Maximum movements for 2nd Trade Period

Started by Ringo, January 07, 2013, 12:44:36 PM

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Good morning fellow coaches.

With a second trade period approaching just asking the question as to how many list movements should be allowed this period. 

Rules currently state 5.  I was hoping to use a combined maximum of 10 between both trade periods but with changing administrators records are not entirely accurate. As a compromise putting it out there for the vote to decide between 5 and 8. As we have just drafted the teams do not believe we should exceed 8.

Will post details of second trade period nearer to the conclusion of Rookie Draft.

In case coaches have not read the Rookie draft thread the 24 hrs rule and 2 hr on line rules are now in place again following the holiday period.


Personally i think 5. we are the ones that choose these players why would we want to trade them out. If you didnt want them in your team then why pick them


Quote from: tabs on January 07, 2013, 01:34:30 PM
Personally i think 5. we are the ones that choose these players why would we want to trade them out. If you didnt want them in your team then why pick them
I also voted 5 for the exact same thinking.

Justin Bieber

I think 8 is too drastic. I'm happy with 5.


Quick question going to try and make this simple

if i'm trading players

A, B, C


1, 2, 3

can i then trade player 3 for another guy and still only count as 3 movements

because for instance i want to do another deal

3, D, E


4, 5, 6

is that still 5 list movements hope it makes sense lol


If I am reading it correctly it will count as 5 player movements as player C is initially being replaced by player 3 who in turn is replaced by player 4 So the one player movement for that scenario although it involved 2 trades,

That is my interpretation.


Quote from: Ringo on January 07, 2013, 05:37:29 PM
If I am reading it correctly it will count as 5 player movements as player C is initially being replaced by player 3 who in turn is replaced by player 4 So the one player movement for that scenario although it involved 2 trades,

That is my interpretation.

yep cool that's what i thought mate cheers think it's called onward trading or something lol


I say 8 casue ive already used my 5 haha. Whats an extra 3 going to other ppl :P but yeah go with majority which i think is 5


Just to clarify it is the number of list movements for this trade period.  It is difficult with all the changes that have taken place to get a definitive list of movements already done and my understanding initially we were to limit to 5 movements each trade period but may be combined for 10 in all.

So looks like being 5 anyway but will wait to see results of voting.


yeah im priety sure ive used 10 in total, as somewhere there is trades that have already been put through for this 2nd trade period


To my knowledge no trades have been approved for trade period 2 because it has not yet commenced,  Trade period 1 had ended prior to Rookie draft and trade period 2 to commence at conclusion.

Will be getting teams to submit final lists for verification in due course.


i dont know if they've been approved or not  :-\ but ive agreed to them with both coaches ages ago in this thread,68897.0.html

Pickers Gives: J Martin + A Christensen + D Smith + J Newnes

Spinking Gives: S Johnson + C Judd + J Mcveigh + Nat 45

I Give: Ward+Ziebell+Crouch

KB Gives: Boyd+Scotland+Higgins

Does that mean these trades are cancelled Ringo or just need to be approved when the 2nd window opens??


As per the thread they are held waiting for 2nd trade period so at this stage neither are approved.

There are 7 player  movements involved in this trade so depending on result of vote may need to review to meet the rules.

Will also give you the chance to review trades prior to trade period and decide whether you still wish to go ahead with them.

Will be posting a new thread for trades for period 2 so outcomes can be advised,


ok thanks Ringo, i'll change my team thread back and wait for them to be approved :)

2 of those guys im on trading as got in 1st trade period so only makes it 5.

they better go through cause spink picked Martin as it was Nat2 and i wouldn't of taken Martin, thats why i thought they'd gone through :(


i hope they go through to am possibly ontrading one of the players i got from you