Relative newbie rating teams!

Started by jackkk, December 04, 2012, 02:53:17 PM

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drop your fanplanner efforts here and I'll grade them  :)


Lost souls Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by Decimator. Salary cap left: $84,600.

Brendon Goddard, Jack Grimes, Bryce Gibbs, Paul Duffield, Greg Broughton, Cameron Pedersen
Jasper Pittard, Dean Terlich

Gary Ablett jnr, Scott Pendlebury, Marc Murphy, Luke Ball, Andrew Embley, Jimmy Toumpas, Jake Stringer, Jaeger O'Meara
Oliver Wines, Jack Viney

Ben McEvoy, Todd Goldstein
Matthew Leuenberger, Majak Daw

Lance Franklin, Tom Rockliff, Clancee Pearce, Chris Knights, Mark LeCras, Travis Varcoe
Joe Daniher, Brent Staker


DEF: B.Goddard, B.Gibbs, J.Grimes, H.Hartlett, C.Pedersen, J.Pittard (B.Staker, D.Terlich)
MID: G.Ablett, T.Cotchin, S.Pendlebury, J.Redden, L.Ball, O.Wines, J.O'Meara, J.Longergan (J.Viney, N.Hrovat)
RUC: T.Goldstein, M.Leuenberger (B.Grundy, M.Daw)
FWD: L.Franklin, S.Johnson, T.Rockliff, D.Thomas, M.Lecras, B.Macaffer (T.Membrey, T.Lee)


DEF: B. Goddard, J. Grimes, B. Gibbs, H. Hartlett, G. Broughton, S. Docherty (J. Pittard, D. Terlich)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, T. Cotchin, S. Pendlebury, J. Redden, L. Ball, J. Lonergan, B. Crouch, J. O'Meara (O. Wines, J. Viney)
RUC: T. Goldstein, M. Leuenberger (D. Currie, S. Rowe)
FWD: T. Rockliff, D. Thomas, M. Robinson, N. Naitanui, M. LeCras, J. Daniher (B. Macaffer, T. Lee)
CASH LEFT: $223,900


Quote from: Barra on December 04, 2012, 03:31:34 PM
Lost souls Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by Decimator. Salary cap left: $84,600.

Brendon Goddard, Jack Grimes, Bryce Gibbs, Paul Duffield, Greg Broughton, Cameron Pedersen
Jasper Pittard, Dean Terlich

Gary Ablett jnr, Scott Pendlebury, Marc Murphy, Luke Ball, Andrew Embley, Jimmy Toumpas, Jake Stringer, Jaeger O'Meara
Oliver Wines, Jack Viney

Ben McEvoy, Todd Goldstein
Matthew Leuenberger, Majak Daw

Lance Franklin, Tom Rockliff, Clancee Pearce, Chris Knights, Mark LeCras, Travis Varcoe
Joe Daniher, Brent Staker

Backs: decent, if grimes can overcome injury niggles he'll be a gun, Duffield killed it when Broughton was out this year so he's in for a good year
Mids: Good again, but I'd put a player like Stringer in the forward line because of the scoring potential, but if he's your mid/for link then keep him there i suppose. Toumpas is a gun, but I'm not sure if his ability necessarily translates to high DT points.
Rucks: Love it. One of the only teams who has accounted for the fact the Berger hasn't played senior footy in a long long time.
Forwards: IMO, the weakest position in your team. Daniher and Staker have decent JS but Clancee Pearce can be frustrating, averaging 100 for a month then averaging 60. Knights could go boom or bust. Varcoe averaged 65 in a premiership side, with Geelong maybe slipping down the ladder so could his DT output?


Quote from: roti on December 04, 2012, 04:55:31 PM
DEF: B.Goddard, B.Gibbs, J.Grimes, H.Hartlett, C.Pedersen, J.Pittard (B.Staker, D.Terlich)
MID: G.Ablett, T.Cotchin, S.Pendlebury, J.Redden, L.Ball, O.Wines, J.O'Meara, J.Longergan (J.Viney, N.Hrovat)
RUC: T.Goldstein, M.Leuenberger (B.Grundy, M.Daw)
FWD: L.Franklin, S.Johnson, T.Rockliff, D.Thomas, M.Lecras, B.Macaffer (T.Membrey, T.Lee)

First off the bat, lotta backup cash which I like.
Backs: pretty stock standard, Staker has great JS
Mids: Ablett, Cotchin, Pendles and Redden? You've done well to fit them all in. Pretty Standard rookie selections, but good, with Ball there too.
Rucks: Looks like a set and forget approach, Daw will play less often than he doesn't because of Currie being there IMO
Forwards: Decent, although you might want to revalidate your rookie choices. Membrey has gone to Sydney. But your premium choices are good


