Started by ossie85, March 15, 2013, 12:38:54 PM

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10th highest score and still only go 2-2 ::)


Won all matches for the second straight week & go up 1 spot  in the league & down 16 in overall rankings. Going no where this year.  :(


Quote from: Windigo on July 29, 2013, 10:49:23 AM
Won all matches for the second straight week & go up 1 spot  in the league & down 16 in overall rankings. Going no where this year.  :(
That's almost identical to me. Won all 4 for the second straight week, went up one spot and down 32 in the overall rankings. I thought winning all 4 would consolidate a top 16 spot but I'm still tied on wins with 17th :-\


I'm the total opposite lol win all 4 and up 4 spots this week :P


reckon I'm having my worst year of DT to date. Just having no luck

Justin Bieber


My backline is the most underperforming pile of soft shower.
     Brought in Ibbo and Mckenzie this week  ::)   add to that, bringing in Grimes the week before.. "yeah thats fine lads, dont try to score more then 50 points each".
   Then just to stick it to me, it was the first week I decided to bench Scotland >:(

  Lady luck is a harsh mistress.....



The Final Round

Ladder positions, minor premierships, minor wooden spoons and league cups to be decided!

Champions   versus   Knights
BratPack   v   valkorum
CFC 1979   v   Adamant
Colliwobblers   v   bundyboy
Flame   v   GoldDigger
Grazz   v   Hellopplz
Holzman   v   henry
j959   v   Jukes
korza   v   kilbluff1985
LaHug   v   KoopKicka
luvfooty   v   m0nty
McRooster   v   Mr.Craig
MTTY   v   NigeyS
nostradamus   v   Purple 77
ossie85   v   Ricochet
RiOtChEsS   v   stew42
TMurphBROWNLOW   v   T Dog
whatlez   v   tabs
Ziplock   v   thatguy
Champions   versus   Masters
BratPack   v   Windigo
CFC 1979   v   Bak2Form
Colliwobblers   v   Boomz
Flame   v   bunyip
Grazz   v   chaosAD
Holzman   v   Chopps
j959   v   CrowsFan
korza   v   Fireballz
LaHug   v   Master Q
luvfooty   v   Mish
McRooster   v   naste
MTTY   v   noto07
nostradamus   v   Noz
ossie85   v   Scrads
RiOtChEsS   v   Spite
TMurphBROWNLOW   v   Toga
whatlez   v   upthemaidens
Ziplock   v   Wes Mantooth
Champions   versus   Mavens
BratPack   v   yorgis
CFC 1979   v   ando_10
Colliwobblers   v   BGK
Flame   v   Chelskiman
Grazz   v   coolfugitiv0
Holzman   v   DazBurg
j959   v   elephants
LaHug   v   Hawka
luvfooty   v   JBs-Hawks
McRooster   v   Nails
MTTY   v   nathan11
nostradamus   v   picker_man
ossie85   v   Spinking
RiOtChEsS   v   SydneyRox
TMurphBROWNLOW   v   tbagrocks
whatlez   v   thornz23
Ziplock   v   Torpedo10
Champions   versus   Champions
BratPack   v   TMurphBROWNLOW
CFC 1979   v   McRooster
Colliwobblers   v   Flame
Grazz   v   Holzman
j959   v   LaHug
korza   v   RiOtChEsS
luvfooty   v   ossie85
MTTY   v   whatlez
nostradamus   v   Ziplock
Knights   versus   Knights
Adamant   v   tabs
bundyboy   v   stew42
GoldDigger   v   henry
Hellopplz   v   kilbluff1985
Jukes   v   valkorum
KoopKicka   v   Mr.Craig
m0nty   v   T Dog
NigeyS   v   Ricochet
Purple 77   v   thatguy

Knights   versus   Masters
Adamant   v   Windigo
bundyboy   v   Bak2Form
GoldDigger   v   Boomz
Hellopplz   v   bunyip
henry   v   chaosAD
Jukes   v   Chopps
kilbluff1985   v   CrowsFan
KoopKicka   v   Fireballz
m0nty   v   Master Q
Mr.Craig   v   Mish
NigeyS   v   naste
Purple 77   v   noto07
Ricochet   v   Noz
stew42   v   Scrads
T Dog   v   Spite
tabs   v   Toga
thatguy   v   upthemaidens
valkorum   v   Wes Mantooth
Knights   versus   Mavens
Adamant   v   yorgis
bundyboy   v   ando_10
GoldDigger   v   BGK
Hellopplz   v   Chelskiman
henry   v   coolfugitiv0
Jukes   v   DazBurg
kilbluff1985   v   elephants
m0nty   v   Hawka
Mr.Craig   v   JBs-Hawks
NigeyS   v   Nails
Purple 77   v   nathan11
Ricochet   v   picker_man
stew42   v   Spinking
T Dog   v   SydneyRox
tabs   v   tbagrocks
thatguy   v   thornz23
valkorum   v   Torpedo10
Masters   versus   Mavens
Bak2Form   v   yorgis
Boomz   v   ando_10
bunyip   v   BGK
chaosAD   v   Chelskiman
Chopps   v   coolfugitiv0
CrowsFan   v   DazBurg
Fireballz   v   elephants
Mish   v   Hawka
naste   v   JBs-Hawks
noto07   v   Nails
Noz   v   nathan11
Scrads   v   picker_man
Spite   v   Spinking
Toga   v   SydneyRox
upthemaidens   v   tbagrocks
Wes Mantooth   v   thornz23
Windigo   v   Torpedo10
Masters   versus   Masters
Bak2Form   v   chaosAD
Boomz   v   Noz
bunyip   v   Master Q
Chopps   v   CrowsFan
Fireballz   v   naste
Mish   v   upthemaidens
noto07   v   Windigo
Scrads   v   Toga
Spite   v   Wes Mantooth
Mavens   versus   Mavens
ando_10   v   picker_man
BGK   v   elephants
Chelskiman   v   SydneyRox
coolfugitiv0   v   DazBurg
FOOTBALL FACTORY   v   thornz23
Hawka   v   yorgis
JBs-Hawks   v   Spinking
Nails   v   Torpedo10
nathan11   v   tbagrocks


3/4 and dropped a spot over all.  Got a big win in the Mavens though as I knocked off top placed Spinkings.  Didn't think I had a chance there as he scored 2400 the week before.  Too little too late though as I can't take out the minor premiership, and I highly doubt I can win the big one.


Big fight for that 8th spot in Champions League!


Quote from: Flame on August 01, 2013, 03:21:39 PM
Big fight for that 8th spot in Champions League!

Sure is 5 coaches fighting it out for 8th spot.
One is Ossie who I'm playing this week

Holz and Grazz both fighting for a spot and they are playing against each other.




I can't make the finals in Mavens, but I might be able to knock Torp out of the finals race.

Knocking Torp out would be just as good as winning the granny anyway.