Pick The Combo

Started by kilbluff1985, February 25, 2013, 12:32:49 AM

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Which Combo?

19 (82.6%)
4 (17.4%)

Total Members Voted: 0


Originally had the Cotchin combo but toying around with the one with Greene



Assuming that covers D1-5 and M4 KB. Plain and simple don't leave out Gibbs. Only Broughton holds serious worries for me in combo number 1 - compared to all three of Newman, Golby and Hibberd are decent choices but quite risky in the second combo.
Personally you should be locking in D1-3 for the whole season so maybe a cheaper M4 (fyfe, greene etc or even ROK?) and use the remaining cash to upgrade Greg at D3 for Birchall or Hanley - due for a big season with increased mid time along with a soft draw.

Just some thoughts - first of many questions asked as the NAB progresses. Good luck


mids would be

Ablett, Pendlebury, Jack, Greene, Fyfe


you have to vote #1 i love greene but he is a risk in SC 2nd year,

however i would strongly prefer hibberd over broughton.


Much prefer option one mate. Safer choices and higher ceilings


Quote from: kilbluff1985 on February 25, 2013, 01:19:38 AM
mids would be

Ablett, Pendlebury, Jack, Greene, Fyfe
Rate that set-up KB two obvious locks with 3 up and comers! However not sure both Fyfe and Greene can go 110+ to be keepers though?.. I suppose worst case scenario is they average well enough to be upgraded once your team progresses through the season!


ok have settled for this setup i'm going set and forget rucks i think


Its not the norm - which is good to see KB.
Rucks could get you off to a flyer BUT still watch Luey over the next month - even if he starts slow, 80% of serious coaches will have him so that brings down the risk considerably. Hibberd is way to much of an injury risk IMO. Yarren could be an option along with Atley. Alternatively if the backline rookies are lining up in abundance in round one then look at 3 guns and 3 rooks in defence. After the weekend, Vlaustin looked class and could be worth the extra cash - watch this space.


didn;t read responses, but the first one by a long long way imo

Sabretooth Tigers

G'day KB, sorry can't vote on the combo's as not keen on either. But love Toby and have him locked. Cheers and best of luck, think I'm probably on team draft 300 plus.


Hibberd did his hammy on anzac day... surprise surprise like almost every bomber did soft tissue last season......

has he had any other injuries?  was not aware he was injury prone or an injury risk?

just wondering because before he did his hammy he was averaging 90+


On the ball bluffman but over spending on Rucks? Problem there is you won't make any value, score well though 8)

I do like your team, but imo a guy like Lewis is an upgrade target, consistant as bvut value elsware