Started by ossie85, March 15, 2013, 12:40:26 PM

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Cheers Ossie! It is all downhill from here  :o


Ouch, last in both. Only way is up from here


Quote from: Spite on April 02, 2013, 02:41:45 PM
Great stuff again Os!

Happy to have kept Grazz out of the top 10 by a single point :P

Haha mungrel.  :( Well done some nice scores posted.
Thanks ossie.


awesome work os!

dead smack in the middle with 2 wins and 1 loss. Not too disappointed


Well done Oss - Again!!

What a horrible start 0-3  :'(


Couple of things....

League Cup

1. Champions, 3 wins, 143 points
2. Gunz, 2 wins, 137 points
3. Fanatics, 1 win, 130 points
4. Pirates, 0 wins, 76 points

Fantasy Champions
(SC + DT score)
1. upthemaidens   4513
2. whatlez   4477
3. valkorum   4459
4. Grazz   4436
5. j959   4434
6. Holzman   4424
7. Ricochet   4397
8. KoopKicka   4396
9. ando_10   4374
10. thatguy   4369

Round 2 Fixture

Champions   versus   Fanatics
CFC 1979   v   Colliwobblers
CrowsFan   v   colmullet
Cruiseon   v   coolfugitiv0
enzedder   v   Grazz
fever   v   Jayman
GoldDigger   v   kilbluff1985
Holzman   v   korza
j959   v   luvfooty
m0nty   v   Master Q
Maca24   v   MC
MajorLazer   v   McRooster
MTTY   v   Ringo
My Chumps   v   Samm79
naste   v   Spite
nostradamus   v   SydneyRox
roo boys!   v   tabs
thornz23   v   tbagrocks
whatlez   v   bunyip

Champions   versus   Gunz
CFC 1979   v   DazBurg
CrowsFan   v   dmac07
Cruiseon   v   Hawka
enzedder   v   JBs-Hawks
fever   v   KoopKicka
GoldDigger   v   NigeyS
Holzman   v   noto07
j959   v   Noz
m0nty   v   nrich102
Maca24   v   ossie85
MajorLazer   v   picker_man
MTTY   v   Ricochet
My Chumps   v   Spinking
naste   v   T Dog
nostradamus   v   upthemaidens
roo boys!   v   yorgis
thornz23   v   Ziplock
whatlez   v   ajjewell

Champions   versus   Pirates
CFC 1979   v   BGK
CrowsFan   v   bomberboy0618
Cruiseon   v   Boomz
enzedder   v   BoredSaint
fever   v   BratPack
GoldDigger   v   c4v3m4n
Holzman   v   Chopps
j959   v   Dudge
m0nty   v   Hellopplz
Maca24   v   Luigi197
MajorLazer   v   Nails
MTTY   v   nathan11
My Chumps   v   Purple 77
naste   v   pyronerd
nostradamus   v   thatguy
roo boys!   v   Torpedo10
thornz23   v   valkorum
whatlez   v   ando_10

Fanatics   versus   Gunz
bunyip   v   DazBurg
Colliwobblers   v   dmac07
colmullet   v   Hawka
coolfugitiv0   v   JBs-Hawks
Grazz   v   KoopKicka
Jayman   v   NigeyS
kilbluff1985   v   noto07
korza   v   Noz
luvfooty   v   nrich102
Master Q   v   ossie85
MC   v   picker_man
McRooster   v   Ricochet
Ringo   v   Spinking
Samm79   v   T Dog
Spite   v   upthemaidens
SydneyRox   v   yorgis
tabs   v   Ziplock
tbagrocks   v   ajjewell

Fanatics   versus   Pirates
bunyip   v   BGK
Colliwobblers   v   bomberboy0618
colmullet   v   Boomz
coolfugitiv0   v   BoredSaint
Grazz   v   BratPack
Jayman   v   c4v3m4n
kilbluff1985   v   Chopps
korza   v   Dudge
luvfooty   v   Hellopplz
Master Q   v   Luigi197
MC   v   Nails
McRooster   v   nathan11
Ringo   v   Purple 77
Samm79   v   pyronerd
Spite   v   thatguy
SydneyRox   v   Torpedo10
tabs   v   valkorum
tbagrocks   v   ando_10

Gunz   versus   Pirates
ajjewell   v   BGK
DazBurg   v   bomberboy0618
dmac07   v   Boomz
Hawka   v   BoredSaint
JBs-Hawks   v   BratPack
KoopKicka   v   c4v3m4n
NigeyS   v   Chopps
noto07   v   Dudge
Noz   v   Hellopplz
nrich102   v   Luigi197
ossie85   v   Nails
picker_man   v   nathan11
Ricochet   v   Purple 77
Spinking   v   pyronerd
T Dog   v   thatguy
upthemaidens   v   Torpedo10
yorgis   v   valkorum
Ziplock   v   ando_10


huge match up going down.

Holzman   v   Chopps

really want to win this one.


That is a big one! Chopps unlucky not to qualify for Champions league last year

Purple 77

Really naste?! 4 points?  :'(

And a big thankyou to Pavlich, Roughead, Franklin and Watts for contributing to my 2197.... thank you.

One win, two losses..... not a great start  :( More concerning, the Pirates got flogged.....


I suppose that will only mean something if I actually get a really good score lol


Solid start from me ay  ::)
Only way is up I suppose, barely anyone fired for my team so can only improve :).


Os i'm a bit slow on finding this. Many thanks for all your work again.

Dont let it get out of control. Mrs Os wont be happy.

Justin Bieber

Hoping to continue my fine form and hit first place :D


No easy matches in this league - All very competitive.

This week sees me take on MTTY, Spinking and Purple.  Best of luck for great games against all 3.


Fanatics SC scores

Raging Marshmellow 2304
Beware! Giants! 2076
Jay's Jets 2158
Terrifying Glue 2140
Grazz 2122
WestCoast Crushers 2226
Colliwobblers 2184
MC's Mix 2309
Ringos Stars 2235
SydneyRox 2112
McSuper Coach 2254
Tbags Rocks 2140
Designated Drinker 2210
Trophy Collectors 2278
Korza 2109
T-Rex 1935
Bring it !!!! 2200

Fanatics League currently ranked 101 so improvement needed next week guys and gal.


Were dropping guys we are currently ranked 88th in the league LIFT GUNZ

3 of us including myself are sitting below the 1k mark

Great effort guys