Started by ossie85, March 15, 2013, 12:38:54 PM

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Quote from: Mr.Craig on July 28, 2013, 10:27:01 PM
How the top 5 scored this week...

whatlez - 2061
Spinking - 2143
Master Q - 2297
Mr.Craig - 2180
upthemaidens - 2199

Some less than inspiring numbers there. Looks like Q is headed north.

Well now I know I've got 3 wins this week.


The battle for the minor premiership is going to be very very interesting.


Anxiously awaiting results!
Unless anyone can just tell me what kilbluff1985, Fireballz, and FOOTBALL FACTORY scored...?


Quote from: LaHug on July 29, 2013, 12:15:17 AM
Anxiously awaiting results!
Unless anyone can just tell me what kilbluff1985, Fireballz, and FOOTBALL FACTORY scored...?

kb scored 1837 and FF scored 2184.

Maybe you can help me Hugs. I'm looking for MTTY's score, he's in Champions with you and I think his team name might be Guts & Glory. If that's correct I tied with him... :-\


Don't think I've come up against a weirder looking team in my DT life. And I lost to it. flower.

Gawn and Nicholls as R1 and R2? Srsly?

You have some odd choice players lol. The reason this loss is so sad is I think I needed to win my last 8 to keep finals hopes alive :( oh well

Decent scores for the Mavens overall this week. 1-2 ghost ships who I don't think should be allowed re-entry next season.


Nails, Gawn's been good recently! *whispers* 89.8 in the past 5...


Wow, The Dolmio Grins are amazing!


Quote from: Mr.Craig on July 29, 2013, 12:28:35 AM
Quote from: LaHug on July 29, 2013, 12:15:17 AM
Anxiously awaiting results!
Unless anyone can just tell me what kilbluff1985, Fireballz, and FOOTBALL FACTORY scored...?

kb scored 1837 and FF scored 2184.

Maybe you can help me Hugs. I'm looking for MTTY's score, he's in Champions with you and I think his team name might be Guts & Glory. If that's correct I tied with him... :-\
That's three wins from three so far. Just need to find out if I beel Fireballz...

I have no idea who's who, tbh... But Guts & Glory scored 2180 this week.


Quote from: elephants on July 29, 2013, 01:23:55 AM
Wow, The Dolmio Grins are amazing!

Not as good as Kai's Pies. The minor premiership will probably be decided by our match this week.

Justin Bieber


I wanted to qualify for champs league this year...

But my season as the Mavens captain has been a tough luck story.

3rd most points scored during season proper. 5th most points against and stuck in 12th spot. The way the chips fell despite being 3rd highest scorer during fixtured matches I still wasn't able to make top 8.

That's the ladder for all who are interested.


Round 18 Results

A big shake up...

