Started by ossie85, March 15, 2013, 12:38:54 PM

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12 games 6 wins outsdie the finals.

knowing my luck I will post the 5th biggest score of the round and lose all my matches.


Will be interesting to see how the top 5 went this week. Whatlez, Spinking and Maidens all had handy scores, I went 3-1 and Q was a little bit down.


Justin Bieber

I reckon I will keep my top spot :)


Round 17 Results

Champions (64) defeated Knights (17)
Champions   Score   versus   Knights   Score   Margin   CP   KP
BratPack   2301   defeated   tabs   2141   160   4   0
CFC 1979   2332   defeated   thatguy   2088   244   4   0
Colliwobblers   2281   defeated   valkorum   2250   31   4   0
Flame   2293   lost to   Adamant   2314   21   0   4
Grazz   2303   defeated   bundyboy   2175   128   4   0
Holzman   2176   lost to   GoldDigger   2306   130   0   4
j959   2308   defeated   Hellopplz   2113   195   4   0
korza   2288   lost to   henry   2370   82   0   4
LaHug   2342   defeated   Jukes   2284   58   4   0
luvfooty   2320   defeated   kilbluff1985   2135   185   4   0
McRooster   2238   defeated   KoopKicka   2163   75   4   0
MTTY   2074   lost to   m0nty   2240   166   0   4
nostradamus   2158   lost to   Mr.Craig   2287   129   0   4
ossie85   2368   defeated   NigeyS   2019   349   8   -3
RiOtChEsS   2207   defeated   Purple 77   2172   35   4   0
TMurphBROWNLOW   2279   defeated   Ricochet   2235   44   4   0
whatlez   2323   defeated   stew42   2258   65   4   0
Ziplock   2383   defeated   T Dog   2239   144   8   0
TOTAL   40974         39789   1185   64   17
Champions (56) defeated Masters (25)
Champions   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin   CP   MsP
BratPack   2301   lost to   upthemaidens   2406   105   0   8
CFC 1979   2332   defeated   Wes Mantooth   2168   164   4   0
Colliwobblers   2281   lost to   Windigo   2382   101   0   4
Flame   2293   lost to   Bak2Form   2326   33   0   4
Grazz   2303   defeated   Boomz   2117   186   4   0
Holzman   2176   defeated   bunyip   1999   177   4   -3
j959   2308   defeated   chaosAD   2244   64   4   0
korza   2288   defeated   Chopps   2168   120   4   0
LaHug   2342   defeated   CrowsFan   2275   67   4   0
luvfooty   2320   lost to   Fireballz   2330   10   0   4
McRooster   2238   defeated   Master Q   2215   23   4   0
MTTY   2074   defeated   Mish   2039   35   4   0
nostradamus   2158   lost to   naste   2331   173   0   4
ossie85   2368   defeated   noto07   2165   203   8   0
RiOtChEsS   2207   lost to   Noz   2261   54   0   4
TMurphBROWNLOW   2279   defeated   Scrads   2214   65   4   0
whatlez   2323   defeated   Spite   2127   196   4   0
Ziplock   2383   defeated   Toga   2259   124   4   0
TOTAL   40974         40026   948   56   25
Champions (64) defeated Mavens (17)
Champions   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   CP   MvP
BratPack   2301   defeated   thornz23   2255   46   4   0
CFC 1979   2332   defeated   Torpedo10   2252   80   4   0
Colliwobblers   2281   defeated   yorgis   2245   36   4   0
Flame   2293   defeated   ando_10   2013   280   4   0
Grazz   2303   defeated   BGK   2243   60   4   0
Holzman   2176   lost to   Chelskiman   2364   188   0   4
j959   2308   defeated   coolfugitiv0   2007   301   8   0
korza   2288   defeated   DazBurg   2243   45   4   0
LaHug   2342   defeated   elephants   2157   185   4   0
luvfooty   2320   defeated   FOOTBALL FACTORY   2246   74   4   0
McRooster   2238   defeated   Hawka   2208   30   4   0
MTTY   2074   lost to   JBs-Hawks   2117   43   0   4
nostradamus   2158   lost to   Nails   2347   189   0   4
ossie85   2368   defeated   nathan11   2138   230   4   0
RiOtChEsS   2207   defeated   picker_man   1911   296   4   -3
TMurphBROWNLOW   2279   lost to   Spinking   2405   126   0   8
whatlez   2323   defeated   SydneyRox   2247   76   4   0
Ziplock   2383   defeated   tbagrocks   2296   87   4   0
TOTAL   40974         39694   1280   64   17
Champions v Champions
Champions   Score   versus   Champions   Score   Margin      
BratPack   2301   lost to   CFC 1979   2332   31      
Colliwobblers   2281   lost to   korza   2288   7      
Flame   2293   defeated   TMurphBROWNLOW   2279   14      
Grazz   2303   lost to   Ziplock   2383   80      
Holzman   2176   defeated   MTTY   2074   102      
j959   2308   defeated   RiOtChEsS   2207   101      
LaHug   2342   defeated   nostradamus   2158   184      
luvfooty   2320   defeated   McRooster   2238   82      
ossie85   2368   defeated   whatlez   2323   45      
Knights v Knights
Knights   Score   versus   Knights   Score   Margin      
Adamant   2314   defeated   GoldDigger   2306   8      
bundyboy   2175   defeated   tabs   2141   34      
Hellopplz   2113   lost to   Jukes   2284   171      
henry   2370   defeated   KoopKicka   2163   207      
kilbluff1985   2135   defeated   NigeyS   2019   116      
m0nty   2240   lost to   valkorum   2250   10      
Mr.Craig   2287   defeated   Ricochet   2235   52      
Purple 77   2172   lost to   T Dog   2239   67      
stew42   2258   defeated   thatguy   2088   170      

