Started by ossie85, March 15, 2013, 12:40:26 PM

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Hannebery one of the few that let me down expected 100+ from the man.


You pimped me Noz? That's disturbing!


Best get used to it os

Nozzle is here to take charge

Currently we are sitting 47th  :)


I'm after the scores for the Champions elxam league - if anyone from that league could post them here that would be great.


While we wait for the Champions, I can release some results!

A reminder:

Each league gets
- 4 points for a win (18 matches, 72 points available)
- 4 points for highest total points
- 4 points for highest score
- 4 points for biggets margin
- Lose 3 points for smallest score
- For a total of 81 points available

Fanatics (37) lost to Gunz (44)

Fanatics   Score   versus   Gunz   Score   Margin   FP   GP
bunyip   2041   lost to   ajjewell   2117   76   0   4
Colliwobblers   2342   defeated   DazBurg   2340   2   4   0
colmullet   2434   defeated   dmac07   2278   156   4   0
coolfugitiv0   2192   lost to   Hawka   2356   164   0   4
Grazz   2392   defeated   JBs-Hawks   2268   124   4   0
Jayman   2424   defeated   KoopKicka   2341   83   4   0
kilbluff1985   2247   defeated   NigeyS   2220   27   4   0
korza   2158   lost to   noto07   2406   248   0   4
luvfooty   2348   lost to   Noz   2359   11   0   4
Master Q   2171   lost to   nrich102   2175   4   0   4
MC   2267   lost to   ossie85   2337   70   0   4
McRooster   2254   defeated   picker_man   2246   8   4   0
Ringo   2267   lost to   Ricochet   2367   100   0   4
Samm79   2449   defeated   Spinking   2073   376   12   0
Spite   2393   defeated   T Dog   2168   225   4   0
SydneyRox   2262   lost to   upthemaidens   2414   152   0   4
tabs   2032   lost to   yorgis   2389   357   -3   4
tbagrocks   2251   lost to   Ziplock   2311   60   0   4
TOTAL   40924         41165   241   37   44

Fanatics (53) defeated Pirates (28)

Fanatics   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin   FP   PP
bunyip   2041   lost to   ando_10   2336   295   0   4
Colliwobblers   2342   defeated   BGK   2210   132   4   0
colmullet   2434   defeated   bomberboy0618   2096   338   8   0
coolfugitiv0   2192   lost to   Boomz   2324   132   0   4
Grazz   2392   defeated   BoredSaint   2300   92   4   0
Jayman   2424   defeated   BratPack   2290   134   4   0
kilbluff1985   2247   lost to   c4v3m4n   2309   62   0   4
korza   2158   lost to   Chopps   2329   171   0   4
luvfooty   2348   defeated   Dudge   2269   79   4   0
Master Q   2171   defeated   Hellopplz   2161   10   4   0
MC   2267   defeated   Luigi197   2095   172   4   0
McRooster   2254   defeated   Nails   2109   145   4   0
Ringo   2267   defeated   nathan11   2252   15   4   0
Samm79   2449   defeated   Purple 77   2197   252   8   0
Spite   2393   defeated   pyronerd   2181   212   4   0
SydneyRox   2262   lost to   thatguy   2338   76   0   4
tabs   2032   lost to   Torpedo10   2317   285   -3   4
tbagrocks   2251   lost to   valkorum   2395   144   0   4
TOTAL   40924         40508   416   53   28

Gunz (57) defeated Pirates (24)

