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Performance-enhancing drugs in the AFL

Started by Tominator, January 29, 2013, 02:37:39 AM

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Quote from: owenbond007 on February 06, 2013, 09:55:06 PM
If the players get banned Bombers wont have a team. ASADA will treat each case separately if the players are found to have illegal substances and a single player is banned you have to ban them all.

This is a massive concern, i hope its not as bad as it looks but it looks pretty bad on the surface.


Quote from: coolfugitiv0 on February 06, 2013, 08:50:10 PM
Quote from: Windigo on February 06, 2013, 08:15:35 PM
They are saying it human growth hormone, a drug that has been banned for 20+ years.

Possible connections to the underworld as it is illegal to buy legally in Aust.

Bombers are in the shower.
Who is saying this?

to quote the age/SMH:
"The investigation will centre on the possibility that the supplements taken by Essendon players - believed to be peptides or ''related substances'' that they were injected with - were illegal performance-enhancing drugs.

It is understood players were asked by conditioning staff to sign consent forms or waivers.
There are various types of peptides, including those that promote muscle growth and so have similar properties to human growth hormone. There are also peptides that are inert and legal for athletes to take."

Which is largely sensationalist rubbish, "peptide" is such a broad term it's virtually irrelevant. Every part of your body is made up of peptides, protein = many peptides put together with a functional purpose. It's about as relevant as saying "they took a substance that may have contained carbon". However, the statement "similar propoerties to human growth hormone" has been interpreted by many as "they were taking HGH". Which is stupid, it's easily detectable, and there are better options, it's been around forever. I don't believe they would have been taking HGH, as not even a cheat would believe they would get away with it. Hence I hedge my bet on SARMs as I said in a previous post. Fits the bill of "peptide" with similar effects to HGH, but would be very hard to pick up in a test.


Quote from: GCSkiwi on February 06, 2013, 10:05:24 PM
Quote from: coolfugitiv0 on February 06, 2013, 08:50:10 PM
Quote from: Windigo on February 06, 2013, 08:15:35 PM
They are saying it human growth hormone, a drug that has been banned for 20+ years.

Possible connections to the underworld as it is illegal to buy legally in Aust.

Bombers are in the shower.
Who is saying this?

to quote the age/SMH:
"The investigation will centre on the possibility that the supplements taken by Essendon players - believed to be peptides or ''related substances'' that they were injected with - were illegal performance-enhancing drugs.

It is understood players were asked by conditioning staff to sign consent forms or waivers.
There are various types of peptides, including those that promote muscle growth and so have similar properties to human growth hormone. There are also peptides that are inert and legal for athletes to take."

Which is largely sensationalist rubbish, "peptide" is such a broad term it's virtually irrelevant. Every part of your body is made up of peptides, protein = many peptides put together with a functional purpose. It's about as relevant as saying "they took a substance that may have contained carbon". However, the statement "similar propoerties to human growth hormone" has been interpreted by many as "they were taking HGH". Which is stupid, it's easily detectable, and there are better options, it's been around forever. I don't believe they would have been taking HGH, as not even a cheat would believe they would get away with it. Hence I hedge my bet on SARMs as I said in a previous post. Fits the bill of "peptide" with similar effects to HGH, but would be very hard to pick up in a test.

Nice to have someone commenting that has a good knowledge of this, cheers.
Do you have a background in Sports Science etc.


Kind of Grazz. I don't have a sport science education specifically, but I started studying medicine before deciding it wasn't for me and switched to physiology. At the time I was a competitive athlete at international level which was a large part of the decision, couldn't put required time into both and sport appealed more. Doesn't pay the bills though (or at least not my chosen code!).
I've since worked as a consultant for a few sports teams, no AFL clubs though. But I know enough about the body and what you can/can't do with it (legally and illegally). At least enough to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about ;)


haha, I noticed the peptide thing as well, it was pretty moronic.


Quote from: GCSkiwi on February 06, 2013, 10:33:42 PM
Kind of Grazz. I don't have a sport science education specifically, but I started studying medicine before deciding it wasn't for me and switched to physiology. At the time I was a competitive athlete at international level which was a large part of the decision, couldn't put required time into both and sport appealed more. Doesn't pay the bills though (or at least not my chosen code!).
I've since worked as a consultant for a few sports teams, no AFL clubs though. But I know enough about the body and what you can/can't do with it (legally and illegally). At least enough to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about ;)

Congrats on achieving International level, sorry it doesnt pay but as an Aussie id like to say thanks for your efforts mate.
Certainly more than qualified to speak on this subject so as more comes to light i look forward to hearing what you have
to say and hopefully clarify alot of it for us.


Quote from: Grazz on February 06, 2013, 10:43:02 PM
Quote from: GCSkiwi on February 06, 2013, 10:33:42 PM
Kind of Grazz. I don't have a sport science education specifically, but I started studying medicine before deciding it wasn't for me and switched to physiology. At the time I was a competitive athlete at international level which was a large part of the decision, couldn't put required time into both and sport appealed more. Doesn't pay the bills though (or at least not my chosen code!).
I've since worked as a consultant for a few sports teams, no AFL clubs though. But I know enough about the body and what you can/can't do with it (legally and illegally). At least enough to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about ;)

Congrats on achieving International level, sorry it doesnt pay but as an Aussie id like to say thanks for your efforts mate.
Certainly more than qualified to speak on this subject so as more comes to light i look forward to hearing what you have
to say and hopefully clarify alot of it for us.
Add congrats from me as well GCS - Wondered where the knowledge came from and look forward to seeing your comments as the substances are eventually named and unmasked. 