Knights (24) lost to Masters (57)
Knights   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin   KP   MsP
Adamant   2314   lost to   upthemaidens   2406   92   0   8
bundyboy   2175   defeated   Wes Mantooth   2168   7   4   0
GoldDigger   2306   lost to   Windigo   2382   76   0   4
Hellopplz   2113   lost to   Bak2Form   2326   213   0   4
henry   2370   defeated   Boomz   2117   253   4   0
Jukes   2284   defeated   bunyip   1999   285   8   -3
kilbluff1985   2135   lost to   chaosAD   2244   109   0   4
KoopKicka   2163   lost to   Chopps   2168   5   0   4
m0nty   2240   lost to   CrowsFan   2275   35   0   4
Mr.Craig   2287   lost to   Fireballz   2330   43   0   4
NigeyS   2019   lost to   Master Q   2215   196   0   4
Purple 77   2172   defeated   Mish   2039   133   4   0
Ricochet   2235   lost to   naste   2331   96   0   4
stew42   2258   defeated   noto07   2165   93   4   0
T Dog   2239   lost to   Noz   2261   22   0   4
tabs   2141   lost to   Scrads   2214   73   0   4
thatguy   2088   lost to   Spite   2127   39   0   4
valkorum   2250   lost to   Toga   2259   9   0   4
TOTAL   39789         40026   237   24   57
Knights (48) defeated Mavens (33)
Knights   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   KP   MvP
Adamant   2314   defeated   thornz23   2255   59   4   0
bundyboy   2175   lost to   Torpedo10   2252   77   0   4
GoldDigger   2306   defeated   yorgis   2245   61   4   0
Hellopplz   2113   defeated   ando_10   2013   100   4   0
henry   2370   defeated   BGK   2243   127   4   0
Jukes   2284   lost to   Chelskiman   2364   80   0   4
kilbluff1985   2135   defeated   coolfugitiv0   2007   128   4   0
KoopKicka   2163   lost to   DazBurg   2243   80   0   4
m0nty   2240   defeated   elephants   2157   83   4   0
Mr.Craig   2287   defeated   FOOTBALL FACTORY   2246   41   4   0
NigeyS   2019   lost to   Hawka   2208   189   0   4
Purple 77   2172   defeated   JBs-Hawks   2117   55   4   0
Ricochet   2235   lost to   Nails   2347   112   0   4
stew42   2258   defeated   nathan11   2138   120   4   0
T Dog   2239   defeated   picker_man   1911   328   8   -3
tabs   2141   lost to   Spinking   2405   264   0   8
thatguy   2088   lost to   SydneyRox   2247   159   0   4
valkorum   2250   lost to   tbagrocks   2296   46   0   4
TOTAL   39789         39694   95   48   33
Masters (44) defeated Mavens (37)
Masters   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   MsP   MvP
Bak2Form   2326   defeated   thornz23   2255   71   4   0
Boomz   2117   lost to   Torpedo10   2252   135   0   4
bunyip   1999   lost to   yorgis   2245   246   0   4
chaosAD   2244   defeated   ando_10   2013   231   4   0
Chopps   2168   lost to   BGK   2243   75   0   4
CrowsFan   2275   lost to   Chelskiman   2364   89   0   4
Fireballz   2330   defeated   coolfugitiv0   2007   323   4   0
Master Q   2215   lost to   DazBurg   2243   28   0   4
Mish   2039   lost to   elephants   2157   118   0   4
naste   2331   defeated   FOOTBALL FACTORY   2246   85   4   0
noto07   2165   lost to   Hawka   2208   43   0   4
Noz   2261   defeated   JBs-Hawks   2117   144   4   0
Scrads   2214   lost to   Nails   2347   133   0   4
Spite   2127   lost to   nathan11   2138   11   0   4
Toga   2259   defeated   picker_man   1911   348   8   -3
upthemaidens   2406   defeated   Spinking   2405   1   8   0
Wes Mantooth   2168   lost to   SydneyRox   2247   79   0   4
Windigo   2382   defeated   tbagrocks   2296   86   4   0
TOTAL   40026         39694   332   44   37

