Rate my team

Started by Mr Micah, December 07, 2012, 08:39:56 AM

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Mr Micah

TEAM NAME: Micahs M&M's
DEF: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, G. Birchall, B. Lake, N. Bock, S. Docherty (J. Pittard, S. Colquhoun)
MID: D. Swan, G. Ablett jnr, J. Redden, M. Murphy, L. Ball, A. Embley, S. Mayes, B. Crouch (J. O'Meara, J. Viney)
RUC: N. Naitanui, M. Leuenberger (M. Daw, B. Grundy)
FWD: L. Franklin, S. Johnson, J. Bartel, T. Rockliff, M. LeCras, J. Daniher (B. Staker, T. Lee)
CASH LEFT: $22,000
Please rate me! ;)


really like most of it but would prefer someone else besides Lake and Bock prob wont be fit by round 1 don't think they are worth having just for DPP link

Bartel is declining don't think i'd start with him

it's pretty good overall thought i'd give you 8/10


Yep, I'd also go with only one of Bock or Lake as DPP and downgrade the other to a rookie (or upgrade one to Broughton if you're feeling adventurous). Birchall's season-on-season consistency means he doesn't offer much value for money in a starting team but he should end up in the top 8-10 defenders by the end of the year.
Four premiums and two mid-pricers doesn't leave much room for the plethora of mid cashcows. Perhaps consider downgrading one for one of Matt Jones (Melb) or Dean Towers (Syd) - two mature rookies who should get plenty of game time at their respective clubs? That will frees up cash to compensate for the inevitable MN related price increase.
Nice, although be aware that NicNat is under an injury cloud at the moment (groin).
Agree again with kb on Bartell. You already have Stevie J from Geelong so why not look at one of Daisy/Wright/Bennell/Robinson for your fourth forward premium? Tom Lee is also one to keep an eye on - as a fringe KPP in an average side he may not be a great cashcow.

Good luck!


Looks good, I like it. Maybe slot in Menzel instead of Mayes.

I do have some fears that Lake might take points off Birchall, you'd want to pay very close attention to any of the NAB games where the Hawks use their Plan A setup just to see how they work together.


Quote from: Mr.Craig on December 07, 2012, 01:46:39 PM
Looks good, I like it. Maybe slot in Menzel instead of Mayes.
Menzel won't start training til 2013 so you'd think he'll be at long odds to get early games. Ben Kennedy from the Pies is a more likely (and cheaper) DPP starter.


I mostly agree with Mezz, only one of Lake or Bock, probably Lake as he doesn't have as many injury concerns. Also expect to see Birchall being tagged more. I imagine him to be similar to Heath Shaw in that sense. Your rooks are good, Colquhoun should be in PA's best 22 (let's hope!) 8/10
Having Swan and GAJ, huge tick  ;D Redden should improve on his average to 110+. Murphy is so ridiculously underpriced... I would only go with Ball, as Mezz says, there are heaps of good mid rooks available. However I disagree with his idea that mature age rookies are automatically in their side's best 22. Particularly with Towers, he'll be fighting for a spot with Mitchell, Meredith and Gordon (if we re-rookie him). Also I wouldn't be too confident about Mayes, as Voss has such a crap record with rookies (with the exception of Zorko). 8/10
Solid. It's vanilla, but who cares? 9/10
You've probably spent a bit too much here. I would downgrade one of Franklin, Stevie or Bartel to a midpricer or rookie. Otherwise it's good. 8.5/10

Cash remaining: You'll probably find yourself a few hundred k short when the MN rises, but this should be fixed with the downgrade of Ball/Embley and your premo fwds.


Quote from: mezzoculo on December 07, 2012, 01:51:25 PM
Quote from: Mr.Craig on December 07, 2012, 01:46:39 PM
Looks good, I like it. Maybe slot in Menzel instead of Mayes.
Menzel won't start training til 2013 so you'd think he'll be at long odds to get early games. Ben Kennedy from the Pies is a more likely (and cheaper) DPP starter.
Really? Who will Kennedy replace???  :o


Really? Who will Kennedy replace???  :o
Nixon  ;)


Actually Kennedy replaced Eisenhower  :P


Quote from: stew42 on December 07, 2012, 02:20:00 PM
Actually Kennedy replaced Eisenhower  :P
Ha ha! Derp.   :-\


Take two on Kennedy.

At a guesstimate, he could poach games from either young players (e.g. Marley Williams et al) or an injured, older player (Dids)?

Mr Micah

from beffor i diden`t use Lake to be a DPP I used him to get more money. I traded from P. Hanley to Lake.

What Kennedy????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


From before I didn`t use Lake to be a DPP I used him to get more money. I traded from P. Hanley to Lake.
If you want to make money then go with a rookie. Mature rookie Dean Terlich should be a good chance for early games at Melbourne. Leigh Osborne - if drafted by the Suns as expected - is another.
What Kennedy????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Ben Kennedy from the Magpies.

Mr Micah

I`ll think about it. :-\ :-\ :-\

Mr Micah

please rate it. What should I do with Leuenburger? What do you think?