Gunz   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin   GP   PP
ajjewell   2117   lost to   ando_10   2336   219   0   4
DazBurg   2340   defeated   BGK   2210   130   4   0
dmac07   2278   defeated   bomberboy0618   2096   182   4   0
Hawka   2356   defeated   Boomz   2324   32   4   0
JBs-Hawks   2268   lost to   BoredSaint   2300   32   0   4
KoopKicka   2341   defeated   BratPack   2290   51   4   0
NigeyS   2220   lost to   c4v3m4n   2309   89   0   4
noto07   2406   defeated   Chopps   2329   77   4   0
Noz   2359   defeated   Dudge   2269   90   4   0
nrich102   2175   defeated   Hellopplz   2161   14   4   0
ossie85   2337   defeated   Luigi197   2095   242   8   0
picker_man   2246   defeated   Nails   2109   137   4   0
Ricochet   2367   defeated   nathan11   2252   115   4   0
Spinking   2073   lost to   Purple 77   2197   124   -3   4
T Dog   2168   lost to   pyronerd   2181   13   0   4
upthemaidens   2414   defeated   thatguy   2338   76   8   0
yorgis   2389   defeated   Torpedo10   2317   72   4   0
Ziplock   2311   lost to   valkorum   2395   84   0   4
TOTAL   41165         40508   657   57   24


great work ossman as usual  ;)

i lost to colli by 2 bloody points!!!!


1. Holzman's Heroes  2,477
2. whatlez  2,461
3. Schillaci  2,420
4. Loon Pony Machine  2,388
5. Casserole Kids 2,379
6. Stevo's Stars  2,377
7. micah's marauders  2,365
8. Cruise Control 2,335
9. beva feva  2,274
10. Prospectors SCC  2,273
11. Reservoir Dogs  2,256
12. Banana Republic  2,234 
13. Guts & Glory 2,232
14. Shearers FC  2,201
15. FanFooty EDT  2,196
16. Thorno's Titans  2,169 
17. Questions  2,139
18. Loose Units 1,966

hopefully that helps ossie.

just quitely.  Heroes I think top score round 1, going serious in SC this year, so watch out.


And the remaining results thanks to Holz!

Champions (41) defeated Fanatics (40)

Champions   Score   versus   Fanatics   Score   Margin   CP   FP
CFC 1979   2234   defeated   bunyip   2041   193   4   0
CrowsFan   2388   defeated   Colliwobblers   2342   46   4   0
Cruiseon   2335   lost to   colmullet   2434   99   0   4
enzedder   2420   defeated   coolfugitiv0   2192   228   4   0
fever   2274   lost to   Grazz   2392   118   0   4
GoldDigger   2273   lost to   Jayman   2424   151   0   4
Holzman   2477   defeated   kilbluff1985   2247   230   8   0
j959   2365   defeated   korza   2158   207   4   0
m0nty   2196   lost to   luvfooty   2348   152   0   4
Maca24   1966   lost to   Master Q   2171   205   -3   4
MajorLazer   2139   lost to   MC   2267   128   0   4
MTTY   2232   lost to   McRooster   2254   22   0   4
My Chumps   2379   defeated   Ringo   2267   112   4   0
naste   2201   lost to   Samm79   2449   248   0   8
nostradamus   2256   lost to   Spite   2393   137   0   4
roo boys!   2377   defeated   SydneyRox   2262   115   4   0
thornz23   2169   defeated   tabs   2032   137   4   0
whatlez   2461   defeated   tbagrocks   2251   210   4   0
TOTAL   41142         40924   218   41   40

Champions (45) defeated Gunz (36)

Champions   Score   versus   Gunz   Score   Margin   CP   GP
CFC 1979   2234   defeated   ajjewell   2117   117   4   0
CrowsFan   2388   defeated   DazBurg   2340   48   4   0
Cruiseon   2335   defeated   dmac07   2278   57   4   0
enzedder   2420   defeated   Hawka   2356   64   4   0
fever   2274   defeated   JBs-Hawks   2268   6   4   0
GoldDigger   2273   lost to   KoopKicka   2341   68   0   4
Holzman   2477   defeated   NigeyS   2220   257   12   0
j959   2365   lost to   noto07   2406   41   0   4
m0nty   2196   lost to   Noz   2359   163   0   4
Maca24   1966   lost to   nrich102   2175   209   -3   4
MajorLazer   2139   lost to   ossie85   2337   198   0   4
MTTY   2232   lost to   picker_man   2246   14   0   4
My Chumps   2379   defeated   Ricochet   2367   12   4   0
naste   2201   defeated   Spinking   2073   128   4   0
nostradamus   2256   defeated   T Dog   2168   88   4   0
roo boys!   2377   lost to   upthemaidens   2414   37   0   4
thornz23   2169   lost to   yorgis   2389   220   0   4
whatlez   2461   defeated   Ziplock   2311   150   4   0
TOTAL   41142         41165   23   45   36

