Started by ossie85, March 15, 2013, 12:38:54 PM

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Quote from: Toga on May 06, 2013, 12:13:04 PM
What'd ya score this week Ric?
1718  :-[

Donut 0
Harlett 32
Westhoff 33
Stevenson 33
Stanton 51


SC is the only thing keeping me up this week


Quote from: Ricochet on May 06, 2013, 12:27:10 PM
Quote from: Toga on May 06, 2013, 12:13:04 PM
What'd ya score this week Ric?
1718  :-[

Donut 0
Harlett 32
Westhoff 33
Stevenson 33
Stanton 51


SC is the only thing keeping me up this week
Thats a great score RIc, try and beat 1566!!!


Quote from: tabs on May 06, 2013, 12:32:49 PM
Quote from: Ricochet on May 06, 2013, 12:27:10 PM
Quote from: Toga on May 06, 2013, 12:13:04 PM
What'd ya score this week Ric?
1718  :-[

Donut 0
Harlett 32
Westhoff 33
Stevenson 33
Stanton 51


SC is the only thing keeping me up this week
Thats a great score RIc, try and beat 1566!!!
woah! how??


Ah bad luck mate. I wasn't too much better than you, hopefully you make it through to the next round though :)

My on-field defenders averaged a whopping 31 points this week. 187 points between the six of them. ::)

Add Cotchin & Deledio to that and we have a showerehouse score.

Should bounce back strong as this week though with Heppell and Gibbs to return to my side, and Cotch and Lids playing Port (who aren't too DT-restrictive as a side)...


Quote from: Toga on May 06, 2013, 12:35:59 PM
Ah bad luck mate. I wasn't too much better than you, hopefully you make it through to the next round though :)

My on-field defenders averaged a whopping 31 points this week. 187 points between the six of them. ::)

Add Cotchin & Deledio to that and we have a showerehouse score.

Should bounce back strong as this week though with Heppell and Gibbs to return to my side, and Cotch and Lids playing Port (who aren't too DT-restrictive as a side)...

What did you end up finishing on mate? My team couldn't have gone worse, but I'm very interested in how our match went.


Same to you mate, the future looks bright.
I should only have 4 rookies (Wines, O'meara, Pittard, Stevenson) starting this week and hopefully a couple of my pod's pull their finger out


Quote from: Toga on May 06, 2013, 12:35:59 PM
Ah bad luck mate. I wasn't too much better than you, hopefully you make it through to the next round though :)

My on-field defenders averaged a whopping 31 points this week. 187 points between the six of them. ::)

Add Cotchin & Deledio to that and we have a showerehouse score.

Should bounce back strong as this week though with Heppell and Gibbs to return to my side, and Cotch and Lids playing Port (who aren't too DT-restrictive as a side)...

Actually Port are pretty restrictive

No tons for North against them. No Demons tons. Only 3 GWS players over 75 top score of 105. Crows only 3 tons top score of 111. Only 2 tons vs. GCS (Ablett and Harbrow)

Other than WCE they've been pretty tough against DT wise.


