   250      
ossie85   2537   defeated   Ricochet   2353   184      
Pirates v Pirates
Pirates   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin      
ando_10   2206   lost to   Nails   2254   48      
BGK   2178   lost to   BoredSaint   2305   127      
bomberboy0618   2164   lost to   Luigi197   2262   98      
Boomz   2078   lost to   BratPack   2193   115      
c4v3m4n   2172   lost to   Chopps   2280   108      
Dudge   2256   defeated   Purple 77   2171   85      
Hellopplz   2246   defeated   nathan11   2200   46      
pyronerd   1627   lost to   valkorum   2227   600      
thatguy   2060   lost to   Torpedo10   2289   229      


Well done Ossie - Thought my score was good enough to win all four but you pulled out an even bigger one so I know how RB feels after doing the same to him last week.  Hope I still stay in the top 10 though.


Won all 4 games didn't expect that especially with a donut and captain Pendles who I add is no longer a captain choice for me atm.


Round 18 Ladder

Congratulations to Holzman! The official 2013 SC Overall Minor Premier! Upthemaidens moves up to 2nd, and whatlez plummets to 6th. Last week Jayman pushed Grazz out of the top 16, but this week Grazz pushed Jayman out!

And on a personal note, I'm a little bit stressed I'm HALF A GAME out of the top 16 with a round left.

Rank   Coach   W   D   L   For   Against   Percentage   Last Week   Change
1   Holzman   57   1   9   150913   140970   107.05%   1   0
2   upthemaidens   50   1   16   146461   140861   103.98%   6   4
3   BoredSaint   50   0   17   146078   139830   104.47%   3   0
4   Noz   50   0   17   146367   140550   104.14%   4   0
5   MC   50   0   17   146742   142046   103.31%   5   0
6   whatlez   49   0   18   149801   140583   106.56%   2   -4
7   luvfooty   49   0   18   146011   139761   104.47%   7   0
8   yorgis   48   0   19   145591   140196   103.85%   11   3
9   Torpedo10   48   0   19   144971   139971   103.57%   10   1
10   Ringo   48   0   19   147637   142889   103.32%   9   -1
11   My Chumps   47   0   20   145978   141812   102.94%   8   -3
12   JBs-Hawks   46   0   21   147110   141151   104.22%   12   0
13   Ricochet   45   1   21   148342   141822   104.60%   13   0
14   naste   45   0   22   145285   141659   102.56%   14   0
15   enzedder   43   0   24   148051   142486   103.91%   15   0
16   Grazz   41   0   26   147405   142348   103.55%   17   1
17   Jayman   41   0   26   145136   141015   102.92%   16   -1
18   Samm79   41   0   26   145613   141773   102.71%   18   0
19   noto07   40   1   26   144068   140272   102.71%   22   3
20   ossie85   40   1   26   144512   142173   101.65%   25   5
21   KoopKicka   40   0   27   142105   140862   100.88%   21   0
22   Master Q   39   1   27   143876   141991   101.33%   24   2
23   roo boys!   39   0   28   143210   140949   101.60%   27   4
24   Dudge   39   0   28   143626   141551   101.47%   19   -5
25   CFC 1979   39   0   28   142339   141213   100.80%   20   -5
26   Colliwobblers   38   0   29   145467   140736   103.36%   30   4
27   Luigi197   37   1   29   143050   141178   101.33%   23   -4
28   colmullet   37   0   30   144069   141097   102.11%   28   0
29   kilbluff1985   37   0   30   144033   141094   102.08%   26   -3
30   nostradamus   36   0   31   143083   141692   100.98%   29   -1
31   MTTY   35   0   32   142791   140702   101.48%   32   1
32   fever   35   0   32   141586   142574   99.31%   38   6
33   thatguy   34   0   33   140556   139909   100.46%   31   -2
34   ando_10   34   0   33   143966   143434   100.37%   33   -1
35   BGK   33   0   34   143950   141922   101.43%   35   0
36   Chopps   33   0   34   139141   139983   99.40%   41   5
37   DazBurg   32   0   35   144576   141485   102.18%   34   -3
38   ajjewell   32   0   35   143342   142386   100.67%   36   -2
39   CrowsFan   32   0   35   142314   141404   100.64%   37   -2
40   GoldDigger   32   0   35   142266   142099   100.12%   39   -1
41   j959   32   0   35   141966   141931   100.02%   43   2
42   Spite   31   0   36   142849   142076   100.54%   42   0
43   tbagrocks   31   0   36   141696   141031   100.47%   45   2
44   c4v3m4n   31   0   36   141223   140772   100.32%   40   -4
45   dmac07   31   0   36   141192   141077   100.08%   47   2
46   T Dog   31   0   36   141045   141605   99.60%   49   3
47   BratPack   30   0   37   140503   141010   99.64%   48   1
48   Purple 77   29   1   37   139808   140790   99.30%   44   -4
49   m0nty   29   0   38   140604   140987   99.73%   46   -3
50   valkorum   29   0   38   142718   143188   99.67%   55   5
51   Nails   29   0   38   141125   143058   98.65%   51   0
52   NigeyS   28   0   39   141791   141990   99.86%   50   -2
53   McRooster   28   0   39   142126   142766   99.55%   54   1
54   Hellopplz   28   0   39   139945   141932   98.60%   59   5
55   Cruiseon   27   0   40   141616   141141   100.34%   58   3
56   bomberboy0618   27   0   40   137361   142253   96.56%   52   -4
57   nrich102   27   0   40   136636   142248   96.05%   53   -4
58   Hawka   25   2   40   138324   140741   98.28%   57   -1
59   SydneyRox   25   0   42   139042   140190   99.18%   56   -3
60   Spinking   25   0   42   137102   141272   97.05%   60   0
61   korza   23   0   44   137435   141622   97.04%   61   0
62   thornz23   22   0   45   137233   140114   97.94%   62   0
63   coolfugitiv0   21   1   45   138392   142732   96.96%   64   1
64   tabs   20   1   26   136642   140062   97.56%   63   -1
65   Ziplock   19   0   48   138201   143389   96.38%   65   0
66   Boomz   17   0   50   135451   141280   95.87%   66   0
67   nathan11   17   0   50   134447   143034   94.00%   67   0
68   MajorLazer   15   0   52   132934   141902   93.68%   68   0
69   bunyip   13   0   54   133777   142254   94.04%   69   0
70   pyronerd   10   0   57   119187   141630   84.15%   70   0
71   picker_man   8   0   59   125408   143396   87.46%   71   0
72   Maca24   7   0   60   119038   142333   83.63%   72   0


