Started by ossie85, March 15, 2013, 12:40:26 PM

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Round 17 Fixture

3 rounds left... 12 matches to go...

Champions   versus   Fanatics
CFC 1979   v   SydneyRox
CrowsFan   v   tabs
Cruiseon   v   tbagrocks
enzedder   v   bunyip
fever   v   Colliwobblers
GoldDigger   v   colmullet
Holzman   v   coolfugitiv0
j959   v   Grazz
m0nty   v   Jayman
Maca24   v   kilbluff1985
MajorLazer   v   korza
MTTY   v   luvfooty
My Chumps   v   Master Q
naste   v   MC
nostradamus   v   McRooster
roo boys!   v   Ringo
thornz23   v   Samm79
whatlez   v   Spite
Champions   versus   Gunz
CFC 1979   v   upthemaidens
CrowsFan   v   yorgis
Cruiseon   v   Ziplock
enzedder   v   ajjewell
fever   v   DazBurg
GoldDigger   v   dmac07
Holzman   v   Hawka
j959   v   JBs-Hawks
m0nty   v   KoopKicka
Maca24   v   NigeyS
MajorLazer   v   noto07
MTTY   v   Noz
My Chumps   v   nrich102
naste   v   ossie85
nostradamus   v   picker_man
roo boys!   v   Ricochet
thornz23   v   Spinking
whatlez   v   T Dog
Champions   versus   Pirates
CFC 1979   v   thatguy
CrowsFan   v   Torpedo10
Cruiseon   v   valkorum
enzedder   v   ando_10
fever   v   BGK
GoldDigger   v   bomberboy0618
Holzman   v   Boomz
j959   v   BoredSaint
m0nty   v   BratPack
Maca24   v   c4v3m4n
MajorLazer   v   Chopps
MTTY   v   Dudge
My Chumps   v   Hellopplz
naste   v   Luigi197
nostradamus   v   Nails
roo boys!   v   nathan11
thornz23   v   Purple 77
whatlez   v   pyronerd
Champions   versus   Champions
CFC 1979   v   MajorLazer
CrowsFan   v   nostradamus
Cruiseon   v   GoldDigger
enzedder   v   naste
fever   v   roo boys!
Holzman   v   m0nty
j959   v   My Chumps
Maca24   v   whatlez
MTTY   v   thornz23
Fanatics   versus   Fanatics
bunyip   v   Master Q
Colliwobblers   v   Samm79
colmullet   v   McRooster
coolfugitiv0   v   tabs
Grazz   v   korza
Jayman   v   luvfooty
kilbluff1985   v   SydneyRox
MC   v   Spite
Ringo   v   tbagrocks

Fanatics   versus   Gunz
bunyip   v   upthemaidens
Colliwobblers   v   yorgis
colmullet   v   Ziplock
coolfugitiv0   v   ajjewell
Grazz   v   DazBurg
Jayman   v   dmac07
kilbluff1985   v   Hawka
korza   v   JBs-Hawks
luvfooty   v   KoopKicka
Master Q   v   NigeyS
MC   v   noto07
McRooster   v   Noz
Ringo   v   nrich102
Samm79   v   ossie85
Spite   v   picker_man
SydneyRox   v   Ricochet
tabs   v   Spinking
tbagrocks   v   T Dog
Fanatics   versus   Pirates
bunyip   v   thatguy
Colliwobblers   v   Torpedo10
colmullet   v   valkorum
coolfugitiv0   v   ando_10
Grazz   v   BGK
Jayman   v   bomberboy0618
kilbluff1985   v   Boomz
korza   v   BoredSaint
luvfooty   v   BratPack
Master Q   v   c4v3m4n
MC   v   Chopps
McRooster   v   Dudge
Ringo   v   Hellopplz
Samm79   v   Luigi197
Spite   v   Nails
SydneyRox   v   nathan11
tabs   v   Purple 77
tbagrocks   v   pyronerd
Gunz   versus   Pirates
ajjewell   v   thatguy
DazBurg   v   Torpedo10
dmac07   v   valkorum
Hawka   v   ando_10
JBs-Hawks   v   BGK
KoopKicka   v   bomberboy0618
NigeyS   v   Boomz
noto07   v   BoredSaint
Noz   v   BratPack
nrich102   v   c4v3m4n
ossie85   v   Chopps
picker_man   v   Dudge
Ricochet   v   Hellopplz
Spinking   v   Luigi197
T Dog   v   Nails
upthemaidens   v   nathan11
yorgis   v   Purple 77
Ziplock   v   pyronerd
Gunz   versus   Gunz
ajjewell   v   NigeyS
DazBurg   v   T Dog
dmac07   v   upthemaidens
Hawka   v   Spinking
JBs-Hawks   v   yorgis
KoopKicka   v   nrich102
noto07   v   Ricochet
Noz   v   picker_man
ossie85   v   Ziplock
Pirates   versus   Pirates
ando_10   v   valkorum
BGK   v   Nails
bomberboy0618   v   Hellopplz
Boomz   v   BoredSaint
BratPack   v   nathan11
c4v3m4n   v   Torpedo10
Chopps   v   Purple 77
Dudge   v   pyronerd
Luigi197   v   thatguy


