Fyfe or Murphy?

Started by t-rent, February 08, 2013, 02:15:54 AM

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Need a hand for my last premo mid.....so far I have Ablett, Deledio, Pendlebury, Redden...

who will average more outta these two? im starting to lean towards fyfe


Both really underpriced but I think Murphy will average more


They'll average about the same, Fyfe obviously has a massive price advantage though.

Would go Fyfe. Reckon he's a decent shot at a top 5 Brownlow placing too.


As much as if pains me to say it, it has to be Marc.
He is a proven premo who I can see going 115+ next year


Fyfe is priced at 89, I'm predicting 106.

Murphy is priced at 101, I'm predicting 110.

Fyfe is much better value, but Murph is the safer option. I have both.

I would actually turn Lids/Redden into Murphy and go with Fyfe as M5. Use the extra cash elsewhere.


To be honest I would remove redden and put both Fyfe and Marc in, malthouse at Carlton will help Marc and Fyfe has huge potential to average massive this year, I'm a big Redden fan but I would lean to Marc and Fyfe


Quote from: chaosAD on February 08, 2013, 02:39:12 AM
To be honest I would remove redden and put both Fyfe and Marc in, malthouse at Carlton will help Marc and Fyfe has huge potential to average massive this year, I'm a big Redden fan but I would lean to Marc and Fyfe

who's to say Mick won't play Murphy forward every game like Voss did to Rockliff?

Fyfe > Redden = Murphy atm imo


Quote from: Adamant on February 08, 2013, 02:29:22 AM
Fyfe is priced at 89, I'm predicting 106.

Murphy is priced at 101, I'm predicting 110.

Fyfe is much better value, but Murph is the safer option. I have both.

I would actually turn Lids/Redden into Murphy and go with Fyfe as M5. Use the extra cash elsewhere.

Keep Redden, big in tackles and working on being an elite kick, other than goals those are the 2 highest ways to get points in DT


I see Fyfe averaging mabye a little less than Redden and is 75k cheaper or so.


Quote from: Jukes on February 08, 2013, 03:08:43 AM
Quote from: chaosAD on February 08, 2013, 02:39:12 AM
To be honest I would remove redden and put both Fyfe and Marc in, malthouse at Carlton will help Marc and Fyfe has huge potential to average massive this year, I'm a big Redden fan but I would lean to Marc and Fyfe

who's to say Mick won't play Murphy forward every game like Voss did to Rockliff?

Fyfe > Redden = Murphy atm imo
Because Malthouse is not Voss


Quote from: Ricochet on February 08, 2013, 03:11:29 AM
Quote from: Jukes on February 08, 2013, 03:08:43 AM
Quote from: chaosAD on February 08, 2013, 02:39:12 AM
To be honest I would remove redden and put both Fyfe and Marc in, malthouse at Carlton will help Marc and Fyfe has huge potential to average massive this year, I'm a big Redden fan but I would lean to Marc and Fyfe

who's to say Mick won't play Murphy forward every game like Voss did to Rockliff?

Fyfe > Redden = Murphy atm imo
Because Malthouse is not Voss

+1 what he is trying to say is Mick is not a flowering tool.

that said Rocky will not play fwd this season i am sure Vossy has had all the feedback on that he needs....


Ok locked in Murphy, Redden, Mundy, Fyfe, Rockliffe

with 44 tradesd this is possible and I currently have only one missing from my side, but we need someone to downgrade a high BE to before rounnd three :o

Things have changed people ;)


Just remember always what I say...

"There is no dream in a team without Swan"


Murphy by far.
He has proven himself over many years:Last year scored over 100  8 times (50%) with a ceiling of 163. Take away the 2 games he injured himself, he averaged 109 . On the games after his return from injury (6 Games) he averaged 116, confirming that 2011 wasn' t a fluke (Ave 111).
Fyfe on the other hand:
Last year he scored over 100 3 times (27%) with a ceiling of 124. Take away the game he injured himself, and he averaged 92. On his return from injury (7 games) he averaged 89, not quite confirming he is back to his 2011 average (98)

Murphy at least 110
Fyfe will struggle to achieve 100


bit off topic but byrnes or j.kennedy?