Champions (57) defeated Pirates (24)

Champions   Score   versus   Pirates   Score   Margin   CP   PP
CFC 1979   2234   lost to   ando_10   2336   102   0   4
CrowsFan   2388   defeated   BGK   2210   178   4   0
Cruiseon   2335   defeated   bomberboy0618   2096   239   8   0
enzedder   2420   defeated   Boomz   2324   96   4   0
fever   2274   lost to   BoredSaint   2300   26   0   4
GoldDigger   2273   lost to   BratPack   2290   17   0   4
Holzman   2477   defeated   c4v3m4n   2309   168   8   0
j959   2365   defeated   Chopps   2329   36   4   0
m0nty   2196   lost to   Dudge   2269   73   0   4
Maca24   1966   lost to   Hellopplz   2161   195   -3   4
MajorLazer   2139   defeated   Luigi197   2095   44   4   0
MTTY   2232   defeated   Nails   2109   123   4   0
My Chumps   2379   defeated   nathan11   2252   127   4   0
naste   2201   defeated   Purple 77   2197   4   4   0
nostradamus   2256   defeated   pyronerd   2181   75   4   0
roo boys!   2377   defeated   thatguy   2338   39   4   0
thornz23   2169   lost to   Torpedo10   2317   148   0   4
whatlez   2461   defeated   valkorum   2395   66   4   0
TOTAL   41142         40508   634   57   24

Some close games there!


Our top 10

Congrats to Holzman!

Holzman   2477
whatlez   2461
Samm79   2449
colmullet   2434
Jayman   2424
enzedder   2420
upthemaidens   2414
noto07   2406
valkorum   2395
Spite   2393


that's huge Holz!

thanks again Oss!  ;D


Quote from: j959 on April 02, 2013, 01:24:36 PM
that's huge Holz!

thanks again Oss!  ;D

if only i had ablett captain. forgot to change it from Swanny, breaking 2500 round 1 would have been nice but cant complain.

lots of good scores this week, the competition should be high quality as usual.