4 wins and I can make it esentially imposible to catch me.

Need a big week i think i have to make up 50+ points this week for a shot at overall.


really need 4 here or Im out of finals.

CFC 1979

Quote from: CFC 1979 on July 15, 2013, 06:34:08 PM

Champ's league going down to the wire for finals spots

4th to 8th on 32 points
9th to 12 on 28 points
13 + 14 on 24 points

some big games to come to secure spots for next year, percentage will play it's part

also get in behind Holz
currently 7 th overall + 269 adrift

bring it on home Holz

Holz up to 6th, 187 behind ( i think )

woo hoo

Justin Bieber


Fanatics Update

Sorry for the delay OSS

Designated Drinker 2394 defeated Bring It 2284
Beware Giants 2414 defeated McSuperCoach 2334
Raging Marshmellows 2293 defeated Colliwobblers 2274
Grazz 2266 defeated Korza 2198
Trophy Collectors 2136 defeated TRex 2057
Jays Jets 2377 defeated West Coast Crushers 2254
Fig Jam 2213 defeated Sydney Rox 2104
MC's Mix 2270 defeated Terrifying Glue 2155
Ringos Stars 2467 defeated TbagsRocks 2265

Solid effort from all this week League is ranked 96,


elxam Champs - rd17 results:

FanFooty EDT 2163
Holzman's Heroes 2394
Banana Republic 2211
Questions  2134
Loose Units 1709
whatlez 2386
Guts & Glory 2184
Thorno's Titans 2169
Loon Pony Machine 2286
Reservoir Dogs 2263
Cruise Control 2201
Prospectors SCC 2272
Stevo's Stars 2404
beva feva 2109
micah's marauders 2286
Casserole Kids 2362
Schillaci 2514
Shearers FC 2315

