Need A lot of Help- Please Give Advice

Started by sam32, February 03, 2013, 11:52:34 PM

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Looks like you need help uploading pictures! Can't see it sorry mate.


Oh actually, I solved it by right clicking and opening in a new tab!

Def: Looks very weak - 4 prems would be more secure imo
Mids: 5 super-prems is an awesome luxury.
Ruck: Pretty standard, personally I don't trust Sandi to stay fit though.
Fwd: Good balance, unsure about have 3 lions in there though.

Overall, not a bad side, though I think you'll suffer early on when your back rookies are spudding up compared to another side who may only have 1 or 2 risky rooks.
If I were you i'd downgrade a mid to Fyfe (or Ball) and use the spare cash to make a def upgrade.

Good luck mate