DT Round 6 Results

Champions (52) defeated Knights (29)
Champions   Score   versus   Knights   Score   Margin   CP   KP
BratPack   1685   lost to   Jukes   1895   210   0   4
CFC 1979   1803   defeated   kilbluff1985   1663   140   4   0
Colliwobblers   1790   lost to   KoopKicka   1792   2   0   4
Flame   1863   defeated   m0nty   1789   74   4   0
Grazz   1946   lost to   Mr.Craig   2017   71   0   4
Holzman   1913   defeated   NigeyS   1848   65   4   0
j959   1992   defeated   Purple 77   1844   148   4   0
korza   1661   lost to   Ricochet   1718   57   0   4
LaHug   1827   lost to   stew42   1888   61   0   4
luvfooty   2137   defeated   T Dog   1978   159   8   0
McRooster   1903   defeated   tabs   1566   337   4   -3
MTTY   1916   defeated   thatguy   1578   338   8   0
nostradamus   1820   lost to   valkorum   1840   20   0   4
ossie85   1814   lost to   Adamant   1917   103   0   4
RiOtChEsS   1836   lost to   bundyboy   1927   91   0   4
TMurphBROWNLOW   1844   defeated   GoldDigger   1789   55   4   0
whatlez   1983   defeated   Hellopplz   1748   235   4   0
Ziplock   1956   defeated   henry   1918   38   4   0
TOTAL   33689         32715   974   52   29
Champions (52) defeated Masters (29)
Champions   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin   CP   MsP
BratPack   1685   lost to   CrowsFan   1882   197   0   4
CFC 1979   1803   defeated   Fireballz   1578   225   4   -3
Colliwobblers   1790   lost to   Master Q   2033   243   0   4
Flame   1863   lost to   Mish   2058   195   0   4
Grazz   1946   defeated   naste   1878   68   4   0
Holzman   1913   defeated   noto07   1886   27   4   0
j959   1992   defeated   Noz   1935   57   4   0
korza   1661   lost to   Scrads   1917   256   0   4
LaHug   1827   lost to   Spite   1887   60   0   4
luvfooty   2137   defeated   Toga   1796   341   12   0
McRooster   1903   lost to   upthemaidens   1924   21   0   4
MTTY   1916   defeated   Wes Mantooth   1842   74   4   0
nostradamus   1820   lost to   Windigo   1968   148   0   4
ossie85   1814   lost to   Bak2Form   1910   96   0   4
RiOtChEsS   1836   defeated   Boomz   1731   105   4   0
TMurphBROWNLOW   1844   defeated   bunyip   1669   175   4   0
whatlez   1983   defeated   chaosAD   1931   52   4   0
Ziplock   1956   defeated   Chopps   1779   177   4   0
TOTAL   33689         33604   85   52   29
Champions (56) defeated Mavens (25)
Champions   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   CP   MvP
BratPack   1685   lost to   elephants   1860   175   0   4
CFC 1979   1803   lost to   FOOTBALL FACTORY   1885   82   0   4
Colliwobblers   1790   lost to   Hawka   1894   104   0   4
Flame   1863   defeated   JBs-Hawks   1803   60   4   0
Grazz   1946   defeated   Nails   1848   98   4   0
Holzman   1913   lost to   nathan11   1943   30   0   4
j959   1992   defeated   picker_man   1886   106   4   0
korza   1661   lost to   Spinking   1924   263   0   4
LaHug   1827   defeated   SydneyRox   1782   45   4   0
luvfooty   2137   defeated   tbagrocks   1739   398   8   0
McRooster   1903   defeated   thornz23   1774   129   4   0
MTTY   1916   defeated   Torpedo10   1679   237   4   0
nostradamus   1820   lost to   yorgis   1860   40   0   4
ossie85   1814   defeated   ando_10   1576   238   4   0
RiOtChEsS   1836   lost to   BGK   1866   30   0   4
TMurphBROWNLOW   1844   defeated   Chelskiman   1839   5   4   0
whatlez   1983   defeated   coolfugitiv0   1495   488   8   -3
Ziplock   1956   defeated   DazBurg   1757   199   4   0
TOTAL   33689         32410   1279   56   25

Champions v Champions
Champions   Score   versus   Champions   Score   Margin      
BratPack   1685   lost to   RiOtChEsS   1836   151      
CFC 1979   1803   lost to   MTTY   1916   113      
Colliwobblers   1790   lost to   McRooster   1903   113      
Flame   1863   lost to   j959   1992   129      
Grazz   1946   lost to   luvfooty   2137   191      
Holzman   1913   lost to   Ziplock   1956   43      
korza   1661   lost to   LaHug   1827   166      
nostradamus   1820   lost to   whatlez   1983   163      
ossie85   1814   lost to   TMurphBROWNLOW   1844   30      

Knights v Knights                     
Knights   Score   versus   Knights   Score   Margin      
Adamant   1917   defeated   Purple 77   1844   73      
fever   1927   defeated   m0nty   1789   138      
GoldDigger   1789   lost to   Mr.Craig   2017   228      
Hellopplz   1748   lost to   NigeyS   1848   100      
henry   1918   defeated   stew42   1888   30      
Jukes   1895   defeated   thatguy   1578   317      
kilbluff1985   1663   lost to   T Dog   1978   315      
KoopKicka   1792   defeated   tabs   1566   226      
Ricochet   1718   lost to   valkorum   1840   122      