geezus! enzedder 2514!  :o



Round 17 Results

Champions (31) lost to Fanatics (50)
Champions   Score   versus   Fanatics   Score   Margin   CP   FP
CFC 1979   2211   defeated   SydneyRox   2104   107   4   0
CrowsFan   2286   defeated   tabs   2284   2   4   0
Cruiseon   2201   lost to   tbagrocks   2265   64   0   4
enzedder   2514   defeated   bunyip   2057   457   8   0
fever   2109   lost to   Colliwobblers   2274   165   0   4
GoldDigger   2272   lost to   colmullet   2414   142   0   4
Holzman   2394   tied with   coolfugitiv0   2394   0   2   2
j959   2286   defeated   Grazz   2266   20   4   0
m0nty   2163   lost to   Jayman   2377   214   0   4
Maca24   1709   lost to   kilbluff1985   2213   504   -3   8
MajorLazer   2134   lost to   korza   2198   64   0   4
MTTY   2184   lost to   luvfooty   2254   70   0   4
My Chumps   2362   defeated   Master Q   2136   226   4   0
naste   2315   defeated   MC   2270   45   4   0
nostradamus   2263   lost to   McRooster   2334   71   0   4
roo boys!   2404   lost to   Ringo   2467   63   0   4
thornz23   2169   lost to   Samm79   2293   124   0   4
whatlez   2386   defeated   Spite   2155   231   4   0
TOTAL   40362         40755   393   31   50
Champions (33) lost to Gunz (48)
Champions   Score   versus   Gunz   Score   Margin   CP   GP
CFC 1979   2211   lost to   upthemaidens   2410   199   0   4
CrowsFan   2286   lost to   yorgis   2434   148   0   4
Cruiseon   2201   lost to   Ziplock   2281   80   0   4
enzedder   2514   defeated   ajjewell   2275   239   8   0
fever   2109   lost to   DazBurg   2239   130   0   4
GoldDigger   2272   defeated   dmac07   2255   17   4   0
Holzman   2394   defeated   Hawka   2207   187   4   0
j959   2286   lost to   JBs-Hawks   2330   44   0   4
m0nty   2163   lost to   KoopKicka   2207   44   0   4
Maca24   1709   lost to   NigeyS   2215   506   -3   8
MajorLazer   2134   lost to   noto07   2197   63   0   4
MTTY   2184   lost to   Noz   2377   193   0   4
My Chumps   2362   defeated   nrich102   2292   70   4   0
naste   2315   lost to   ossie85   2331   16   0   4
nostradamus   2263   defeated   picker_man   2230   33   4   0
roo boys!   2404   defeated   Ricochet   2328   76   4   0
thornz23   2169   defeated   Spinking   2127   42   4   0
whatlez   2386   defeated   T Dog   2269   117   4   0
TOTAL   40362         41004   642   33   48
Champions (37) lost to Pirates (44)
Champions   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin   CP   PP
CFC 1979   2211   lost to   thatguy   2287   76   0   4
CrowsFan   2286   lost to   Torpedo10   2363   77   0   4
Cruiseon   2201   lost to   valkorum   2236   35   0   4
enzedder   2514   defeated   ando_10   2337   177   8   0
fever   2109   lost to   BGK   2278   169   0   4
GoldDigger   2272   lost to   bomberboy0618   2384   112   0   4
Holzman   2394   defeated   Boomz   2200   194   4   0
j959   2286   lost to   BoredSaint   2357   71   0   4
m0nty   2163   lost to   BratPack   2344   181   0   4
Maca24   1709   lost to   c4v3m4n   2394   685   -3   8
MajorLazer   2134   defeated   Chopps   2007   127   4   0
MTTY   2184   defeated   Dudge   2118   66   4   0
My Chumps   2362   defeated   Hellopplz   2319   43   4   0
naste   2315   defeated   Luigi197   2312   3   4   0
nostradamus   2263   defeated   Nails   2243   20   4   0
roo boys!   2404   defeated   nathan11   2282   122   4   0
thornz23   2169   lost to   Purple 77   2225   56   0   4
whatlez   2386   defeated   pyronerd   1820   566   4   0
TOTAL   40362         40506   144   37   44
Champions v Champions
Champions   Score   versus   Champions   Score   Margin      
CFC 1979   2211   defeated   MajorLazer   2134   77      
CrowsFan   2286   defeated   nostradamus   2263   23      
Cruiseon   2201   lost to   GoldDigger   2272   71      
enzedder   2514   defeated   naste   2315   199      
fever   2109   lost to   roo boys!   2404   295      
Holzman   2394   defeated   m0nty   2163   231      
j959   2286   lost to   My Chumps   2362   76      
Maca24   1709   lost to   whatlez   2386   677      
MTTY   2184   defeated   thornz23   2169   15      
Fanatics v Fanatics
Fanatics   Score   versus   Fanatics   Score   Margin      
bunyip   2057   lost to   Master Q   2136   79      
Colliwobblers   2274   lost to   Samm79   2293   19      
colmullet   2414   defeated   McRooster   2334   80      
coolfugitiv0   2394   defeated   tabs   2284   110      
Grazz   2266   defeated   korza   2198   68      
Jayman   2377   defeated   luvfooty   2254   123      
kilbluff1985   2213   defeated   SydneyRox   2104   109      
MC   2270   defeated   Spite   2155   115      
Ringo   2467   defeated   tbagrocks   2265   202      

