Started by ossie85, March 15, 2013, 12:38:54 PM

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Quote from: Scrads on April 21, 2013, 09:16:41 PM
Move aside boys a 2070.2 average for the Masters which included poor bunyip having a shocker 1741 ;)

But what did you score Scrads? I was vsing you..


Quote from: Mr.Craig on April 21, 2013, 09:28:11 PM
Quote from: Scrads on April 21, 2013, 09:16:41 PM
Move aside boys a 2070.2 average for the Masters which included poor bunyip having a shocker 1741 ;)

But what did you score Scrads? I was vsing you..

2102 mate, how did you go?


Well done. ;)


Quote from: Mr.Craig on April 21, 2013, 09:35:23 PM

Well done. ;)

Haha cheers mate, I am sure you are still doing better than me overall :P


My SC is worse than I ever imagined

Just like my DT Elxam performances, too many downgrades and not enough up so far have hurt my scores.

You fellas should get some easy wins over me this week. 870K to upgrade with over next few weeks. Watch out!

Wes Mantooth

Quote from: Scrads on April 21, 2013, 09:16:41 PM
Move aside boys a 2070.2 average for the Masters which included poor bunyip having a shocker 1741 ;)

Booyeah! Where's the updates on results? I know, I'm being impatient :)


Quote from: Wes Mantooth on April 22, 2013, 02:11:50 PM
Quote from: Scrads on April 21, 2013, 09:16:41 PM
Move aside boys a 2070.2 average for the Masters which included poor bunyip having a shocker 1741 ;)

Booyeah! Where's the updates on results? I know, I'm being impatient :)

I sent Ossie the scores about 5 seconds after lockout was over so I guess he is either just waiting for the other leagues scores or hasn't had the time to put it all together yet :)


They're coming lol

My work, on occasion, expects me to work. This is one of those days!


Quote from: ossie85 on April 22, 2013, 02:40:25 PM

They're coming lol

My work, on occasion, expects me to work. This is one of those days!

That is pretty rude of them tbh ;)


Quote from: ossie85 on April 22, 2013, 02:40:25 PM

They're coming lol

My work, on occasion, expects me to work. This is one of those days!

I want to speak to you supervisor young man. :P


Quote from: Mr.Craig on April 22, 2013, 02:56:30 PM
Quote from: ossie85 on April 22, 2013, 02:40:25 PM

They're coming lol

My work, on occasion, expects me to work. This is one of those days!

I want to speak to you supervisor young man. :P


Can't wait to see the results for this round! :)

CFC 1979

well played ossie
great score
gave me a flogging


Forgot who I was playing. But I'm betting I won every game this week.  8)


Champions (28) lost to Knights (53)

Champions   Score   versus   Knights   Score   Margin   CP   KP
BratPack   2039   lost to   Hellopplz   2082   43   0   4
CFC 1979   2032   lost to   henry   2088   56   0   4
Colliwobblers   2057   lost to   Jukes   2088   31   0   4
Flame   2104   defeated   kilbluff1985   2028   76   4   0
Grazz   1954   lost to   KoopKicka   2165   211   0   8
Holzman   2002   lost to   m0nty   2049   47   0   4
j959   2003   lost to   Mr.Craig   2075   72   0   4
korza   2108   defeated   NigeyS   1865   243   8   -3
LaHug   2010   lost to   Purple 77   2140   130   0   4
luvfooty   1959   lost to   Ricochet   2129   170   0   4
McRooster   2075   defeated   stew42   2041   34   4   0
MTTY   2062   lost to   T Dog   2153   91   0   4
nostradamus   2048   defeated   tabs   2042   6   4   0
ossie85   2134   defeated   thatguy   2040   94   4   0
RiOtChEsS   1985   lost to   valkorum   1988   3   0   4
TMurphBROWNLOW   2091   lost to   Adamant   2133   42   0   4
whatlez   1974   defeated   bundyboy   1937   37   4   0
Ziplock   1964   lost to   GoldDigger   2047   83   0   4
TOTAL   36601         37090   489   28   53