Knights (29) lost to Masters (52)
Knights   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin   KP   MsP
Adamant   1917   defeated   CrowsFan   1882   35   4   0
bundyboy   1927   defeated   Fireballz   1578   349   4   0
GoldDigger   1789   lost to   Master Q   2033   244   0   4
Hellopplz   1748   lost to   Mish   2058   310   0   8
henry   1918   defeated   naste   1878   40   4   0
Jukes   1895   defeated   noto07   1886   9   4   0
kilbluff1985   1663   lost to   Noz   1935   272   0   4
KoopKicka   1792   lost to   Scrads   1917   125   0   4
m0nty   1789   lost to   Spite   1887   98   0   4
Mr.Craig   2017   defeated   Toga   1796   221   4   0
NigeyS   1848   lost to   upthemaidens   1924   76   0   4
Purple 77   1844   defeated   Wes Mantooth   1842   2   4   0
Ricochet   1718   lost to   Windigo   1968   250   0   4
stew42   1888   lost to   Bak2Form   1910   22   0   4
T Dog   1978   defeated   Boomz   1731   247   4   0
tabs   1566   lost to   bunyip   1669   103   -3   4
thatguy   1578   lost to   chaosAD   1931   353   0   8
valkorum   1840   defeated   Chopps   1779   61   4   0
TOTAL   32715         33604   889   29   52

Knights (56) defeated Mavens (25)                  
Knights   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   KP   MvP
Adamant   1917   defeated   elephants   1860   57   4   0
bundyboy   1927   defeated   FOOTBALL FACTORY   1885   42   4   0
GoldDigger   1789   lost to   Hawka   1894   105   0   4
Hellopplz   1748   lost to   JBs-Hawks   1803   55   0   4
henry   1918   defeated   Nails   1848   70   4   0
Jukes   1895   lost to   nathan11   1943   48   0   4
kilbluff1985   1663   lost to   picker_man   1886   223   0   4
KoopKicka   1792   lost to   Spinking   1924   132   0   4
m0nty   1789   defeated   SydneyRox   1782   7   4   0
Mr.Craig   2017   defeated   tbagrocks   1739   278   8   0
NigeyS   1848   defeated   thornz23   1774   74   4   0
Purple 77   1844   defeated   Torpedo10   1679   165   4   0
Ricochet   1718   lost to   yorgis   1860   142   0   4
stew42   1888   defeated   ando_10   1576   312   8   0
T Dog   1978   defeated   BGK   1866   112   4   0
tabs   1566   lost to   Chelskiman   1839   273   0   4
thatguy   1578   defeated   coolfugitiv0   1495   83   4   -3
valkorum   1840   defeated   DazBurg   1757   83   4   0
TOTAL   32715         32410   305   56   25

Masters (60) defeated Mavens (21)                  
Masters   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   MsP   MvP
Bak2Form   1910   defeated   elephants   1860   50   4   0
Boomz   1731   lost to   FOOTBALL FACTORY   1885   154   0   4
bunyip   1669   lost to   Hawka   1894   225   0   4
chaosAD   1931   defeated   JBs-Hawks   1803   128   4   0
Chopps   1779   lost to   Nails   1848   69   0   4
CrowsFan   1882   lost to   nathan11   1943   61   0   4
Fireballz   1578   lost to   picker_man   1886   308   0   4
Master Q   2033   defeated   Spinking   1924   109   4   0
Mish   2058   defeated   SydneyRox   1782   276   8   0
naste   1878   defeated   tbagrocks   1739   139   4   0
noto07   1886   defeated   thornz23   1774   112   4   0
Noz   1935   defeated   Torpedo10   1679   256   4   0
Scrads   1917   defeated   yorgis   1860   57   4   0
Spite   1887   defeated   ando_10   1576   311   4   0
Toga   1796   lost to   BGK   1866   70   0   4
upthemaidens   1924   defeated   Chelskiman   1839   85   4   0
Wes Mantooth   1842   defeated   coolfugitiv0   1495   347   8   -3
Windigo   1968   defeated   DazBurg   1757   211   4   0
TOTAL   33604         32410   1194   60   21