Masters v Masters                     
Masters   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin      
Bak2Form   2326   defeated   Chopps   2168   158      
Boomz   2117   lost to   noto07   2165   48      
bunyip   1999   lost to   chaosAD   2244   245      
CrowsFan   2275   defeated   Noz   2261   14      
Fireballz   2330   defeated   Spite   2127   203      
Master Q   2215   defeated   Mish   2039   176      
naste   2331   defeated   Toga   2259   72      
Scrads   2214   lost to   Windigo   2382   168      
upthemaidens   2406   defeated   Wes Mantooth   2168   238      
Mavens v Mavens
Mavens   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin      
ando_10   2013   lost to   Nails   2347   334      
BGK   2243   lost to   Torpedo10   2252   9      
Chelskiman   2364   defeated   FOOTBALL FACTORY   2246   118      
coolfugitiv0   2007   lost to   nathan11   2138   131      
DazBurg   2243   lost to   SydneyRox   2247   4      
elephants   2157   lost to   tbagrocks   2296   139      
Hawka   2208   defeated   picker_man   1911   297      
JBs-Hawks   2117   lost to   thornz23   2255   138      
Spinking   2405   defeated   yorgis   2245   160      


Round 17 Ladder

The top weren't all that impressive, but largely stayed unchanged. But the top 16 is heating up! Ziplock, Windigo and LaHug enter the top 16, pushing out T Dog, Mish and KoopKicka at the wrong time of the year.

Meanwhile, the spoon is 4 team race with Boomz the new leader.