Fanatics (37) lost to Gunz (4)
Fanatics   Score   versus   Gunz   Score   Margin   FP   GP
bunyip   2057   lost to   upthemaidens   2410   353   -3   8
Colliwobblers   2274   lost to   yorgis   2434   160   0   4
colmullet   2414   defeated   Ziplock   2281   133   4   0
coolfugitiv0   2394   defeated   ajjewell   2275   119   4   0
Grazz   2266   defeated   DazBurg   2239   27   4   0
Jayman   2377   defeated   dmac07   2255   122   4   0
kilbluff1985   2213   defeated   Hawka   2207   6   4   0
korza   2198   lost to   JBs-Hawks   2330   132   0   4
luvfooty   2254   defeated   KoopKicka   2207   47   4   0
Master Q   2136   lost to   NigeyS   2215   79   0   4
MC   2270   defeated   noto07   2197   73   4   0
McRooster   2334   lost to   Noz   2377   43   0   4
Ringo   2467   defeated   nrich102   2292   175   8   0
Samm79   2293   lost to   ossie85   2331   38   0   4
Spite   2155   lost to   picker_man   2230   75   0   4
SydneyRox   2104   lost to   Ricochet   2328   224   0   4
tabs   2284   defeated   Spinking   2127   157   4   0
tbagrocks   2265   lost to   T Dog   2269   4   0   4
TOTAL   40755         41004   249   37   44
Fanatics (44) defeated Pirates (37)
Fanatics   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin   FP   PP
bunyip   2057   lost to   thatguy   2287   230   0   4
Colliwobblers   2274   lost to   Torpedo10   2363   89   0   4
colmullet   2414   defeated   valkorum   2236   178   4   0
coolfugitiv0   2394   defeated   ando_10   2337   57   4   0
Grazz   2266   lost to   BGK   2278   12   0   4
Jayman   2377   lost to   bomberboy0618   2384   7   0   4
kilbluff1985   2213   defeated   Boomz   2200   13   4   0
korza   2198   lost to   BoredSaint   2357   159   0   4
luvfooty   2254   lost to   BratPack   2344   90   0   4
Master Q   2136   lost to   c4v3m4n   2394   258   0   4
MC   2270   defeated   Chopps   2007   263   4   0
McRooster   2334   defeated   Dudge   2118   216   4   0
Ringo   2467   defeated   Hellopplz   2319   148   8   0
Samm79   2293   lost to   Luigi197   2312   19   0   4
Spite   2155   lost to   Nails   2243   88   0   4
SydneyRox   2104   lost to   nathan11   2282   178   0   4
tabs   2284   defeated   Purple 77   2225   59   4   0
tbagrocks   2265   defeated   pyronerd   1820   445   8   -3
TOTAL   40755         40506   249   44   37
Gunz (56) defeated Pirates (25)
Gunz   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin   GP   PP
ajjewell   2275   lost to   thatguy   2287   12   0   4
DazBurg   2239   lost to   Torpedo10   2363   124   0   4
dmac07   2255   defeated   valkorum   2236   19   4   0
Hawka   2207   lost to   ando_10   2337   130   0   4
JBs-Hawks   2330   defeated   BGK   2278   52   4   0
KoopKicka   2207   lost to   bomberboy0618   2384   177   0   4
NigeyS   2215   defeated   Boomz   2200   15   4   0
noto07   2197   lost to   BoredSaint   2357   160   0   4
Noz   2377   defeated   BratPack   2344   33   4   0
nrich102   2292   lost to   c4v3m4n   2394   102   0   4
ossie85   2331   defeated   Chopps   2007   324   4   0
picker_man   2230   defeated   Dudge   2118   112   4   0
Ricochet   2328   defeated   Hellopplz   2319   9   4   0
Spinking   2127   lost to   Luigi197   2312   185   0   4
T Dog   2269   defeated   Nails   2243   26   4   0
upthemaidens   2410   defeated   nathan11   2282   128   4   0
yorgis   2434   defeated   Purple 77   2225   209   8   0
Ziplock   2281   defeated   pyronerd   1820   461   8   -3
TOTAL   41004         40506   498   56   25
Gunz v Gunz
Gunz   Score   versus   Gunz   Score   Margin      
ajjewell   2275   defeated   NigeyS   2215   60      
DazBurg   2239   lost to   T Dog   2269   30      
dmac07   2255   lost to   upthemaidens   2410   155      
Hawka   2207   defeated   Spinking   2127   80      
JBs-Hawks   2330   lost to   yorgis   2434   104      
KoopKicka   2207   lost to   nrich102   2292   85      
noto07   2197   lost to   Ricochet   2328   131      
Noz   2377   defeated   picker_man   2230   147      
ossie85   2331   defeated   Ziplock   2281   50      
Pirates v Pirates
Pirates   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin      
ando_10   2337   defeated   valkorum   2236   101      
BGK   2278   defeated   Nails   2243   35      
bomberboy0618   2384   defeated   Hellopplz   2319   65      
Boomz   2200   lost to   BoredSaint   2357   157      
BratPack   2344   defeated   nathan11   2282   62      
c4v3m4n   2394   defeated   Torpedo10   2363   31      
Chopps   2007   lost to   Purple 77   2225   218      
Dudge   2118   defeated   pyronerd   1820   298      
Luigi197   2312   defeated   thatguy   2287   25      


Round 17 Ladder

Another (almost) perfect round from Holzman, with a draw the only blemish - as Holz is 6.5 wins in front with only 8 rounds left. 2 more wins gets him the minor premiership! Jayman pushes Grazz out of the top 16, while former runner up Maca24 slips to the bottom.

