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WXV List Lodgements

Started by ossie85, November 19, 2012, 10:00:00 AM

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Ossie I said next year's tactic. I said nothing about this years. I have been so busy with my mum in hospital. The reason I am on FF is for WXV. I am not Crok, he is my cousin. His parents work as a nurse and doctor so they aren't around so he is at my house very often


Quote from: FisherSaints on December 16, 2012, 11:28:07 AM
Ossie I said next year's tactic. I said nothing about this years. I have been so busy with my mum in hospital. The reason I am on FF is for WXV. I am not Crok, he is my cousin. His parents work as a nurse and doctor so they aren't around so he is at my house very often


You seem to have said they shared the same IP address so they must have used the same computer... because they said they hadn't used the same computer clearly they were lying (at least insinuated)

This shows once again how ill informed you are, quick to rush to make decisions and without even consulting the public anymore. In the past you at least put to a vote would should be done with Buenos Aires, now all of a sudden FS is sacked without question?

Now, you assumed (and you made an ass) that they had shared the same computer, at least that's the insinuation. Any vast number of computers using the same router will display the identical IP to the outside world. e.g. You can have someone on an ipad and a laptop - same IP, difference devices

2 different desktops - same IP to outside world
1 laptop 1 desktop - "

Just because they had the "same IP" a couple times doesn't mean they were explicitly cheating and in the past (according to what has been said) it wasn't a problem when they said they hadn't used the same computer. So now when there's no proof they haven't/aren't the same person etc. it's NOW he gets removed?


Quote from: FisherSaints on December 16, 2012, 11:28:07 AM
I said nothing about this years.

Really sorry to hear about your mum FS, really am...

I'm asking for clarity is all... Your trading strategy seems to be to reverse this year's trading strategy? Is that a change of mind? I'm still not sure why wouldn't tell us about carltonrok last year. Seems an odd thing to do is all. I believe you though.... I really don't want to lose you, and I reckon most of us want to keep you on, including me....

Sigh :( I follow up complaints, and as usual it gets complicated. I'll ask the person who raised the complaint to see what they want to do

@Nails, I asked many questions about FisherSaints. The reason why I don't put as many things to vote, is I no longer have a team. This seemed to be accepted. I never made an assumption, someone complained, I asked questions.


I also believe FisherSaints when he says they are different people. If you read my comments in this thread, you'll see that's never been my belief they are the same person.


Nails, I'd also be willing to reconsider the pick 53 issue if you tell me why you asked HP to post your team. It can't have been internet issues. If it was done to have a shot at me, well, that's not something I can accept. What reason was it?


Thanks ossie, she is getting better but still reasonably sick.

Torp and I talked tactics for next year and we both agreed. It is a complete change for last year I know but we know we have to do it


I guess that's what I'm after FS, thanks for that, an admission it was a change of tactics - that's what wasn't being made clear. Sorry for all the stress caused by this. If you see my post in the Discussion thread, I did say 'until further notice' as a get out clause in case things became clear. Still waiting on feedback from other person

I'm getting tired of this Nails discussion though. The delay thing was probably a poor reason to give initially (though Nails -  Torp's lodgement before yours and Q's after were nothing more than confirmations, no changes. Your list lodgement was 8-9 hours after the last - but this doesn't really matter).

I think Nails asking someone else to post his team was poor and aimed at me, is this paranoia? I don't know, Nails has yet to give a reason, and internet problems simply don't make sense.


I think that Nails hasn't breached any rules. Someone said earlier that we have plenty of time to finish this. Torp and c4 simply re-posted their lists. The draft is started. I think Nails keeps his pick but just next time he needs to respond quicker. We are in no rush


Quote from: FisherSaints on December 16, 2012, 12:17:42 PM
I think that Nails hasn't breached any rules. Someone said earlier that we have plenty of time to finish this. Torp and c4 simply re-posted their lists. The draft is started. I think Nails keeps his pick but just next time he needs to respond quicker. We are in no rush

It's not really the time it took for the list lodgement, it's the reason why he asked HP to post it instead of himself. Around 1ish yesterday Nails said his list was ready to go. HP said he was "holding off" lodging because of our dispute. It's hard not to interpret that as holding back his list on purpose. I'm happy for Nails to say his version of events, but he has yet to do so.


