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Australia Day

Started by fidou, January 24, 2013, 12:07:50 AM

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Just got home   #bignight  ;)



Rather than carry on about my opinions and reasons for the flag to change they are all on this page on the Ausflag website:


those are all really pointless reasons.

-australian and new zealand flags being so similar- who gives a shower, all it does is represent comradeship between the two countries
-people not recognising our flag, and thinking its a  british flag and asking where in england we come from- so we should change our flag for ignorant morons?
-Because everyone else nolonger retains the union jack, we should get rid of it as well- yes, please, let's just be sheep and do what everyone else does.
-heraldry point about the top right corner being a position of honour- firstly, the amount of people who know something so obscure is tiny, secondly, what's wrong with honouring the country who formed our nation?

the rest of it are just implications etc. there's no real reason in that whole lot to actually consider changing the flag.


Well we agree to disagree Zippy. I still think we need to change it - the Home page on the website has some more points. Some of the flags that have been put forward are ordinary. The Southern Cross should remain. I'm not sure of the sports flag put forward as green and gold dont really go with blue.

The retention of the Union Jack is probably the biggest obstacle with people that would like change. OK the Union jack was the flag of the country that came here in the first 100 years or so of European occupation. Does that mean we need to keep acknowledging it or its part of our history etc. We need to develop our own identity as a nation and that's not acknowledging our past. The flag should acknowledge who we are as a nation. The Union Jack atm does very little in doing that.


I just took a quick look at some of the proposed designs- they all look really average.

if someone came up with a really good flag proposition, then maybe I'd consider it. But if those are the options, no thanks.


Well everyone seems to try and jput something else in the canton area replacing the Union Jack. Well the simplest design is just the Southern Cross on its own.


the southern cross by itself is too simplistic.


Its simplistic but trying to put something else in the canton area will never be in agreement and the southern cross has always been representative of who we are.


I honestly dont care- unless a design comes forward that's better than the one we have, I dont see any reason to change it.


I don't know how appropriate it is but why not just put the Aboriginal flag in place of the jack?

I'd possibly also like the blue and white changed to green and yellow


the aboriginal flag + the change to green + yellow makes it look so bad.

like, just go do it in paint yourself, it looks grot.


Should just have a flag as plain and simple as Libya's.  ::)


Quote from: Ziplock on January 27, 2013, 09:32:13 PM
the aboriginal flag + the change to green + yellow makes it look so bad.

like, just go do it in paint yourself, it looks grot.
Don't know what you're talking about zip, I think it's beautiful :P

T Dog

Quote from: Ziplock on January 27, 2013, 08:50:24 PM
the southern cross by itself is too simplistic.

Its not a design was an event.... 8)