Rank   Coach   W   D   L   For   Against   Percentage   Last Week   Change
1   Holzman   53   1   9   140993   131561   107.17%   1   0
2   whatlez   47   0   16   140569   131714   106.72%   3   1
3   BoredSaint   47   0   16   136858   130634   104.76%   4   1
4   Noz   47   0   16   137327   131856   104.15%   6   2
5   MC   47   0   16   137402   132784   103.48%   2   -3
6   upthemaidens   46   1   16   137221   132177   103.82%   7   1
7   luvfooty   45   0   18   136663   131104   104.24%   5   -2
8   My Chumps   45   0   18   136770   132426   103.28%   9   1
9   Ringo   45   0   18   137861   133645   103.15%   10   1
10   Torpedo10   44   0   19   135815   131448   103.32%   8   -2
11   yorgis   44   0   19   136279   132048   103.20%   12   1
12   JBs-Hawks   43   0   20   137434   132273   103.90%   11   -1
13   Ricochet   42   1   20   138930   132662   104.72%   14   1
14   naste   42   0   21   135925   132933   102.25%   13   -1
15   enzedder   40   0   23   138615   133343   103.95%   16   1
16   Jayman   39   0   24   136156   132095   103.07%   17   1
17   Grazz   38   0   25   137897   133136   103.58%   15   -2
18   Samm79   37   0   26   136069   132920   102.37%   22   4
19   Dudge   37   0   26   134602   132539   101.56%   18   -1
20   CFC 1979   37   0   26   133659   132322   101.01%   23   3
21   KoopKicka   37   0   26   133041   132183   100.65%   19   -2
22   noto07   36   1   26   134664   132253   101.82%   20   -2
23   Luigi197   36   1   26   134002   131915   101.58%   24   1
24   Master Q   36   1   26   134592   132873   101.29%   21   -3
25   ossie85   36   1   26   134364   132818   101.16%   28   3
26   kilbluff1985   36   0   27   134941   131968   102.25%   29   3
27   roo boys!   36   0   27   133790   131875   101.45%   26   -1
28   colmullet   35   0   28   135289   132432   102.16%   32   4
29   nostradamus   35   0   28   134643   133409   100.92%   27   -2
30   Colliwobblers   34   0   29   135695   131713   103.02%   25   -5
31   thatguy   34   0   29   132316   130920   101.07%   35   4
32   MTTY   33   0   30   133935   131942   101.51%   33   1
33   ando_10   33   0   30   135142   134410   100.54%   36   3
34   DazBurg   32   0   31   135704   132356   102.53%   31   -3
35   BGK   32   0   31   135238   132814   101.83%   39   4
36   ajjewell   32   0   31   134930   133473   101.09%   34   -2
37   CrowsFan   32   0   31   133854   132540   100.99%   37   0
38   fever   32   0   31   132606   133777   99.12%   30   -8
39   GoldDigger   31   0   32   133734   133363   100.28%   41   2
40   c4v3m4n   30   0   33   132535   131814   100.55%   47   7
41   Chopps   30   0   33   130021   132144   98.39%   38   -3
42   Spite   29   0   34   133845   133023   100.62%   40   -2
43   j959   29   0   34   132750   132868   99.91%   43   0
44   Purple 77   28   1   34   131124   131850   99.45%   45   1
45   tbagrocks   28   0   35   133116   132527   100.44%   46   1
46   m0nty   28   0   35   132280   132308   99.98%   42   -4
47   dmac07   28   0   35   131900   131984   99.94%   44   -3
48   BratPack   28   0   35   131731   132227   99.62%   53   5
49   T Dog   28   0   35   132169   132780   99.54%   51   2
50   NigeyS   27   0   36   132731   132944   99.84%   56   6
51   Nails   27   0   36   132109   133949   98.63%   48   -3
52   bomberboy0618   27   0   36   128705   132950   96.81%   60   8
53   nrich102   27   0   36   128396   133288   96.33%   49   -4
54   McRooster   26   0   37   133502   134070   99.58%   55   1
55   valkorum   26   0   37   133810   134785   99.28%   52   -3
56   SydneyRox   25   0   38   130966   131389   99.68%   50   -6
57   Hawka   24   2   37   129680   131857   98.35%   57   0
58   Cruiseon   24   0   39   132608   132340   100.20%   54   -4
59   Hellopplz   24   0   39   130961   133401   98.17%   58   -1
60   Spinking   23   0   40   128394   132541   96.87%   59   -1
61   korza   22   0   41   129235   133721   96.65%   61   0
62   thornz23   21   0   42   128581   131847   97.52%   62   0
63   tabs   19   1   43   128198   131851   97.23%   63   0
64   coolfugitiv0   18   1   44   129260   133817   96.59%   65   1
65   Ziplock   17   0   46   129213   134505   96.07%   66   1
66   Boomz   17   0   46   127139   132443   96.00%   64   -2
67   nathan11   16   0   47   125647   134208   93.62%   67   0
68   MajorLazer   15   0   48   125058   132968   94.05%   68   0
69   bunyip   13   0   50   125017   132942   94.04%   69   0
70   pyronerd   10   0   53   112679   132801   84.85%   70   0
71   picker_man   8   0   55   117564   134005   87.73%   72   1
72   Maca24   7   0   56   113894   133542   85.29%   71   -1


