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Performance-enhancing drugs in the AFL

Started by Tominator, January 29, 2013, 02:37:39 AM

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be careful about naming names... I saw on an AFL-related Facebook page that lawyers can sue people for defamation by saying that (e.g.) "Swan is one of them" or something

Highly unlikely but just be careful


Couple of guys take recreational drugs relize their mistake and use the system thats in place to own up and everyone wants to hang them. A current Geelong player plea bargins to downgrade a charge of trafficing and no one seems to care .


Quote from: Ringo on January 29, 2013, 01:55:06 PM
I have always been against the 3 strike policy.

In saying that however there are times when players may inadvertently take say an antihistamine tablet that may contain some banned substances and that needs to be recognised.

As far as I know using of the recreational drugs is still illegal and that being the case any detection or use of these should be treated harshly by the AFL and clubs. Needs to be nipped in the bud early as we do not need more Ben Cousins issues.  May sound harsh but my thoughts on keeping the sport recreational drug free and getting support to players early.
+1. Not harsh at all Ringo,completely agree. All this is the AFL's fault IMO. They are so gutless in making the really hard decisions. Eg 1. On drugs - THEY are the one's that should set and impose penalties being the organisation they work for - not the clubs! (should be like teacher's whereby the Dept of Ed is the overriding employer and not the school).
Eg. 2. Not looking after the PLAYER"S BEST INTERESTS in setting up a MANDATORY policy whereby players only have access to 50-60% of their income whilst playing - with the remainder put away for them when they finish playing, whether that's forced or otherwise. Will help solve many of the social issues. Don't tell me a person can't live pretty comfortably on even 50-60% of a BASE player's wage!!!!!! The AFL is an absolute joke and disgrace...


Quote from: sidvicious on January 29, 2013, 11:24:02 PM
Couple of guys take recreational drugs relize their mistake and use the system thats in place to own up and everyone wants to hang them. A current Geelong player plea bargins to downgrade a charge of trafficing and no one seems to care .

I don't think you see the exact point in the argument. The have not just used the stuff once and fronted up for it. They have been abusing this loophole by calling the AFL more then once to avoid a strike. The article also said in the process when a player self reports the get target tested more often, I can think of a player who started complaining over a medium of social media that he had been tested more frequently. 


is it just me being cynical or is this little leak a couple of days away from a 'drugs summit' a plain grab for headlines in  the off season?

timing is everything. not sure i respect the person who leaked this info, would be very dirty if i was one of the players. They have only released emough detail that all we can do is speculate.


Quote from: Mat0369 on January 29, 2013, 11:43:46 PM
Quote from: sidvicious on January 29, 2013, 11:24:02 PM
Couple of guys take recreational drugs relize their mistake and use the system thats in place to own up and everyone wants to hang them. A current Geelong player plea bargins to downgrade a charge of trafficing and no one seems to care .

I don't think you see the exact point in the argument. The have not just used the stuff once and fronted up for it. They have been abusing this loophole by calling the AFL more then once to avoid a strike. The article also said in the process when a player self reports the get target tested more often, I can think of a player who started complaining over a medium of social media that he had been tested more frequently.

My point is who's worse the user or the dealer





Extremely disappointing even though they have closed loophole - Would have really liked them to tighten up one warning 2nd suspension for 3 months and attendance at clinic for rehab 3rd 12 months and 4th lifetime ban. Just my thoughts on what I would do if in charge.  Really need to nip drug taking in the bud as it is still illegal and rightly or wrongly kids look up to sporting idols and would like to see the clean image for them to aspire to. 
Maybe too idealistic but can try.

The other thing and this is an unknown the effect of all these drugs in later life whether performance enhancing, recreational or speed up recovery from injury.  Did not use drugs in my youth or whilst playing sport but starting to get Athritis symptoms from playing Rugby League for 15 years so you can see my concern when throwing drugs in the equation.


Quote from: sidvicious on January 30, 2013, 08:21:58 AM
Quote from: Mat0369 on January 29, 2013, 11:43:46 PM
Quote from: sidvicious on January 29, 2013, 11:24:02 PM
Couple of guys take recreational drugs relize their mistake and use the system thats in place to own up and everyone wants to hang them. A current Geelong player plea bargins to downgrade a charge of trafficing and no one seems to care .

I don't think you see the exact point in the argument. The have not just used the stuff once and fronted up for it. They have been abusing this loophole by calling the AFL more then once to avoid a strike. The article also said in the process when a player self reports the get target tested more often, I can think of a player who started complaining over a medium of social media that he had been tested more frequently.

My point is who's worse the user or the dealer
neither, its the manufacturer/producer/kingpin... The "Anthony Perish" if u will, everyone beneath is a slave to their issues...


Its funny that certain drugs are made illegal and considered 'bad' ,yet tobacco and alcohol (which are known to directly kill millions a year) are fine and even encouraged in our society.
Its not the drugs that are the problem ,its the Laws that create the problems.
  As an example:-  Pure Heroin really doesnt have many bad side effects, its the stuff its 'cut' with that causes the health problems. Overdoes generally only happen because the purity of the drug changes and people dont know what they are taking. If it was sold like any offer 'legal' drug through a chemist, uses would know what they are taking and lots of problems would be avoided.
  Then there are the 'social' problems of drug use, which to be honest are once again largely due to the laws.  A user needs to assotiate with "dodgy" people/groups to acquire what they want.  Pretty sure if someone wanted Cocaine they would rather get it from a chemist then a Bikie gang member ::)

   Im a big believer that an adult should be able to do what they like as long as they dont hurt others, its called freedom..

As for the footballers, well they are young males and are gunna do what alot of young males do. As long as they ar'nt taking performance enhancing drugs, they should get treated like any other person in society. If they get caught then its a police issue not an AFL issue..
   Coke, Speed, Ice  etc.  Can be considered "performance enhancing" even if they were taken as a social drug. So then like in Athletics (or most sports around the world)  the cheat should have very long bans imparted on them.
  .. well thats my 2 cents..



Would love to hear more details, if it turns out that they've been taking banned substances I hope they face consequences. Although due to the games recent drug issues I would like to think that Essendon are not stepping outside the boundaries of the current drug code.

T Dog

Apparently Essendons top 3 including Coach and Ceo fronting press conference