Rank   Coach   W   D   L   For   Against   Percentage   Last Week   Change
1   whatlez   49   0   14   127131   122663   103.64%   1   0
2   Spinking   48   0   15   128522   124226   103.46%   3   1
3   Master Q   47   0   16   128667   123190   104.45%   2   -1
4   Mr.Craig   47   0   16   128070   123312   103.86%   4   0
5   upthemaidens   46   0   17   130048   124029   104.85%   5   0
6   j959   45   0   18   127425   122949   103.64%   7   1
7   Noz   44   1   18   127748   123162   103.72%   6   -1
8   Toga   43   0   20   127037   124054   102.40%   8   0
9   Bak2Form   41   1   21   128928   124828   103.28%   13   4
10   luvfooty   41   0   22   129218   124009   104.20%   12   2
11   Chelskiman   41   0   22   127298   122431   103.98%   14   3
12   Ziplock   41   0   22   126270   124416   101.49%   19   7
13   Scrads   41   0   22   126552   124824   101.38%   9   -4
14   Windigo   40   0   23   127936   124483   102.77%   20   6
15   BGK   39   1   23   126905   125099   101.44%   11   -4
16   LaHug   39   0   24   127612   124220   102.73%   22   6
17   T Dog   39   0   24   126952   123865   102.49%   16   -1
18   DazBurg   39   0   24   127243   124741   102.01%   17   -1
19   Mish   39   0   24   124885   122438   102.00%   10   -9
20   TMurphBROWNLOW   39   0   24   127016   124638   101.91%   18   -2
21   Hawka   38   0   25   124999   122865   101.74%   23   2
22   KoopKicka   37   0   26   126696   123064   102.95%   15   -7
23   chaosAD   37   0   26   125992   124239   101.41%   26   3
24   Spite   37   0   26   124896   123607   101.04%   21   -3
25   McRooster   36   0   27   125305   122800   102.04%   28   3
26   Adamant   36   0   27   125827   124259   101.26%   29   3
27   yorgis   35   0   28   128205   124885   102.66%   25   -2
28   elephants   35   0   28   126793   123755   102.45%   24   -4
29   naste   35   0   28   127004   124256   102.21%   34   5
30   Nails   35   0   28   126948   124891   101.65%   37   7
31   stew42   35   0   28   126085   124725   101.09%   31   0
32   Grazz   35   0   28   125751   125388   100.29%   33   1
33   valkorum   34   1   28   125360   123467   101.53%   27   -6
34   Jukes   34   0   29   126767   125011   101.40%   30   -4
35   Flame   33   0   30   126198   124165   101.64%   36   1
36   Holzman   33   0   30   127405   125484   101.53%   35   -1
37   henry   33   0   30   126113   124472   101.32%   41   4
38   CFC 1979   32   0   31   125383   124532   100.68%   44   6
39   FOOTBALL FACTORY   32   0   31   125165   124610   100.45%   32   -7
40   m0nty   32   0   31   123462   123706   99.80%   40   0
41   MTTY   31   1   31   122621   122916   99.76%   38   -3
42   nostradamus   30   0   33   125061   125326   99.79%   39   -3
43   Hellopplz   30   0   33   122767   124359   98.72%   43   0
44   Wes Mantooth   29   0   34   124644   124275   100.30%   42   -2
45   Ricochet   28   0   35   124345   124661   99.75%   45   0
46   Colliwobblers   27   0   36   125089   125372   99.77%   47   1
47   Chopps   27   0   36   123042   123860   99.34%   46   -1
48   GoldDigger   27   0   36   123876   124701   99.34%   48   0
49   nathan11   27   0   36   121098   123945   97.70%   51   2
50   RiOtChEsS   26   0   37   123167   123911   99.40%   52   2
51   Torpedo10   26   0   37   123515   124400   99.29%   56   5
52   JBs-Hawks   26   0   37   121916   123264   98.91%   49   -3
53   Purple 77   26   0   37   121433   122881   98.82%   53   0
54   tbagrocks   26   0   37   121333   123635   98.14%   54   0
55   NigeyS   25   0   38   121750   124142   98.07%   50   -5
56   thornz23   24   1   38   122935   124040   99.11%   55   -1
57   ossie85   24   0   39   122414   124417   98.39%   61   4
58   korza   24   0   39   121643   124509   97.70%   59   1
59   bundyboy   24   0   39   122351   125437   97.54%   57   -2
60   CrowsFan   23   0   40   123309   125875   97.96%   58   -2
61   noto07   22   0   41   120259   124079   96.92%   60   -1
62   SydneyRox   20   0   43   120932   123290   98.09%   64   2
63   Fireballz   19   0   44   122388   124467   98.33%   67   4
64   picker_man   19   0   44   117857   124028   95.02%   62   -2
65   coolfugitiv0   18   0   45   117604   125270   93.88%   63   -2
66   thatguy   17   0   46   119383   124958   95.54%   65   -1
67   tabs   17   0   46   118920   125065   95.09%   66   -1
68   BratPack   15   0   48   119658   124783   95.89%   68   0
69   bunyip   12   0   51   114318   124509   91.82%   69   0
70   ando_10   12   0   51   112858   124722   90.49%   70   0
71   kilbluff1985   11   0   52   114250   123729   92.34%   72   1
72   Boomz   11   0   52   113762   125731   90.48%   71   -1