Champions (66) defeated Knights (15)
Champions   Score   versus   Knights   Score   Margin   CP   KP
BratPack   2210   defeated   thatguy   2082   128   4   0
CFC 1979   2237   lost to   valkorum   2259   22   0   4
Colliwobblers   2285   defeated   Adamant   2272   13   4   0
Flame   2250   defeated   bundyboy   2126   124   4   0
Grazz   2266   defeated   GoldDigger   2044   222   4   0
Holzman   2157   defeated   Hellopplz   2066   91   4   0
j959   2242   defeated   henry   2209   33   4   0
korza   2137   lost to   Jukes   2196   59   0   4
LaHug   2231   defeated   kilbluff1985   1837   394   8   -3
luvfooty   2381   defeated   KoopKicka   2301   80   8   0
McRooster   2177   defeated   m0nty   2016   161   4   0
MTTY   2180   tied with   Mr.Craig   2180   0   2   2
nostradamus   2182   defeated   NigeyS   2114   68   4   0
ossie85   2325   defeated   Purple 77   2001   324   4   0
RiOtChEsS   2122   lost to   Ricochet   2191   69   0   4
TMurphBROWNLOW   2239   defeated   stew42   2204   35   4   0
whatlez   2061   lost to   T Dog   2351   290   0   4
Ziplock   2154   defeated   tabs   2062   92   4   0
TOTAL   39836         38511   1325   66   15
Champions (40) lost to Masters (41)
Champions   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin   CP   MsP
BratPack   2210   defeated   Wes Mantooth   2108   102   4   0
CFC 1979   2237   lost to   Windigo   2245   8   0   4
Colliwobblers   2285   defeated   Bak2Form   2257   28   4   0
Flame   2250   defeated   Boomz   1944   306   8   -3
Grazz   2266   lost to   bunyip   2298   32   0   4
Holzman   2157   lost to   chaosAD   2259   102   0   4
j959   2242   defeated   Chopps   2229   13   4   0
korza   2137   lost to   CrowsFan   2254   117   0   4
LaHug   2231   defeated   Fireballz   2110   121   4   0
luvfooty   2381   defeated   Master Q   2297   84   4   0
McRooster   2177   lost to   Mish   2221   44   0   4
MTTY   2180   defeated   naste   2127   53   4   0
nostradamus   2182   lost to   noto07   2221   39   0   4
ossie85   2325   defeated   Noz   2320   5   4   0
RiOtChEsS   2122   lost to   Scrads   2403   281   0   8
TMurphBROWNLOW   2239   defeated   Spite   2162   77   4   0
whatlez   2061   lost to   Toga   2238   177   0   4
Ziplock   2154   lost to   upthemaidens   2199   45   0   4
TOTAL   39836         39892   56   40   41
Champions (52) defeated Mavens (29)
Champions   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   CP   MvP
BratPack   2210   defeated   Torpedo10   2098   112   4   0
CFC 1979   2237   lost to   yorgis   2333   96   0   4
Colliwobblers   2285   defeated   ando_10   1847   438   4   -3
Flame   2250   lost to   BGK   2316   66   0   4
Grazz   2266   defeated   Chelskiman   2248   18   4   0
Holzman   2157   defeated   coolfugitiv0   2031   126   4   0
j959   2242   defeated   DazBurg   2139   103   4   0
korza   2137   lost to   elephants   2305   168   0   4
LaHug   2231   defeated   FOOTBALL FACTORY   2184   47   4   0
luvfooty   2381   defeated   Hawka   2174   207   8   0
McRooster   2177   lost to   JBs-Hawks   2265   88   0   4
MTTY   2180   lost to   Nails   2269   89   0   4
nostradamus   2182   defeated   nathan11   2162   20   4   0
ossie85   2325   defeated   picker_man   1850   475   8   0
RiOtChEsS   2122   lost to   Spinking   2143   21   0   4
TMurphBROWNLOW   2239   defeated   SydneyRox   2126   113   4   0
whatlez   2061   lost to   tbagrocks   2326   265   0   4
Ziplock   2154   lost to   thornz23   2238   84   0   4
TOTAL   39836         39054   782   52   29
Champions v Champions
Champions   Score   versus   Champions   Score   Margin      
BratPack   2210   lost to   ossie85   2325   115      
CFC 1979   2237   lost to   luvfooty   2381   144      
Colliwobblers   2285   defeated   Holzman   2157   128      
Flame   2250   defeated   MTTY   2180   70      
Grazz   2266   defeated   korza   2137   129      
j959   2242   defeated   nostradamus   2182   60      
LaHug   2231   defeated   McRooster   2177   54      
RiOtChEsS   2122   lost to   Ziplock   2154   32      
TMurphBROWNLOW   2239   defeated   whatlez   2061   178      
Knights v Knights
Knights   Score   versus   Knights   Score   Margin      
Adamant   2272   defeated   Hellopplz   2066   206      
bundyboy   2126   lost to   valkorum   2259   133      
GoldDigger   2044   defeated   kilbluff1985   1837   207      
henry   2209   defeated   NigeyS   2114   95      
Jukes   2196   defeated   tabs   2062   134      
KoopKicka   2301   defeated   Ricochet   2191   110      
m0nty   2016   lost to   stew42   2204   188      
Mr.Craig   2180   defeated   Purple 77   2001   179      
T Dog   2351   defeated   thatguy   2082   269      