He didn't break any rules... It's clear you two don't get on but it shouldn't have an effect on his team.


Can we chill on this guys. We need to realise that we have a wide spread of ages in coaches and this is not intended to offend anyone but levels of understanding differ and what may seem clear to some is not as easy to understand by others,

I am aware from both sides and just think it is time to draw a line in the sand and start afresh for the sake of the competition.  I too were concerned with some of the trades at the Tigers but did not complain.

This may mean some change of attitudes towards each other but may be needed if we are to move on.

My suggestions are to re-instate Nails 53 pick as he made deadline.  Nails to continue posting in the thread and to receive coaches PM's as well. 

We reinstate Fisher Saints as co coach of the Tigers.  Think we need to accept his explanation for the change in strategy and possible double teams. 

Ossie as administrator of the comp and after being relatively lenient last year may be time to really reinforce penalty situations. probably good idea to re define the weekly rules and expectations to make the job you do easier. You should not have to spend your time chasing either so define the rules to all. do not chase and then issue first warnings if rules breached.

This is a great competition and would hate to see it ruined by personal in fighting and grudges.

My opinion from the sidelines.

Purple 77

Quote from: Ringo on December 16, 2012, 02:44:41 PM
Can we chill on this guys. We need to realise that we have a wide spread of ages in coaches and this is not intended to offend anyone but levels of understanding differ and what may seem clear to some is not as easy to understand by others,

I am aware from both sides and just think it is time to draw a line in the sand and start afresh for the sake of the competition.  I too were concerned with some of the trades at the Tigers but did not complain.

This may mean some change of attitudes towards each other but may be needed if we are to move on.

My suggestions are to re-instate Nails 53 pick as he made deadline.  Nails to continue posting in the thread and to receive coaches PM's as well. 

We reinstate Fisher Saints as co coach of the Tigers.  Think we need to accept his explanation for the change in strategy and possible double teams. 

Ossie as administrator of the comp and after being relatively lenient last year may be time to really reinforce penalty situations. probably good idea to re define the weekly rules and expectations to make the job you do easier. You should not have to spend your time chasing either so define the rules to all. do not chase and then issue first warnings if rules breached.

This is a great competition and would hate to see it ruined by personal in fighting and grudges.

My opinion from the sidelines.

Think that is for the best as well IMO


Hi Ringo - yes, you're right. I should redefine the 'penalty' situation. Something I'm thinking about is if someone misses submitting a team, they are penalised 1 point (4 points for a win like in the AFL). But haven't ironed all that out yet.

Seems I'm very much in the minority here guys, and that's fine, I'm willing to turn that opinion around. Nails has pick 53 back. The FisherSaints issue WAS NOT of my making though, I just followed up on a complaint, so I will wait back until I hear back from the original person.

But you guys need to decide how much power you give me - I became independent on the understanding I would have some unilateral say, but this seems to upset people (who didn't object initially). But when I make decisions, people jump up and down. Give me some clarity, I don't want to put every decision to a vote.

I should also say that I thought the penalty (pick 53) was pretty lenient, and likely would not have made a substantial - if any - difference. I mis-judged the reaction.

I really must stress though, I won't accept any more negative comments from Nails. It is a simple thing in the end, but I have no patience for it.


Ossie created the 15s and he has done a brilliant job in the worlds soo far. I'm happy to go with whatever he says as it has got us in a good position by doing it soo far

Purple 77

Quote from: Holzman on December 16, 2012, 06:49:47 PM
Ossie created the 15s and he has done a brilliant job in the worlds soo far. I'm happy to go with whatever he says as it has got us in a good position by doing it solo far

Thats exactly right, he has asked nothing unreasonable of us.