Started by yorgis, March 07, 2013, 10:28:48 PM

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He was accused of being FAT last season, he was so uninterested in the NAB cup last season he copped a ton of criticism for that. His workload was clearly down last season and his effort was not at the level Buckley expected.

how the flower can he be accused on last seasons performance of being on performance enhancing drugs ?   :o

he is a superstar without the slightest bit of effort. I can't see him being a drug cheat not on any level, he just doesn't seem to need to be or doesn't seem to care enough to be?

the scary thing with swan is how much better he could have been / cold be if he tried as hard as players like bucks and hird had to in order to be stars....

they say he has had his best preseason ever, and bucks says he will get more out of him this season, i am sceptical that swan will bother to put in the extra effort required?

but id he does? OMG pity the fool that doesn't have him in their fantasy team


I'm not a Pies supporter and I didnt even see the interview, but sadly I did catch the commercial about this interview and it reminded me of the simpsons episode where they edited the flowered out of the interview and the clock keep sporadically changing in the background because they edited the flower out of it.

I have some life tips for you. Don't do the following:

1) Pay attention to a current affair type programs...

2) Listen to Caroline Wilsons articles in age which are baseless with no facts (the chief football writer for the age who never happens to write about football - only womans day type shower gossip)

3) Watch commercial television outside of football without muting the sh!tbox as soon as the ads come on - you will get this kind of rubbish presented to you.

Pick Dane Swan because he's a gun. Don't pick him if you're trying to lose.



Quote from: S_Coach99 on March 08, 2013, 12:57:30 AM

I'm not a Pies supporter and I didnt even see the interview, but sadly I did catch the commercial about this interview and it reminded me of the simpsons episode where they edited the flowered out of the interview and the clock keep sporadically changing in the background because they edited the flower out of it.

I have some life tips for you. Don't do the following:

1) Pay attention to a current affair type programs...

2) Listen to Caroline Wilsons articles in age which are baseless with no facts (the chief football writer for the age who never happens to write about football - only womans day type shower gossip)

3) Watch commercial television outside of football without muting the sh!tbox as soon as the ads come on - you will get this kind of rubbish presented to you.

Pick Dane Swan because he's a gun. Don't pick him if you're trying to lose.

It's up on the AFL site now mate, not sure if its the entire interview as i only went there to look at the weekends teams.


Well where do the rumours come from?? Caroline Wilson....? where else...

I'm sick of the media in this country like a pack of seagulls... I'm gunna give Dane Swan the respect I would any citizen, innocent till you show me proof... I've seen no proof...



illicit drugs don't effect us as sports fans anyway, same as drinking and smoking, what bothers me is the drug cheats, the performance enhancing drugs.

who cares if a player is taking party drugs that don't improve their performance.

i mean we care drugs are bad, but it is not like they are cheating so it is a personal/social issue, not a sports issue.

what is the big deal. where is the big story?

that said he clearly seems convincing in his denial so seems all he has done is drink when he wasn't supposed to and care a little too little.

time for the next "scandal" story i guess. this one didn't seem to take wing and fly


it's just stupid people trying to make a dollar man... people who don;t have skills... Dane Swan has skills, Caroline Sh!TFace has no skills... she can't even report on footballl.... please somebody give me a link to an article by this person who actually has an analysis of a football game- keeping in mind she is the chief writer of football for the age... you can't, she can't,,, it's pathetic. Sad for her... Dane Swan has a brownlow, so if you're going to accuse him of taking drugs publicly, at least have the brains to back it up with proof or evidence of some kind.

I don't have a high profile job, but at least when I turn up to work I do my job properly. Caroline Wilson can;t say the same. Dane Swan Can...  Simple as that.


Quote from: S_Coach99 on March 08, 2013, 01:11:44 AM
Well where do the rumours come from?? Caroline Wilson....? where else...

I'm sick of the media in this country like a pack of seagulls... I'm gunna give Dane Swan the respect I would any citizen, innocent till you show me proof... I've seen no proof...


Agreed we all deserve the presumption of innocence till proven otherwise. They know it will sell more papers thats the bottom line and all they care for really people are just cannon fodder for them.


Quote from: S_Coach99 on March 08, 2013, 01:20:08 AM
it's just stupid people trying to make a dollar man... people who don;t have skills... Dane Swan has skills, Caroline Sh!TFace has no skills... she can't even report on footballl.... please somebody give me a link to an article by this person who actually has an analysis of a football game- keeping in mind she is the chief writer of football for the age... you can't, she can't,,, it's pathetic. Sad for her... Dane Swan has a brownlow, so if you're going to accuse him of taking drugs publicly, at least have the brains to back it up with proof or evidence of some kind.

I don't have a high profile job, but at least when I turn up to work I do my job properly. Caroline Wilson can;t say the same. Dane Swan Can...  Simple as that.

FF won't let me cheer you twice in the same hour but know that I tried to :)


Quote from: Grazz on March 08, 2013, 01:21:41 AM
Quote from: S_Coach99 on March 08, 2013, 01:11:44 AM
Well where do the rumours come from?? Caroline Wilson....? where else...

I'm sick of the media in this country like a pack of seagulls... I'm gunna give Dane Swan the respect I would any citizen, innocent till you show me proof... I've seen no proof...


Agreed we all deserve the presumption of innocence till proven otherwise. They know it will sell more papers thats the bottom line and all they care for really people are just cannon fodder for them.

Right on brother.


Caroline Wilson is the biggest piece of shower in the football community, every time I hear about her I become irrationally pissed off, she should be shunned by any AFL fan who isn't a hormonal 15yo girl who's biggest concern is which AFL players have girlfriends.
nuff said.


Listen, I don't care if Swanny is sleeping under park benches with a bunch of deros every night, that's his business, but as long as he shows up on Saturday, and continues to performs like the best footballer in the game, which he is, he's a friend of mine.


I was pretty comfortable with what Swan said last night.

I've read a lot about how to spot liars and none of the tell tale signs were there.

The Dank Interview however, was full of them...


What was all the fuss about. Everyone knows swan has a laid back attitude and likes to enjoy himself outside of footy. As long as he is performing on the field it's all good. Legend, the way he goes about it.

No proof of drugs, just hearsay. Bloody media blowing things out of proportion again just to earn a buck.

flower Caroline Wilson >:(


Quote from: Windigo on March 08, 2013, 10:14:52 AM
I was pretty comfortable with what Swan said last night.

I've read a lot about how to spot liars and none of the tell tale signs were there.

The Dank Interview however, was full of them...
Yeh agree Windi. I thought he handled himself quite well and good on him for making a stand against these vicious rumours.