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Started by 13Brummy, November 07, 2012, 10:27:09 AM

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wet blanket.

the 100 beer shots in an hour isn't enough for alcohol poisoning. Isn't alcohol poisoning generally when you drink heaps for heaps long, rather than drinking a lot quickly (since you just end up spewing out the grog).


Quote from: fidou on November 07, 2012, 08:33:31 PM
I was the king of sculling until my 23rd bithday. I was at a certain venue and my mates bought me a "traffic light" 3 x 10oz glasses of white spirits. The first topped off with creme de menthe, 2nd with yellow advocate and the 3rd with cherry advocate. They egged me on to scull until I did it. 30oz of white spirits in under a minute. Well what was the outcome........... passed out not long after......... sick for a month with alcoholic poisoning, diarrhea etc and to top it off a month later I had an operation on the output region due to the workout it got!!!!!!
Quote from: T Dog on November 07, 2012, 09:04:33 PM
Not being a wet blanket but just in case you are interested..

Listen to the older heads that its ok to party but please do not over do it.

T Dog

Quote from: Ziplock on November 07, 2012, 09:12:24 PM
wet blanket.

the 100 beer shots in an hour isn't enough for alcohol poisoning. Isn't alcohol poisoning generally when you drink heaps for heaps long, rather than drinking a lot quickly (since you just end up spewing out the grog).

Hey Zip..after 30 years in the Mental Health field..have seen end results of binge drinking and the old casual "no problem" weed. You are right, the one off session may be ok but a few years of it really dont want to know. Still just keep a handle on it is all am highlighting. No intention of annoying you with my experience in the area.  :D


what I meant was like, doing it once a year isn't going to kill you.

is it?

what defines binge drinking?

T Dog

Quote from: Ziplock on November 08, 2012, 02:09:03 AM
what I meant was like, doing it once a year isn't going to kill you.

is it?

what defines binge drinking?

Hey Zip..the 2 definitions generally are:
Somebody is binge drinking if they drink more than 5 drinks in one session.
The other definition of binge drinking applies to somebody who goes out with the specific intention of getting drunk.

As for the once a year session:

Alcohol poisoning is a serious and potentially fatal reaction of the body after consuming excess alcohol within a short period of time.
•It causes a negative impact on breathing, gag reflex and can lead to coma or cardiac arrest. 
•Treatment ranges from careful monitoring to kidney dialysis in severe cases.

Alcohol poisoning occurs when a person drinks to a point of excess and their blood alcohol level is so high that it's considered toxic.

Common remedies for treating a hangover, such as drinking coffee and cold showers, can be dangerous for someone with alcohol poisoning. The person requires immediate medical attention.

To diagnose alcohol poisoning, a doctor will look at general symptoms and will take blood and urine tests to reveal signs of alcohol toxicity.

Treatments may include:
•Intravenous fluid replacement to prevent dehydration.
•Glucose given to regulate blood sugar levels and to warm the body.
•Monitoring to watch if breath stops or choking occurs.
•Stomach pumping to remove any alcohol that is not yet processed.
•Kidney dialysis: used in severe cases to remove alcohol from the bloodstream.

Sorry for the heaviness there Zip, bet one session of "way too much" can be a problem for some people.


yeah, when I said once a year, I meant do the centurion thing... not polish off 2L of vodka :P

mmmk. I'll keep all that in mind.


Quote from: Dudge on November 07, 2012, 05:15:57 PM
I'll start of by saying for the last 20 or so years, i only drink beer. When i was younger and use to drink spirits all i wanted to do was fight. So i quickly decided no more spirits for me.  ( the ones u lose use to hurt to much haha ) But anyway, went to the outlaws for xmas lunch last year as usual, and had my 5/6 cans there. Grazz invited myself and my family to his place if we wanted after. Couldn't get out the outlaws quick enough, and headed to Grazz' where the day was getting into full swing. Long story short one of Grazz's sons mate was a bartender, and there shots flying everywhere. Not to be a bore i joined in the mayhem ( as my son did aswell ). I reckon within the 1st hour, we would of had 7- 8 shots to "catch up" ,as well of drinking beers ( with a steady lot of shots throughout the rest of the day ) The dart board looked liked a 50cent peice, and the darts felt like spears. Brilliant day, but havn't touched a spirit since. My lad fertilised Grazz's front lawn, back lawn and almost his lounge, but just got him out in time. Don't remember leaving that day or getting home, but i do, or my missue does anyway, remember Grazz dropping his daks even though he say's he can't. Bloddy showoff lol ;D

Sadly i do remember this, shame on me. :-\ in my defence the wife did by me some shinny jocks with sequences on em, just showing off me xmas pressent. ::)

I seriously doubt most could do a 100 shots of spirits of some kind without being in some kind of trouble. 3 litres cmon get off the grass sorry meant grazz.