Quote from: ADEZ on December 04, 2012, 05:55:03 PM
DEF: B. Goddard, J. Grimes, B. Gibbs, H. Hartlett, G. Broughton, S. Docherty (J. Pittard, D. Terlich)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, T. Cotchin, S. Pendlebury, J. Redden, L. Ball, J. Lonergan, B. Crouch, J. O'Meara (O. Wines, J. Viney)
RUC: T. Goldstein, M. Leuenberger (D. Currie, S. Rowe)
FWD: T. Rockliff, D. Thomas, M. Robinson, N. Naitanui, M. LeCras, J. Daniher (B. Macaffer, T. Lee)
CASH LEFT: $223,900

Backs: I'd wait to see if Docherty is listed Round 1 but decent otherwise
Mids: Good, Cotchin and Ablett will only get better, safe rookies as well
Rucks: Watch Berger over pre season, and I've never really heard of S. Rowe but he's a pretty unique rookie
Forwards: I see players like Robbo as an upgrade target, his average change will be negligible, unless you're a firm believer in the Mathouse effect


TEAM NAME: POK’S Perfectionists
DEF: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, H. Hartlett, G. Broughton, C. Pedersen, S. Docherty (J. Pittard, D. Terlich)
MID: S. Pendlebury, B. Stanton, J. Redden, M. Murphy, N. Fyfe, D. Mundy, L. Ball, J. O’Meara (O. Wines, J. Viney)
RUC: T. Goldstein, M. Leuenberger (M.Daw, S.Rowe)
FWD: T. Rockliff, P. Ryder, T. Cloke, C. Knights, M. LeCras, T. Menzel (B. Staker, M. Morton)
CASH LEFT: $261,000


Quote from: POK252 on December 04, 2012, 07:53:27 PM
TEAM NAME: POK’S Perfectionists
DEF: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, H. Hartlett, G. Broughton, C. Pedersen, S. Docherty (J. Pittard, D. Terlich)
MID: S. Pendlebury, B. Stanton, J. Redden, M. Murphy, N. Fyfe, D. Mundy, L. Ball, J. O’Meara (O. Wines, J. Viney)
RUC: T. Goldstein, M. Leuenberger (M.Daw, S.Rowe)
FWD: T. Rockliff, P. Ryder, T. Cloke, C. Knights, M. LeCras, T. Menzel (B. Staker, M. Morton)
CASH LEFT: $261,000

def: Looks like most other backlines at this point of time, no point of differences (unless you consider Hartlett a POD), but still functional and solid.
mids: I have to take my hat off to you sir for giving Stanton another go haha. With Goddard in the Don's side he'll improve and hopefully become more consistent. I like Mundy as a player but I'm not sure how much value you're going to get from him, same with Fyfe, they're both jets but they won't get the 110+ average you want from a mid :/ If you want my advice keep one of them and trade the other to Crouch or something, then you've got a hefty amount of cash to get a super premium in another line. Rookie choices are pretty stock standard.
Rucks: Looks like the set and forget combo.
Forwards: Pretty good, not too sure about Knights, Cloke is in my team atm as I'm hoping he'll lift back to his 2011 average. Get Mitch Morton outta there haha. Spud. I do think you need one more premo there.


Danger Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by lachlan9. Salary cap left: $86,200.

Brendon Goddard, Bryce Gibbs, Hamish Hartlett, Nathan Bock, Grant Birchall, Jackson Thurlow
Sam Docherty, Lachlan Plowman

Dayne Beams, Trent Cotchin, Scott Pendlebury, Patrick Dangerfield, Luke Ball, Lachlan Whitfield, Jesse Lonergan, Brad Crouch
Jaeger O'Meara, Jack Viney

Dean Cox, Matthew Leuenberger
Nathan Vardy, Brodie Grundy

Steve Johnson, Mark LeCras, Tom Rockliff, Nic Naitanui, Lance Franklin, Brent Macaffer
Mitch Morton, Troy Menzel

The It

DEF: B. Goddard, J. Grimes, B. Gibbs, G. Birchall, G. Broughton, C. Pedersen (S. Docherty, D. Terlich)
MID: D. Swan, G. Ablett jnr, S. Pendlebury, M. Murphy, J. Toumpas, J. Lonergan, B. Crouch, J. O'Meara (O. Wines, J. Viney)
RUC: T. Goldstein, M. Leuenberger (B. Grundy, M. Daw)
FWD: T. Rockliff, D. Thomas, M. Robinson, D. Martin, M. LeCras, J. Stringer (T. Menzel, B. Staker)


Quote from: lachie_001 on December 04, 2012, 08:34:19 PM
Danger Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by lachlan9. Salary cap left: $86,200.