Masters v Masters                     
Masters   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin      
Bak2Form   1910   lost to   upthemaidens   1924   14      
Boomz   1731   lost to   Chopps   1779   48      
bunyip   1669   lost to   Spite   1887   218      
chaosAD   1931   lost to   Master Q   2033   102      
CrowsFan   1882   lost to   Windigo   1968   86      
Fireballz   1578   lost to   noto07   1886   308      
Mish   2058   defeated   naste   1878   180      
Noz   1935   defeated   Toga   1796   139      
Scrads   1917   defeated   Wes Mantooth   1842   75      

Mavens v Mavens                     
Mavens   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin      
ando_10   1576   lost to   JBs-Hawks   1803   227      
BGK   1866   defeated   DazBurg   1757   109      
Chelskiman   1839   defeated   tbagrocks   1739   100      
coolfugitiv0   1495   lost to   FOOTBALL FACTORY   1885   390      
elephants   1860   lost to   picker_man   1886   26      
Hawka   1894   lost to   Spinking   1924   30      
Nails   1848   lost to   nathan11   1943   95      
SydneyRox   1782   defeated   thornz23   1774   8      
Torpedo10   1679   lost to   yorgis   1860   181   

League Cup Results
Masters   12   791
Champions   9   755
Mavens   9   701
Knights   6   669

Champions coming back strong, and the Mavens crashed and burned.


Round 6 Ladder

A new leader in Mr. Craig this week, as Toga slips to 8th, showing how tough this league is! And bunyip breaks his duck to go 1-21 (across this and SC is an astonishing 1-43 though, poor bunyip)