Champions (24) lost to Masters (57)
Champions   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin   CP   MsP
BratPack   2039   lost to   chaosAD   2125   86   0   4
CFC 1979   2032   defeated   Chopps   2031   1   4   0
Colliwobblers   2057   lost to   CrowsFan   2078   21   0   4
Flame   2104   defeated   Fireballz   2044   60   4   0
Grazz   1954   lost to   Master Q   2072   118   0   4
Holzman   2002   lost to   Mish   2118   116   0   4
j959   2003   lost to   naste   2005   2   0   4
korza   2108   defeated   noto07   2008   100   4   0
LaHug   2010   lost to   Noz   2116   106   0   4
luvfooty   1959   lost to   Scrads   2102   143   0   4
McRooster   2075   lost to   Spite   2082   7   0   4
MTTY   2062   lost to   Toga   2091   29   0   4
nostradamus   2048   lost to   upthemaidens   2072   24   0   4
ossie85   2134   defeated   Wes Mantooth   2126   8   4   0
RiOtChEsS   1985   lost to   Windigo   2161   176   0   4
TMurphBROWNLOW   2091   defeated   Bak2Form   2043   48   4   0
whatlez   1974   lost to   Boomz   2249   275   0   12
Ziplock   1964   defeated   bunyip   1741   223   4   -3
TOTAL   36601         37264   663   24   57

Champions (25) lost to Mavens (56)
Champions   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   CP   MvP
BratPack   2039   lost to   coolfugitiv0   2116   77   0   4
CFC 1979   2032   lost to   DazBurg   2065   33   0   4
Colliwobblers   2057   lost to   elephants   2060   3   0   4
Flame   2104   defeated   FOOTBALL FACTORY   2061   43   4   0
Grazz   1954   lost to   Hawka   2099   145   -3   8
Holzman   2002   lost to   JBs-Hawks   2030   28   0   4
j959   2003   defeated   Nails   1997   6   4   0
korza   2108   defeated   nathan11   2038   70   4   0
LaHug   2010   lost to   picker_man   2034   24   0   4
luvfooty   1959   lost to   Spinking   2063   104   0   4
McRooster   2075   defeated   SydneyRox   2040   35   4   0
MTTY   2062   lost to   tbagrocks   2143   81   0   8
nostradamus   2048   defeated   thornz23   1983   65   4   0
ossie85   2134   defeated   Torpedo10   2048   86   4   0
RiOtChEsS   1985   lost to   yorgis   2070   85   0   4
TMurphBROWNLOW   2091   defeated   ando_10   2010   81   4   0
whatlez   1974   lost to   BGK   2049   75   0   4
Ziplock   1964   lost to   Chelskiman   2077   113   0   4
TOTAL   36601         36983   382   25   56

Champions v Champions
Champions   Score   versus   Champions   Score   Margin
BratPack   2039   lost to   Colliwobblers   2057   18
CFC 1979   2032   lost to   ossie85   2134   102
Flame   2104   defeated   RiOtChEsS   1985   119
Grazz   1954   lost to   whatlez   1974   20
Holzman   2002   lost to   nostradamus   2048   46
j959   2003   lost to   korza   2108   105
LaHug   2010   defeated   Ziplock   1964   46
luvfooty   1959   lost to   MTTY   2062   103
McRooster   2075   lost to   TMurphBROWNLOW   2091   16

Knights v Knights
Knights   Score   versus   Knights   Score   Margin
Adamant   2133   defeated   stew42   2041   92
fever   1937   lost to   Purple 77   2140   203
GoldDigger   2047   lost to   KoopKicka   2165   118
Hellopplz   2082   lost to   Ricochet   2129   47
henry   2088   defeated   tabs   2042   46
Jukes   2088   lost to   T Dog   2153   65
kilbluff1985   2028   defeated   valkorum   1988   40
m0nty   2049   defeated   thatguy   2040   9
Mr.Craig   2075   defeated   NigeyS   1865   210

Knights (36) lost to Masters (45)
Knights   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin   KP   MsP
Adamant   2133   defeated   chaosAD   2125   8   4   0
bundyboy   1937   lost to   Chopps   2031   94   0   4
GoldDigger   2047   lost to   CrowsFan   2078   31   0   4
Hellopplz   2082   defeated   Fireballz   2044   38   4   0
henry   2088   defeated   Master Q   2072   16   4   0
Jukes   2088   lost to   Mish   2118   30   0   4
kilbluff1985   2028   defeated   naste   2005   23   4   0
KoopKicka   2165   defeated   noto07   2008   157   4   0
m0nty   2049   lost to   Noz   2116   67   0   4
Mr.Craig   2075   lost to   Scrads   2102   27   0   4
NigeyS   1865   lost to   Spite   2082   217   0   4
Purple 77   2140   defeated   Toga   2091   49   4   0
Ricochet   2129   defeated   upthemaidens   2072   57   4   0
stew42   2041   lost to   Wes Mantooth   2126   85   0   4
T Dog   2153   lost to   Windigo   2161   8   0   4
tabs   2042   lost to   Bak2Form   2043   1   0   4
thatguy   2040   lost to   Boomz   2249   209   0   8
valkorum   1988   defeated   bunyip   1741   247   8   -3
TOTAL   37090         37264   174   36   45