Brendon Goddard, Bryce Gibbs, Hamish Hartlett, Nathan Bock, Grant Birchall, Jackson Thurlow
Sam Docherty, Lachlan Plowman

Dayne Beams, Trent Cotchin, Scott Pendlebury, Patrick Dangerfield, Luke Ball, Lachlan Whitfield, Jesse Lonergan, Brad Crouch
Jaeger O'Meara, Jack Viney

Dean Cox, Matthew Leuenberger
Nathan Vardy, Brodie Grundy

Steve Johnson, Mark LeCras, Tom Rockliff, Nic Naitanui, Lance Franklin, Brent Macaffer
Mitch Morton, Troy Menzel

Backs: Not bad, but Bock won't be playing Round 1 or if he does will miss NAB and start out a little undercooked, Thurlow might not have a great JS, Plowman is a KPD so don't except massive scores from him.
Mids: 3 Super premos, good, not sure if Danger is a good pick for this year but then again I don't have a crystal ball so what do I know. Rookies are decent but I'd slot Wines in instead of Whitfield, just because he's slightly cheaper. Unless of course Whitfield is a POD.
Rucks: Cox should have another high scoring season, not sold on Vardy though.
Forwards: I like them! except for maybe Morton, very decent.


Quote from: The It on December 04, 2012, 08:42:49 PM
DEF: B. Goddard, J. Grimes, B. Gibbs, G. Birchall, G. Broughton, C. Pedersen (S. Docherty, D. Terlich)
MID: D. Swan, G. Ablett jnr, S. Pendlebury, M. Murphy, J. Toumpas, J. Lonergan, B. Crouch, J. O'Meara (O. Wines, J. Viney)
RUC: T. Goldstein, M. Leuenberger (B. Grundy, M. Daw)
FWD: T. Rockliff, D. Thomas, M. Robinson, D. Martin, M. LeCras, J. Stringer (T. Menzel, B. Staker)

Def: I see nothing wrong here, be careful with Grimes though.
Mids: Guns and Rookies approach, but you've spent a lot of money getting in both Swan and Ablett, one midpricer here couldn't hurt.
Rucks: Boy am I sick of seeing this combo haha. Good though.
Fwds: Looks good, although I am not too keen on Martin. Troy Menzel might not have great JS too, and he's not really a ball winner from what I can see.


Hey mate, not to steal your thunder or anything but if you are gonna make a thread like this please have some consistency and knowledge of AFL.
For some examples,

-the difference between my backline and Roti's is:
Broughton and Docherty (mine) vs Pederson and Staker (Roti's)
You gine him 8 but me 7?
I have a premium where he has a midpricer.

-In our mids i have Crouch where he has Hrovat, the rest is the same, you give him 8.5 and me 8???

-He has Grundie and Daw on his ruck bench, I have Rowe and Currie
Rowe has DPP to swap with NicNat he is the cheapest that F/R that has a chance of playing, and the fact you don't know him shows your ineptitude of footy knowledge, he was hyped all preseason this year and has been followed closely as he got testicular cancer in April and has participated in events such as the City to Surf fun run to raise awareness.
Currie is versing Daw for gametime at NM

-Barra has duffield, broughton vs Roti's Hartlett and Staker, you give them both 8, 2 premiums vs 1 premium and 1 rookie

-The It has Birchall and Docherty vs Barras duffield and pittard, The It gets 9, Barra gets 8, surely they should be similar

All im saying is have some consistency and accuracy, your input may be appreciated and i get that new but still.. your giving people innacurate rating which is sending them back to the drawing board like i was about to before noticing your differentiations in your ratings


Quote from: ADEZ on December 04, 2012, 05:55:03 PM
DEF: B. Goddard, J. Grimes, B. Gibbs, H. Hartlett, G. Broughton, S. Docherty (J. Pittard, D. Terlich)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, T. Cotchin, S. Pendlebury, J. Redden, L. Ball, J. Lonergan, B. Crouch, J. O'Meara (O. Wines, J. Viney)
RUC: T. Goldstein, M. Leuenberger (D. Currie, S. Rowe)
FWD: T. Rockliff, D. Thomas, M. Robinson, N. Naitanui, M. LeCras, J. Daniher (B. Macaffer, T. Lee)
CASH LEFT: $223,900

Hey mate,

Personally I believe that this is the best team in this thread. Don't go back to the drawing board.

The only thing I do not like is the daniher + maccaffer combo, both will struggle to get consistent games. I'd look at getting varcoe purely on JS and maybe stringer over daniher but its personal opinion.

Good job and I'd keep this team until we know official prices.