Heath Shaw

Started by bachar43, February 02, 2013, 08:48:04 PM

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I've seen many teams on the forum, none of which have Heath Shaw in the Backline. Do you guys think he will be on the decline this year ?

I'm kind of confused between Shaw, Heppel and Broughton.


Of those you've mentioned, I'd lean towards Heppell. Shaw and Broughton have serious history of being a rollercoaster in terms of DT points. They will both produce good scores from time to time, but its the other weeks that turn people off.


Totally agree with spink. I rode the Shaw rollercoaster last season and it was horrible, and I'm sure it was the same for Broughton.

If Shaw can regain his 2011 form and hit a 90 average (+8) he would be a good pick, may monitor somewhat pre-season.

Heppell is a lock for me though at this stage. Mid-80s first two seasons, with more midfield time this season a very good chance to go 92+.



Shaw is always an upgrade or even never a possibility in my team. Been burnt a few times with him.  :P

Heppell will be a safe solid pick for any side. Reckon he could pip Grimes for a spot if he has a good NAB outing.  8)


Shaw is an idiot, he will do something stupid or get 'Injured' every year


Quote from: nrich102 on February 02, 2013, 11:09:13 PM
Shaw is an idiot, he will do something stupid or get 'Injured' every year



Was a thread on him not that long ago. Have a look here from some more comments and thoughts bud

Justin Bieber


Justin Bieber


 With unlimited trades he may be worth a punt,, then when he puts $10 on some stupid bet and get suspended for 6 weeks you can just trade him out without to many problems..
  Hes much more a SC player, personally wont be touching him in either comp.


heppel for me as well. am toying with the GB train, but dont trust shaw. Smile when i see my opponents have him


Quote from: upthemaidens on February 03, 2013, 01:09:06 AM
With unlimited trades he may be worth a punt,, then when he puts $10 on some stupid bet and get suspended for 6 weeks you can just trade him out without to many problems.
Yeah, but he wont average over 79


Quote from: nrich102 on February 03, 2013, 09:46:26 AM
Quote from: upthemaidens on February 03, 2013, 01:09:06 AM
With unlimited trades he may be worth a punt,, then when he puts $10 on some stupid bet and get suspended for 6 weeks you can just trade him out without to many problems.
Yeah, but he wont average over 79
yeah maybe..   I wont be touching him, but for anyones else he could be worth a punt :P


I've taken Hep but will also ride the Gregory rollercoaster yet again. Can't wait.