Knights (13) lost to Masters (68)
Knights   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin   KP   MsP
Adamant   2272   defeated   Wes Mantooth   2108   164   4   0
bundyboy   2126   lost to   Windigo   2245   119   0   4
GoldDigger   2044   lost to   Bak2Form   2257   213   0   4
Hellopplz   2066   defeated   Boomz   1944   122   4   0
henry   2209   lost to   bunyip   2298   89   0   4
Jukes   2196   lost to   chaosAD   2259   63   0   4
kilbluff1985   1837   lost to   Chopps   2229   392   -3   8
KoopKicka   2301   defeated   CrowsFan   2254   47   4   0
m0nty   2016   lost to   Fireballz   2110   94   0   4
Mr.Craig   2180   lost to   Master Q   2297   117   0   4
NigeyS   2114   lost to   Mish   2221   107   0   4
Purple 77   2001   lost to   naste   2127   126   0   4
Ricochet   2191   lost to   noto07   2221   30   0   4
stew42   2204   lost to   Noz   2320   116   0   4
T Dog   2351   lost to   Scrads   2403   52   0   8
tabs   2062   lost to   Spite   2162   100   0   4
thatguy   2082   lost to   Toga   2238   156   0   4
valkorum   2259   defeated   upthemaidens   2199   60   4   0
TOTAL   38511         39892   1381   13   68
Knights (37) lost to Mavens (44)
Knights   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   KP   MvP
Adamant   2272   defeated   Torpedo10   2098   174   4   0
bundyboy   2126   lost to   yorgis   2333   207   0   4
GoldDigger   2044   defeated   ando_10   1847   197   4   0
Hellopplz   2066   lost to   BGK   2316   250   0   4
henry   2209   lost to   Chelskiman   2248   39   0   4
Jukes   2196   defeated   coolfugitiv0   2031   165   4   0
kilbluff1985   1837   lost to   DazBurg   2139   302   -3   4
KoopKicka   2301   lost to   elephants   2305   4   0   4
m0nty   2016   lost to   FOOTBALL FACTORY   2184   168   0   4
Mr.Craig   2180   defeated   Hawka   2174   6   4   0
NigeyS   2114   lost to   JBs-Hawks   2265   151   0   4
Purple 77   2001   lost to   Nails   2269   268   0   4
Ricochet   2191   defeated   nathan11   2162   29   4   0
stew42   2204   defeated   picker_man   1850   354   8   0
T Dog   2351   defeated   Spinking   2143   208   8   0
tabs   2062   lost to   SydneyRox   2126   64   0   4
thatguy   2082   lost to   tbagrocks   2326   244   0   4
valkorum   2259   defeated   thornz23   2238   21   4   0
TOTAL   38511         39054   543   37   44
Masters (52) defeated Mavens (29)
Masters   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   MsP   MvP
Bak2Form   2257   defeated   Torpedo10   2098   159   4   0
Boomz   1944   lost to   yorgis   2333   389   0   4
bunyip   2298   defeated   ando_10   1847   451   8   -3
chaosAD   2259   lost to   BGK   2316   57   0   4
Chopps   2229   lost to   Chelskiman   2248   19   0   4
CrowsFan   2254   defeated   coolfugitiv0   2031   223   4   0
Fireballz   2110   lost to   DazBurg   2139   29   0   4
Master Q   2297   lost to   elephants   2305   8   0   4
Mish   2221   defeated   FOOTBALL FACTORY   2184   37   4   0
naste   2127   lost to   Hawka   2174   47   0   4
noto07   2221   lost to   JBs-Hawks   2265   44   0   4
Noz   2320   defeated   Nails   2269   51   4   0
Scrads   2403   defeated   nathan11   2162   241   8   0
Spite   2162   defeated   picker_man   1850   312   4   0
Toga   2238   defeated   Spinking   2143   95   4   0
upthemaidens   2199   defeated   SydneyRox   2126   73   4   0
Wes Mantooth   2108   lost to   tbagrocks   2326   218   0   4
Windigo   2245   defeated   thornz23   2238   7   4   0
TOTAL   39892         39054   838   52   29