Rank   Coach   W   D   L   For   Against   Percentage   Last Week   Change
1   Mr.Craig   19   0   3   45006   43105   104.41%   3   2
2   Spinking   19   0   3   45028   43416   103.71%   2   0
3   Master Q   18   0   4   45361   43277   104.82%   6   3
4   j959   18   0   4   45183   43160   104.69%   5   1
5   BGK   18   0   4   44572   43473   102.53%   4   -1
6   whatlez   17   0   5   44565   42884   103.92%   10   4
7   Spite   17   0   5   43945   42721   102.87%   11   4
8   Toga   17   0   5   44582   43601   102.25%   1   -7
9   Mish   16   0   6   45495   43763   103.96%   12   3
10   Jukes   16   0   6   44364   43035   103.09%   9   -1
11   Scrads   16   0   6   43902   43108   101.84%   14   3
12   Windigo   15   0   7   44763   43211   103.59%   16   4
13   CFC 1979   15   0   7   44444   43011   103.33%   7   -6
14   KoopKicka   15   0   7   44336   43115   102.83%   8   -6
15   TMurphBROWNLOW   15   0   7   44049   43280   101.78%   20   5
16   Noz   14   1   7   44269   43066   102.79%   15   -1
17   upthemaidens   14   0   8   44434   42999   103.34%   25   8
18   picker_man   14   0   8   44348   43143   102.79%   18   0
19   Hawka   14   0   8   43718   42750   102.26%   19   0
20   T Dog   14   0   8   44323   43458   101.99%   22   2
21   chaosAD   14   0   8   44352   43533   101.88%   13   -8
22   valkorum   13   1   8   43374   42838   101.25%   28   6
23   Chelskiman   13   0   9   44001   42908   102.55%   17   -6
24   Ziplock   13   0   9   43841   43453   100.89%   34   10
25   Adamant   13   0   9   44023   43644   100.87%   33   8
26   Wes Mantooth   12   0   10   44169   43615   101.27%   21   -5
27   Flame   12   0   10   44250   43749   101.15%   26   -1
28   bundyboy   12   0   10   43114   43276   99.63%   46   18
29   Ricochet   12   0   10   43113   43328   99.50%   23   -6
30   Bak2Form   11   1   10   44227   44186   100.09%   39   9
31   yorgis   11   0   11   43536   43335   100.46%   42   11
32   nathan11   11   0   11   43632   43651   99.96%   54   22
33   JBs-Hawks   11   0   11   43154   43297   99.67%   36   3
34   Hellopplz   11   0   11   42761   44073   97.02%   24   -10
35   elephants   10   0   12   43728   42818   102.13%   29   -6
36   McRooster   10   0   12   43423   43043   100.88%   51   15
37   stew42   10   0   12   43686   43521   100.38%   43   6
38   Colliwobblers   10   0   12   43827   43725   100.23%   27   -11
39   Nails   10   0   12   43866   43772   100.21%   31   -8
40   FOOTBALL FACTORY   10   0   12   43452   43378   100.17%   55   15
41   MTTY   10   0   12   42842   43205   99.16%   66   25
42   henry   10   0   12   43263   43980   98.37%   58   16
43   m0nty   10   0   12   42845   44054   97.26%   37   -6
44   LaHug   9   0   13   43703   43609   100.22%   48   4
45   GoldDigger   9   0   13   43798   43745   100.12%   30   -15
46   Chopps   9   0   13   43731   43724   100.02%   40   -6
47   Holzman   9   0   13   43527   43565   99.91%   49   2
48   noto07   9   0   13   42941   43236   99.32%   57   9
49   DazBurg   9   0   13   43209   43600   99.10%   32   -17
50   nostradamus   9   0   13   43527   43969   98.99%   35   -15
51   ossie85   9   0   13   42753   43359   98.60%   45   -6
52   Grazz   9   0   13   43683   44348   98.50%   56   4
53   thornz23   8   1   13   43113   43389   99.36%   38   -15
54   luvfooty   8   0   14   43961   43782   100.41%   68   14
55   Boomz   8   0   14   43228   43871   98.53%   41   -14
56   Purple 77   8   0   14   42347   43005   98.47%   61   5
57   NigeyS   8   0   14   42594   43430   98.08%   64   7
58   korza   8   0   14   42404   43345   97.83%   44   -14
59   tbagrocks   8   0   14   42486   44190   96.14%   47   -12
60   naste   7   0   15   43534   43953   99.05%   60   0
61   BratPack   7   0   15   42958   43884   97.89%   52   -9
62   Torpedo10   7   0   15   43499   44471   97.81%   50   -12
63   CrowsFan   7   0   15   42854   43854   97.72%   65   2
64   thatguy   7   0   15   42490   43611   97.43%   59   -5
65   coolfugitiv0   7   0   15   42061   43608   96.45%   53   -12
66   RiOtChEsS   6   0   16   42461   43519   97.57%   69   3
67   tabs   6   0   16   41676   43385   96.06%   62   -5
68   ando_10   6   0   16   41687   43641   95.52%   63   -5
69   kilbluff1985   5   0   17   41043   43822   93.66%   67   -2
70   SydneyRox   4   0   18   42053   43300   97.12%   70   0
71   Fireballz   3   0   19   41772   43962   95.02%   71   0
72   bunyip   1   0   21   38056   43180   88.13%   72   0


Our Top 10 This Week

luvfooty   2137
Mish   2058
Master Q   2033
Mr.Craig   2017
j959   1992
whatlez   1983
T Dog   1978
Windigo   1968
Ziplock   1956
Grazz   1946

Massive score from luvfooty considering only 4 of 72 cracked 2000, let alone 2100+.


KO Cup Update

We had 23 scores under 1800 this week, and they can each count themselves lucky! But it is coolfugitv0's poultry score of 1,495 that sees him eliminated before the comp begins.

Pre-eliminated: tabs, bunyip, kilbluff1985, NigeyS, Purple 77, coolfugitiv0

2 coaches left to be pre-eliminated across the next two rounds.

Head to head Starts Round 9.



you cant keep a champion down for long, came back with a vengence this round.

pretty happy with my peformance, hoping to sneak into finals, SJ in this week shoudl help.


Ffs, that sums up a shower week! :(

Still only two wins off the top, hopefully I can comeback strong and claw my way back up :-X


Nice to be on top, but as Toga showed it's hard to stay there.