coolfugitiv0 how dare you spoil my perfect record ;)

good score though.

really regretting taking the 88 from the bench over JJK now.


Top 10 Round 17

Very impressive at the top by enzedder!

enzedder   2514
Ringo   2467
yorgis   2434
colmullet   2414
upthemaidens   2410
roo boys!   2404
Holzman   2394
coolfugitiv0   2394
c4v3m4n   2394
whatlez   2386

League Cup
Gunz   29   2015
Fanatics   28   2078
Champions   27   2026
Pirates   12   1657

And the Champions slip from 1st to third! Gunz in prime position.

Fantasy Champion

Upthemaidens closes the gap... but Holz still with the commanding lead

Coach   DT   SC   Total   Rank
Holzman   34456   38304   72760   1
upthemaidens   35122   37184   72306   2
whatlez   34350   37912   72262   3
luvfooty   34948   37104   72052   4
Noz   34507   37163   71670   5
Ricochet   33863   37622   71485   6
yorgis   34592   36801   71393   7
Grazz   34032   37264   71296   8
Master Q   34749   36426   71175   9
DazBurg   34343   36729   71072   10


2014 SC Champions League Qualifiers Update

Who joins Holz and whatlez for next year's Champions league?

JBs-Hawks joins after his KO Cup victory!

MTTY will 100% make the Champions list, so he comes in also...

and BoredSaint has an impressive 4 game lead for the Pirates Minor Premiership, and qualifies also!

13 spots left

And this is how you qualify...

Overall Premier
- TBA Round 23

Overall Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Knock-Out Cup Winner
- JBs-Hawks

Champions League Finalists
(finish in the top 8 from the 2013 DT Champions League)
1. Holzman
2. whatlez
4. TBA Round 19 at latest
5. TBA Round 19 at latest
6. TBA Round 19 at latest
7. TBA Round 19 at latest
8. TBA Round 19 at latest

Champions League Qualifier
(win the 'minor' premiership, i.e. finish 9th after finals in Champions League)
- TBA Round 23

Fanatics Premier
- TBA Round 23

Fanatics Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Gunz Premier
- TBA Round 23

Gunz Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Pirates Premier
- TBA Round 23

Pirates Minor Premier
- BoredSaint

Overall Qualifiers
(There are 18 spots available above, but in the likely event that one coach qualifies twice (i.e. is the Masters Premier and Minor Premier) the remaining spots to be filled based on the final ladder - after finals - from Overall)
- TBA Round 23


Need to win the last 2 to finish Fanatics Minor premier - Playing MC Mix (Micheal) who is in first position this week. This may decide the minor premiership so best of luck.  Then the last game play West Coast Crushers but at least this year is not for a position in the 8 like last year but may be for Top position if we both win this week.

roo boys!

Scored 6th highest score for the round, and just managed to be matched up against one of the 5 that outscored me haha. Well done Ringo.

Shame as that win would have seen me in 20th place and really pushing into that 16 with 2 weeks to come. Will be tough to make up a 3 game deficit in 8 games but still possible.

League win on the weekend helped move me into 5th place in the Champions league, and only 1 game clear of 9th spot the next two weeks will be vital!