Knights (45) defeated Mavens (36)
Knights   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   KP   MvP
Adamant   2133   defeated   coolfugitiv0   2116   17   4   0
bundyboy   1937   lost to   DazBurg   2065   128   0   4
GoldDigger   2047   lost to   elephants   2060   13   0   4
Hellopplz   2082   defeated   FOOTBALL FACTORY   2061   21   4   0
henry   2088   lost to   Hawka   2099   11   0   4
Jukes   2088   defeated   JBs-Hawks   2030   58   4   0
kilbluff1985   2028   defeated   Nails   1997   31   4   0
KoopKicka   2165   defeated   nathan11   2038   127   8   0
m0nty   2049   defeated   picker_man   2034   15   4   0
Mr.Craig   2075   defeated   Spinking   2063   12   4   0
NigeyS   1865   lost to   SydneyRox   2040   175   -3   8
Purple 77   2140   lost to   tbagrocks   2143   3   0   4
Ricochet   2129   defeated   thornz23   1983   146   4   0
stew42   2041   lost to   Torpedo10   2048   7   0   4
T Dog   2153   defeated   yorgis   2070   83   4   0
tabs   2042   defeated   ando_10   2010   32   4   0
thatguy   2040   lost to   BGK   2049   9   0   4
valkorum   1988   lost to   Chelskiman   2077   89   0   4
TOTAL   37090         36983   107   45   36

Masters (53) defeated Mavens (28)
Masters   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin   MsP   MvP
Bak2Form   2043   lost to   coolfugitiv0   2116   73   0   4
Boomz   2249   defeated   DazBurg   2065   184   8   0
bunyip   1741   lost to   elephants   2060   319   -3   8
chaosAD   2125   defeated   FOOTBALL FACTORY   2061   64   4   0
Chopps   2031   lost to   Hawka   2099   68   0   4
CrowsFan   2078   defeated   JBs-Hawks   2030   48   4   0
Fireballz   2044   defeated   Nails   1997   47   4   0
Master Q   2072   defeated   nathan11   2038   34   4   0
Mish   2118   defeated   picker_man   2034   84   4   0
naste   2005   lost to   Spinking   2063   58   0   4
noto07   2008   lost to   SydneyRox   2040   32   0   4
Noz   2116   lost to   tbagrocks   2143   27   0   4
Scrads   2102   defeated   thornz23   1983   119   4   0
Spite   2082   defeated   Torpedo10   2048   34   4   0
Toga   2091   defeated   yorgis   2070   21   4   0
upthemaidens   2072   defeated   ando_10   2010   62   4   0
Wes Mantooth   2126   defeated   BGK   2049   77   4   0
Windigo   2161   defeated   Chelskiman   2077   84   4   0
TOTAL   37264         36983   281   53   28

Masters v Masters
Masters   Score   versus   Masters   Score   Margin
Bak2Form   2043   lost to   Master Q   2072   29
Boomz   2249   defeated   CrowsFan   2078   171
bunyip   1741   lost to   upthemaidens   2072   331
chaosAD   2125   defeated   Chopps   2031   94
Fireballz   2044   lost to   Scrads   2102   58
Mish   2118   defeated   Spite   2082   36
naste   2005   lost to   Wes Mantooth   2126   121
noto07   2008   lost to   Toga   2091   83
Noz   2116   lost to   Windigo   2161   45

Mavens v Mavens
Mavens   Score   versus   Mavens   Score   Margin
ando_10   2010   lost to   yorgis   2070   60
BGK   2049   defeated   nathan11   2038   11
Chelskiman   2077   lost to   coolfugitiv0   2116   39
DazBurg   2065   lost to   tbagrocks   2143   78
elephants   2060   defeated   Nails   1997   63
FOOTBALL FACTORY   2061   defeated   SydneyRox   2040   21
Hawka   2099   defeated   JBs-Hawks   2030   69
picker_man   2034   lost to   Torpedo10   2048   14
Spinking   2063   defeated   thornz23   1983   80

T Dog

Quote from: Windigo on April 22, 2013, 05:22:04 PM
Forgot who I was playing. But I'm betting I won every game this week.  8)

hey Windi
"T Dog   2153   lost to   Windigo   2161   8   0   4"
well done.. :'(