Balancing with your expert opinion well done.


Quote from: Grazz on February 06, 2013, 10:43:02 PM
Congrats on achieving International level, sorry it doesnt pay but as an Aussie id like to say thanks for your efforts mate.
Certainly more than qualified to speak on this subject so as more comes to light i look forward to hearing what you have
to say and hopefully clarify alot of it for us.

Before you laud praise on me, take a look at the username ;) I'm a New Zealander, was competing against Aussies frequently! But I'll chip (chup) in my 2 cents as things progress  ;D

[edit] - thanks also Ringo, see above too haha


Bombers might even have to sit out the entire 2013 season. Imagine that, bye rounds every week.  :o


They are saying it was injected in the stomach? This is common for needles yes?  ???

Diabetics inject in the stomach?


Quote from: GCSkiwi on February 06, 2013, 10:57:40 PM
Quote from: Grazz on February 06, 2013, 10:43:02 PM
Congrats on achieving International level, sorry it doesnt pay but as an Aussie id like to say thanks for your efforts mate.
Certainly more than qualified to speak on this subject so as more comes to light i look forward to hearing what you have
to say and hopefully clarify alot of it for us.

Before you laud praise on me, take a look at the username ;) I'm a New Zealander, was competing against Aussies frequently! But I'll chip (chup) in my 2 cents as things progress  ;D

[edit] - thanks also Ringo, see above too haha

Not a problem mate we can forgive you for that.


Windigo - not sure. The injection thing is all speculative at the moment, though with the amount of speculation I suspect it's true. Could have been in the gut, but far more likely it was straight into the muscle or bloodstream.

Hahahaha just saw this, Mark McVeigh quoted from HS:
"McVeigh rejected claims the players were asked to sign waivers clearing the club of any wrongdoing.

"It wasn't a was a consent form," he said.

"And if you were comfortable with what you were taking, which we all were because it was within the rules and the doctor had told us it was fine... we signed it and it gave them consent to be able to have these tablets.

"Every player knew what they were taking. It was listed and we knew that it was within the rules.

"It was clearly stated to us what we were taking. If you didn't know, you must have been asleep in the meeting, which, you know what, Reimers probably was (asleep).

McVeigh confirmed the use of off-site injecting rooms.

"Footy clubs can sometimes be filthy, so we were taken to a sterile environment and the only injection I ever had was a vitamin C or vitamin B injection," he said."

Yeah, vitamin codswallop and vitamin bollocks. There would be no call that I can think of you use an injectable dose of either B or C, you get them in tablets for crying out loud! And why on earth would you need to sign a consent form for a supplemental regime? I go to the gym and have a protein bar, they don't make me sign a consent form when I buy it...
As far as I am aware, Vitamin B injections are given when people have trouble absorbing vitB from the diet - most people get more than the recommended daily amounts of B vitamins in their regular diet.
Vitamin C I've heard of people getting massive doses intravenously to combat heart disease. I don't know if it worked, and I hope none of the bombers would be in that state... You really shouldn't play football with heart failure, it seems like a bad idea ;)

Maybe I should give them the benefit of the doubt...

"the doctor told us it was fine" - Hey Mark, this here is cyanide - it got a bad rap a while back but it's the next big thing! :P - I think players should be able to trust the docs and advisors, don't get me wrong. But in the eyes of WADA/ASADA, they are ultimately responsible. Sucks but it's the case.

[edit] to clear up possible defamation - I am not saying McVeigh is lying, he may well have been informed he was taking Vitamin C or B. I just find it hard to believe they would do that ;)


This all really stinks to high heaven, getting injected in a house opposite the training ground.

Possible connections the underworld, all speculation and rumors of course.  :P


Quote from: Grazz on February 06, 2013, 11:37:22 PM
Quote from: GCSkiwi on February 06, 2013, 10:57:40 PM
Quote from: Grazz on February 06, 2013, 10:43:02 PM
Congrats on achieving International level, sorry it doesnt pay but as an Aussie id like to say thanks for your efforts mate.
Certainly more than qualified to speak on this subject so as more comes to light i look forward to hearing what you have
to say and hopefully clarify alot of it for us.

Before you laud praise on me, take a look at the username ;) I'm a New Zealander, was competing against Aussies frequently! But I'll chip (chup) in my 2 cents as things progress  ;D

[edit] - thanks also Ringo, see above too haha

Not a problem mate we can forgive you for that.
I lost some beverage because of that smiley. You've done well.


Gotta say i had a bit of a "What The" moment when i read vitamins. My wife gets a B12 shot so i'll sign her up for for the local A Grade tomorrow i think. The comment about footy clubs is being unsterile is just as laughable i'm sure the medical rooms would be just as clean as any doctors surgery that Ive been to. A little off topic here but what sport are you involved in GCSk. You can decline to answer if you like, perfectly understandable.