Round 17 Top 10

Round 16 had 8 of the top 10 scores of the year, but now Round 17 has 8 of the top 10 scores of the year! In fact the top 7 were also the highest scores of the year.

Good time for upthemaidens, who won the KO Cup with this score!

upthemaidens   2406
Spinking   2405
Ziplock   2383
Windigo   2382
henry   2370
ossie85   2368
Chelskiman   2364
Nails   2347
LaHug   2342
CFC 1979   2332

League Cup

Champions   32   2221
Masters   30   2077
Mavens   21   1808
Knights   13   1670

Champions will be very hard to catch from here, but not impossible!


2014 DT Champions League Qualifiers Update

And who has joined whatlez in the Champions league for next year?

Upthemaidens! KO Cup champion, and deserving winner earns his spot.

luvfooty and j959 are guaranteed Champions League finalists, so they earn a spot next year also! (Reckon Zip is also, but will wait another week)

14 spots are still open!

This is how you qualify:

Overall Premier
- TBA Round 23

Overall Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Knock-Out Cup Winner
- upthemaidens

Champions League Finalists
(finish in the top 8 from the 2013 DT Champions League)
1. whatlez
2. luvfooty
3. j959
4. TBA Round 19 at latest
5. TBA Round 19 at latest
6. TBA Round 19 at latest
7. TBA Round 19 at latest
8. TBA Round 19 at latest

Champions League Qualifier
(win the 'minor' premiership, i.e. finish 9th after finals in Champions League)
- TBA Round 23

Knights Premier
- TBA Round 23

Knights Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Masters Premier
- TBA Round 23

Masters Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Mavens Premier
- TBA Round 23

Mavens Minor Premier
- TBA Round 19 at latest

Overall Qualifiers
(There are 18 spots available above, but in the likely event that one coach qualifies twice (i.e. is the Masters Premier and Minor Premier) the remaining spots to be filled based on the final ladder - after finals - from Overall)
- TBA Round 23


sitting in 7th in the champs, probably deserve to qualify but only in the 8 with percentage. 2 most win games against colli and grazz.


Made the top ten weekly scorers for the second week running!

Justin Bieber

I had a reasonable score so why so much hate Ossie? Lol


The Knights minor premiership remains in the balance. If I win next week and Koop loses then I have it stitched up, If not it will all come down to our head to head in Round 19. :D


Finally cracked the top 16! On 10th in overall points so hopefully I can hold a spot in the finals like I deserve to!


Been yet another consistent year for myself. Just can't break the top 10.  :(


Quote from: Mr.Craig on July 22, 2013, 03:02:11 PM
The Knights minor premiership remains in the balance. If I win next week and Koop loses then I have it stitched up, If not it will all come down to our head to head in Round 19. :D
The real Knights premiership is not in the balance at all though. We all know who will win  :P