Masters v Masters
Masters   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin      
Bak2Form   2257   defeated   CrowsFan   2254   3      
Boomz   1944   lost to   bunyip   2298   354      
chaosAD   2259   lost to   Noz   2320   61      
Chopps   2229   defeated   Fireballz   2110   119      
Master Q   2297   defeated   noto07   2221   76      
Mish   2221   lost to   Windigo   2245   24      
naste   2127   lost to   Spite   2162   35      
Scrads   2403   defeated   upthemaidens   2199   204      
Toga   2238   defeated   Wes Mantooth   2108   130      
Mavens v Mavens
Mavens   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin      
ando_10   1847   lost to   nathan11   2162   315      
BGK   2316   defeated   thornz23   2238   78      
Chelskiman   2248   defeated   Spinking   2143   105      
coolfugitiv0   2031   defeated   picker_man   1850   181      
DazBurg   2139   lost to   Hawka   2174   35      
elephants   2305   defeated   Torpedo10   2098   207      
FOOTBALL FACTORY   2184   lost to   JBs-Hawks   2265   81      
Nails   2269   lost to   tbagrocks   2326   57      
SydneyRox   2126   lost to   yorgis   2333   207      


Round 18 Ladder

While only the one change for the top 16 (TMurph pushes out Ziplock), the biggest changes happened up top! With whatlez plummetting from 1st to 5th, and despite only winning 2.5 matches, Mr.Craig zooms from 4th to 1st! The flag is very much up for grabs, and the minor premiership could go to any one of 10 teams! Though likely the top 6.

Rank   Coach   W   D   L   For   Against   Percentage   Last Week   Change
1   Mr.Craig   49   1   17   136790   131964   103.66%   4   3
2   Master Q   49   0   18   137855   132277   104.22%   3   1
3   j959   49   0   18   136393   131708   103.56%   6   3
4   Spinking   49   0   18   137094   133185   102.94%   2   -2
5   whatlez   49   0   18   135375   131817   102.70%   1   -4
6   upthemaidens   48   0   19   138844   132971   104.42%   5   -1
7   Noz   47   1   19   137028   132219   103.64%   7   0
8   Toga   47   0   20   135989   132448   102.67%   8   0
9   luvfooty   45   0   22   138742   133018   104.30%   10   1
10   Scrads   45   0   22   136164   133658   101.87%   13   3
11   Bak2Form   44   1   22   137956   133509   103.33%   9   -2
12   Chelskiman   44   0   23   136290   131278   103.82%   11   -1
13   Windigo   44   0   23   136916   133305   102.71%   14   1
14   BGK   43   1   23   136169   133912   101.69%   15   1
15   LaHug   43   0   24   136536   132528   103.02%   16   1
16   TMurphBROWNLOW   43   0   24   135972   133191   102.09%   20   4
17   Ziplock   43   0   24   134886   133037   101.39%   12   -5
18   T Dog   42   0   25   136356   132554   102.87%   17   -1
19   Mish   42   0   25   133769   131158   101.99%   19   0
20   DazBurg   41   0   26   135799   133104   102.02%   18   -2
21   Hawka   40   0   27   133695   131692   101.52%   21   0
22   Spite   40   0   27   133544   131885   101.26%   24   2
23   yorgis   39   0   28   137537   133318   103.16%   27   4
24   KoopKicka   39   0   28   135900   132195   102.80%   22   -2
25   elephants   39   0   28   136013   132588   102.58%   28   3
26   Adamant   39   0   28   134915   132816   101.58%   26   0
27   chaosAD   39   0   28   135028   133228   101.35%   23   -4
28   valkorum   38   1   28   134396   132267   101.61%   33   5
29   Grazz   38   0   29   134815   134115   100.52%   32   3
30   McRooster   37   0   30   134013   131533   101.89%   25   -5
31   Nails   37   0   30   136024   133718   101.72%   30   -1
32   Jukes   37   0   30   135551   133500   101.54%   34   2
33   stew42   37   0   30   134901   133150   101.32%   31   -2
34   naste   36   0   31   135512   132773   102.06%   29   -5
35   Flame   36   0   31   135198   132731   101.86%   35   0
36   Holzman   35   0   32   136033   134125   101.42%   36   0
37   henry   34   0   33   134949   133374   101.18%   37   0
38   FOOTBALL FACTORY   33   0   34   133901   133343   100.42%   39   1
39   MTTY   32   2   33   131341   131742   99.70%   41   2
40   CFC 1979   32   0   35   134331   133750   100.43%   38   -2
41   nostradamus   32   0   35   133789   134065   99.79%   42   1
42   m0nty   32   0   35   131526   132381   99.35%   40   -2
43   Colliwobblers   31   0   36   134229   133905   100.24%   46   3
44   Hellopplz   31   0   36   131031   133048   98.48%   43   -1
45   Ricochet   30   0   37   133109   133467   99.73%   45   0
46   JBs-Hawks   30   0   37   130976   131960   99.25%   52   6
47   tbagrocks   30   0   37   130637   132155   98.85%   54   7
48   Wes Mantooth   29   0   38   133076   133321   99.82%   44   -4
49   Chopps   29   0   38   131958   132297   99.74%   47   -2
50   GoldDigger   29   0   38   132052   132908   99.36%   48   -2
51   ossie85   28   0   39   131714   132798   99.18%   57   6
52   nathan11   28   0   39   129746   132568   97.87%   49   -3
53   RiOtChEsS   26   0   41   131655   132802   99.14%   50   -3
54   Torpedo10   26   0   41   131907   133444   98.85%   51   -3
55   Purple 77   26   0   41   129437   131782   98.22%   53   -2
56   thornz23   25   1   41   131887   133014   99.15%   56   0
57   CrowsFan   25   0   42   132325   134601   98.31%   60   3
58   NigeyS   25   0   42   130206   133019   97.89%   55   -3
59   korza   24   0   43   130191   133530   97.50%   58   -1
60   bundyboy   24   0   43   130855   134524   97.27%   59   -1
61   noto07   24   0   43   129143   133014   97.09%   61   0
62   SydneyRox   21   0   46   129436   132123   97.97%   62   0
63   Fireballz   20   0   47   130828   133082   98.31%   63   0
64   picker_man   19   0   48   125257   132750   94.36%   64   0
65   coolfugitiv0   19   0   48   125728   133727   94.02%   65   0
66   BratPack   18   0   49   128498   133396   96.33%   68   2
67   thatguy   17   0   50   127711   134083   95.25%   66   -1
68   tabs   17   0   50   127168   133703   95.11%   67   -1
69   bunyip   16   0   51   123510   132775   93.02%   69   0
70   ando_10   12   0   55   120246   133511   90.06%   70   0
71   kilbluff1985   11   0   56   121598   132372   91.86%   71   0
72   Boomz   11   0   56   121538   134678   90.24%   72   0