Round 18 Top 10

The stunningly handsome ossie85 tops the list for the 2nd time this year, but is still HALF A GAME outside the top 16 :/

Holzman has moved up to fourth overall in the whole damn SC competition, and he has our support!

ossie85   2537
Holzman   2480
Ringo   2444
Colliwobblers   2443
JBs-Hawks   2419
Samm79   2386
Grazz   2377
enzedder   2359
roo boys!   2355
Ricochet   2353

League Cup

Fanatics and Gunz are neck and neck! Winner takes all next week, while the Champions are officially out of the running thanks largely to the anchor that is Maca24!

Fanatics   31   2234
Gunz   31   2164
Champions   28   2129
Pirates   12   1735

Fantasy Champion
Coach   DT   SC   Total   Rank
Holzman   36613   40784   77397   1
upthemaidens   37321   39494   76815   2
luvfooty   37329   39441   76770   3
whatlez   36411   40220   76631   4
Noz   36827   39423   76250   5
yorgis   36925   39129   76054   6
Ricochet   36054   39975   76029   7
Grazz   36298   39641   75939   8
Master Q   37046   38747   75793   9
BGK   36652   38886   75538   10


2014 SC Champions League Qualifiers Update

Who joins Holz, whatlez, JB, MTTY and BoredSaind for next year's Champions league?

Holzman double qualifies! Taking out the Overall minor premiership (and opening up an extra position in the overall qualifiers).

I'm not sure anyone else is safe in the Champions league! Probably, but I can't be bothered looking through the fixture :P

Fanatics no closer to decided who there minor premier will be, with MC holding the edge

JBs-Hawks is being greedy and also double qualifies! Taking out the Gunz Minor Premiership, and opening up a 2nd spot in the overall qualifiers...

And this is how you qualify...

Overall Premier
- TBA Round 23

Overall Minor Premier
- Holzman

Knock-Out Cup Winner
- JBs-Hawks

Champions League Finalists
(finish in the top 8 from the 2013 DT Champions League)
1. Holzman
2. whatlez
4. TBA Round 19 at latest
5. TBA Round 19 at latest
6. TBA Round 19 at latest
7. TBA Round 19 at latest
8. TBA Round 19 at latest

Champions League Qualifier
(win the 'minor' premiership, i.e. finish 9th after finals in Champions League)
- TBA Round 23

Fanatics Premier
- TBA Round 23

Fanatics Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Gunz Premier
- JBs-Hawks

Gunz Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Pirates Premier
- TBA Round 23

Pirates Minor Premier
- BoredSaint

Overall Qualifiers
(There are 18 spots available above, but in the likely event that one coach qualifies twice (i.e. is the Masters Premier and Minor Premier) the remaining spots to be filled based on the final ladder - after finals - from Overall)
- TBA Round 23