The Ladder

Rank   Coach   W   D   L   For   Against   Percentage
1   Samm79   3   0   0   7347   6471   113.54%
2   yorgis   3   0   0   7167   6518   109.96%
3   Holzman   3   0   0   7431   6776   109.67%
4   ando_10   3   0   0   7008   6392   109.64%
5   colmullet   3   0   0   7302   6709   108.84%
6   Spite   3   0   0   7179   6605   108.69%
7   ossie85   3   0   0   7011   6501   107.84%
8   whatlez   3   0   0   7383   6957   106.12%
9   enzedder   3   0   0   7260   6872   105.65%
10   noto07   3   0   0   7218   6852   105.34%
11   Jayman   3   0   0   7272   6904   105.33%
12   Grazz   3   0   0   7176   6842   104.88%
13   CrowsFan   3   0   0   7164   6892   103.95%
14   Noz   3   0   0   7077   6813   103.87%
15   upthemaidens   3   0   0   7242   6977   103.80%
16   My Chumps   3   0   0   7137   6886   103.65%
17   nrich102   3   0   0   6525   6298   103.60%
18   McRooster   3   0   0   6762   6587   102.66%
19   Torpedo10   2   0   1   6951   6590   105.48%
20   MC   2   0   1   6801   6571   103.50%
21   Master Q   2   0   1   6513   6302   103.35%
22   luvfooty   2   0   1   7044   6824   103.22%
23   CFC 1979   2   0   1   6702   6494   103.20%
24   Ricochet   2   0   1   7101   6898   102.94%
25   j959   2   0   1   7095   6893   102.93%
26   Cruiseon   2   0   1   7005   6808   102.89%
27   valkorum   2   0   1   7185   7023   102.31%
28   picker_man   2   0   1   6738   6595   102.17%
29   Hawka   2   0   1   7068   6936   101.90%
30   roo boys!   2   0   1   7131   7014   101.67%
31   Colliwobblers   2   0   1   7026   6938   101.27%
32   KoopKicka   2   0   1   7023   6987   100.52%
33   nostradamus   2   0   1   6768   6742   100.39%
34   c4v3m4n   2   0   1   6927   6944   99.76%
35   BoredSaint   2   0   1   6900   6934   99.51%
36   naste   2   0   1   6603   6719   98.27%
37   Hellopplz   1   0   2   6483   6312   102.71%
38   MTTY   1   0   2   6696   6609   101.32%
39   DazBurg   1   0   2   7020   6940   101.15%
40   Chopps   1   0   2   6987   6929   100.84%
41   Boomz   1   0   2   6972   6968   100.06%
42   dmac07   1   0   2   6834   6865   99.55%
43   thatguy   1   0   2   7014   7053   99.45%
44   Dudge   1   0   2   6807   6903   98.61%
45   Purple 77   1   0   2   6591   6723   98.04%
46   fever   1   0   2   6822   6960   98.02%
47   BratPack   1   0   2   6870   7038   97.61%
48   Ziplock   1   0   2   6933   7107   97.55%
49   Ringo   1   0   2   6801   6998   97.18%
50   thornz23   1   0   2   6507   6738   96.57%
51   kilbluff1985   1   0   2   6741   7006   96.22%
52   ajjewell   1   0   2   6351   6611   96.07%
53   pyronerd   1   0   2   6543   6817   95.98%
54   MajorLazer   1   0   2   6417   6699   95.79%
55   JBs-Hawks   0   0   3   6804   6966   97.67%
56   GoldDigger   0   0   3   6819   7055   96.65%
57   nathan11   0   0   3   6756   7013   96.34%
58   T Dog   0   0   3   6504   6830   95.23%
59   SydneyRox   0   0   3   6786   7129   95.19%
60   NigeyS   0   0   3   6660   7033   94.70%
61   m0nty   0   0   3   6588   6976   94.44%
62   tbagrocks   0   0   3   6753   7167   94.22%
63   Nails   0   0   3   6327   6732   93.98%
64   BGK   0   0   3   6630   7070   93.78%
65   Luigi197   0   0   3   6285   6743   93.21%
66   coolfugitiv0   0   0   3   6576   7100   92.62%
67   bunyip   0   0   3   6123   6687   91.57%
68   korza   0   0   3   6474   7100   91.18%
69   Spinking   0   0   3   6219   6847   90.83%
70   Maca24   0   0   3   5898   6507   90.64%
71   bomberboy0618   0   0   3   6288   7047   89.23%
72   tabs   0   0   3   6096   6875   88.67%

Undefeated! Woo!


Knock Out Cup Update

-- The Knock-Out Cup will begin in Round 9
-- 72 coaches doesn't fit into elimination schedule very well
-- So 8 coaches will be eliminated by Round 9, with the lowest scoring coach of each round eliminated.
-- Leaving 64 coaches, who will play off in elimination until one 1 remains.

So, the first coach eliminated from the Knock-Out Cup is.....


Who scored a low of 1966 this week. A big early elimination, as Maca24 was the inaugural Champions trophy winner last year, and runner up in the 2011 elxam comptietion.

Unlucky Maca, see you in 2014


Great work os it's amazing how much time and effort you put into this.


Great stuff again Os!

Happy to have kept Grazz out of the top 10 by a single point :P