Round 18 Top 10

Very impressive outing from Scrads this week, falling only 3 points short of upthemaidens season high, and he consolidated himself in the top 16!

Scrads   2403
luvfooty   2381
T Dog   2351
yorgis   2333
tbagrocks   2326
ossie85   2325
Noz   2320
BGK   2316
elephants   2305
KoopKicka   2301

League Cup

Champions with the edge! 2 wins next week secures the Cup

Champions   34   2379
Masters   33   2238
Mavens   22   1910
Knights   13   1735


2014 DT Champions League Qualifiers Update

Any more qualified? yes!

Ziplock and LaHug are now guaranteed Champions league finalists, and they go through! Joining luvfooty, j959 and whatlez. Very tight for the remaining three positions.

Still a three horse race for the Knights minor premiership, with Mr.Craig a game in front of KoopKicka and Adamant.

A three horse race for the Masters minor premiership also, with Master Q only percentage in front of Scrads, with upthemaidens (who has already qualified as the KO Cup champion) also a smokey.

And a two horse race for the Mavens, with Spinking a game behind ladder leader BGK.

12 spots left!

This is how you qualify:

Overall Premier
- TBA Round 23

Overall Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Knock-Out Cup Winner
- upthemaidens

Champions League Finalists
(finish in the top 8 from the 2013 DT Champions League)
1. luvfooty
2. j959
3. whatlez
4. Ziplock
5. LaHug
6. TBA Round 19 at latest
7. TBA Round 19 at latest
8. TBA Round 19 at latest

Champions League Qualifier
(win the 'minor' premiership, i.e. finish 9th after finals in Champions League)
- TBA Round 23

Knights Premier
- TBA Round 23

Knights Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Masters Premier
- TBA Round 23

Masters Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Mavens Premier
- TBA Round 23

Mavens Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Overall Qualifiers
(There are 18 spots available above, but in the likely event that one coach qualifies twice (i.e. is the Masters Premier and Minor Premier) the remaining spots to be filled based on the final ladder - after finals - from Overall)
- TBA Round 23