LF`s Dreamteam Finished 220 overall

Started by LF, February 03, 2013, 01:09:20 PM

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Thanks Money
Unfortunately I don't have enough cash to bring in both Eski and Grimes.
I still have Daw and Bennedy to grab some cash from but I'm trying to hold off I want to trade Bennedy to another DPP mid/fwd.
Also Stokes is in doubt again this week so I may have to trade him out and it will be to either NRoo or one of my uniques blame that on Stevie.J :;)


Round 17 score 2320
Overall ranking: 481 up another 55 spots
Ended up not trading in Grimes
Did some strategic trades and benching this week in order to nullify my opponent in my main league.
Stokes-->NRoo I was worried Stokes would be a late out but turned out it netted me extra points anyway.
Benched Goldy and played Nicholls to completely void the rucks as we both had Cox and opponent had Nicholls to my Goldy.

Trades this week I'm not sure on yet.


Trades this week will be
Daw--> Ceglar

Backs will be

Will trade Clisby out in a couple of weeks.


Changed my trades due to Hanley being out and Wilson getting named


Round 18
Score: 2381
Weeky Rank: 872
Overall Rank: 274

Going to try to finish as high up as possible overall now.

This week I'm looking at bringing in Beams I think he'll be one of the highest averaging mids for the rest of the year.

Possible trades for this week
Titch/SMitch --> Beams
Nicholls --> Grundy


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Team as it stands before trades
Round 19
2221 and dropped back to 362 in overall
Had to choose between benching Mundy and Stanton of course I chose the wrong one
Also benched NRoo due to possibility of him being a late out

Possible trades this week
Option 1
Stanton-->Montagna,Griffen,Scooter or another premo

Option 2
Gold Coast have the Dees this week so I may hold Cannon

Option 3
One of my forwards to a smokie POD I`ve been monitoring for a few weeks

T Dog


Quote from: T Dog on August 05, 2013, 09:47:54 PM
Option 3 IMO LF.. :D

Yeah I`m liking number 3 I just know tho that whoever I choose to trade out will end up going big this week lol


Also option number 3 for me, I say go with your smokie



So I've finally decided on my trades this week
Terlich-->Enright instead of Hanley
Mundy--> my yolo forward Jimmy to mids bench as emergency Stanton gets another chance ::)
Reason for trading Mundy is he is in doubt this week and with the rumours flying around about the Pies boys I decided he is my best trade out.


Dear diary,

I got my 100th boo. :( But Mr.Craig saw and gave me a cheer. He's so cool.


Quote from: Mr.Craig on August 09, 2013, 07:21:27 PM
Dear diary,

I got my 100th boo. :( But Mr.Craig saw and gave me a cheer. He's so cool.

Lol Thanks MC
Wondered who gave us that cheer
I was wondering how many days I could go without getting number 100 lasted longer than I thought lol


I was riding it with you. Someone just had to go and ruin it. ::)


So my second trade in this week was Mayne